Call for Abstracts

Virtual Posters Presentation:

Attendees are invited to submit their unpublished work that has not been previously presented for Virtual Poster Session. Categories include:

  1. FDG PET/CT in Oncology
  2. Non FDG PET/CT
  3. PET/MRI
  4. Nuclear Cardiology
  5. Radiotracer therapies
  6. Conventional Nuclear Medicine
  7. QI/QC/QA in MINM
  8. Medical Physics applications in MINM
  9. Radiopharmaceuticals
  10. Rare case reports/pictorial Essay on a topic

Guidelines for Poster abstract submission:

  1. The structured abstract should not exceed 200 words
  2. Each abstract should include a title and subheading: Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.
  3. Authors of accepted abstracts will be provided guidelines to prepare the poster.

Submission deadline: From Jan 1 - Jan 30, 2022

Send your poster abstract to: Mark the email subject with “Abstract” 

The decision on which abstract will be accepted will be made by 5 February Feb 05, 2022.

Posters will be displayed in the Virtual Poster Session during the conference days.

Best Poster awards will be announced in each category on the last day of the conference.