About National Diabetes Strategy

Qatar’s National Diabetes Strategy (QNDS) for 2016–22 is designed to achieve the future vision of preventing diabetes and its complications and improving health and quality of life in the State of Qatar. The strategic mission is to increase awareness of the disease, mobilize prevention efforts and increase access to integrated care delivery to prevent diabetes and its complications.

The National Diabetes Strategy aims to achieve its vision through six strategic pillars: Awareness & Prevention, Patient Empowerment, Care Delivery, Human Capability & Capacity Building, Information Management, and Research. The vision is being delivered by empowering four national stakeholder groups: the public, patients, healthcare professionals and researchers.

The National Diabetes Committee (NDS) is the apex body for implementation of QNDS and is organizing the 2nd Qatar Diabetes and Obesity Research Symposium, which is a flagship activity of the National Diabetes Strategy, 2016-2022, and intends to promote diabetes and obesity research in Qatar. The Symposium is part of the larger umbrella of activities designed to build the research ecosystem for implementation of Qatar National Diabetes Research Agenda locally. It is held annually to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration among researchers in Qatar. The target audience are researchers, endocrinologists and physicians from academia, internal medicine department and Primary Health Centers.