Welcome message from the Chair

Dr. Abdullatif Alkhal ​
Chair, Qatar International Infectious Disease Conference​​

Building on the success of the 1st Qatar Infectious Disease Conference in 2023, which provided a great opportunity to learn the latest developments in the field and to network with friends and colleagues, we are planning our 2nd conference for the year 2024. The conference will cover the hottest topics and the latest development in the field of infectious disease and will offer another great opportunity to hear from top regional and international experts and to network and exchange knowledge, stories and experiences. 

As infectious disease specialists, we have great challenges ahead of us which we can tackle only if we come together. Covid-19 is still circulating around the globe and sickening people more than the flu; the global climate change is constantly changing the epidemiology and geographic spread of an increasing numbers of infectious disease including vector borne viruses. Wars and conflicts in our region resulting in big movement of the affected population is facilitating the spread of food and waterborne infections more than ever before, to name a few. 

However, there are many positive developments and new discoveries that keep us optimistic about combating many of the current challenges including new vaccines such as the recent approval of vaccines against RSV and promising discoveries in the treatment of HIV. 

I am certain that you will find our Infectious Disease Conference 2024 as interesting and as comprehensive as the first conference in 2023 and that it will meet your expectations. 

I look forward to welcoming all of you at our conference.