
Clinical Fellow, MHS, HMC

Academic and Professional Development:
  • Recipient of the William Friedrich Memorial Child Sexual Abuse Research, Assessment &/or Treatment Award, from Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute and Institute on Violence, Abuse &Trauma 2016
  • President of the Psychiatric Department at the University of Medical Science and Technology 2015
  • President of the Psychiatric Department at the Academy Hospital 2014-2015
  • A winner of Arab Psychiatrist Federation award for best research in 2014
  • Director of the positive discipline program at the Child Rights Institute 2007-2014
  • Vice President of the Sudanese Writers Union 2008-2009
  • Activist in the field of women and child protection
  • Published several papers and books and wrote columns for major Sudanese newspapers.

Data Analyst, HHQI, HMC

Clinician with healthcare quality improvement, project management, strategic planning, data analysis and coaching expertise. Executes various program to enhance patient safety, reduce harm, standardize processes, improve patient experience and promote staff satisfaction. Owns a track record of successes in devising strategies to improve patient care. Develop and implement process improvement and cost control measures which have led to dramatic benefits within short period of time. Demonstrates a dedication to meeting tight deadlines while delivering high-quality projects which comply with all regulatory requirements. Excels in the management of multidisciplinary teams including healthcare professionals to ensure seamless coordination of all processes and procedures, and the efficient communication between all key stakeholders. Act as the main point of contact for all communications with healthcare professionals, patient and their families, and external service providers. Support with the management of audits, payroll, invoicing, recruitment, training and procurement. 

Clinical Pharmacist, MHS, HMC

Received a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) Degree from Qatar University in June 2017 and a    BSc degree in Pharmacy in June 2015
  • Worked as a research assistant of Pharmacy and clinical research coordinator for 2 years
  • Former President of College of Pharmacy Alumni Chapter (2015-2017) at QU Alumni Association
  • Was awarded best student research excellence awards at international and regional conferences
  • Research experience and publications include both pharmaceutical and clinical pharmacy research area
  • Excellent communication, journal club moderation, presentation skills, leadership and teamwork skills 

Senior Consultant, MHS, HMC

Dr. Rajeev Kumar is currently working as a senior consultation-liaison (CL) psychiatrist at HMC. He joined HMC in Feb 2018. Prior to joining HMC, he has been a senior consultant psychiatrist in Australia for 25 years. He is also an A/Professor of psychiatry at the Australian National University. He completed a PhD at the Australian National University in neuropsychiatric epidemiology and neuroimaging under the mentorship of Professors Anthony F Jorm and Perminder Sachdev. He has published widely in the area of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), dementia, structural neuroimaging, successful ageing, and drug-induced movement disorders.

He is actively involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervision. He has a special interest in the clinical management of psychiatric disorders with co-morbid medical conditions. He has received several international awards previously and recently he received the Star of Excellence by the HMC in recognition of achieving excellence in education. He is also an active member of the European Association of CL Psychiatry, American Academy of CL Psychiatry, and Member of Australian CL Psychiatry (RNAZCP). 

Clinical Fellow, MHS, HMC

Psychiatrist trained in Tunisia and Switzerland - trained in cognitive and behavioral therapy and 
in interpersonal psychotherapy - researcher with 20+ publications. 

Awards: Valedictorian/Dux Award (Faculty of Medicine of Tunis); Baccalaureate Presidential Award for Excellence; Arab Thought Foundation Award.

Consultant, MHS, HMC

Dr. Shuja Reagu is currently leading the Inpatient and Criminal justice liaison of Hamad Medical Corporation forensic psychiatry services. Before coming to Qatar, Dr Shuja was the Regional Lead for Female secure services, Regional Lead for Case management services and Regional Lead for the LD Forensic services for the Welsh secure services. He was one of leading expert witnesses to the Welsh Criminal justice system on the aspects of Mental Health Law. 


Dr.Suhaila A. H. Ghuloum
, FRCPsych, L.R.C.P& S.I., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.0
Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, MHS, HMC

Dr. Ghuloum is a Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, and an Associate Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, Qatar. She obtained her undergraduate medical qualification from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. She trained in Psychiatry in Cambridge, U.K, and acquired the Membership of The Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych). She progressed in her career to the position of Chairperson of the Psychiatry Department at Hamad Medical Corporation from 2006 until July 2012. She was awarded the distinction of Fellow of the RCPsych in February 2016. 

She has a number of national and international involvements in mental health, having been Qatar’s representative to the WHO-EMRO region, and the GCC council for mental health. She is an examiner at the Arab Board in Psychiatry, and general secretary of the scientific board. She was elected as scientific advisor to the Executive Board of the Arab Federation of Psychiatrists, head of the scientific committee, and is co-editor of the Arab Journal of Psychiatry. She is involved with several planning projects for enhancement of mental health services in Qatar. She was a key member in drafting the Qatar Mental Health Strategy as well as the first Mental Health Law in Qatar. She has a very active teaching role at the Psychiatry hospital of Hamad Medical Corporation and Weill Cornell Medicine, and an administrative role, being a chair or member of a number of hospital committees. She was elected as Chair of the Middle East Division of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and zonal representative for the Middle East, zone 12, at World Psychiatric Association. She is a member of the WHO Guidelines Development Group for people with Severe Mental Disorder. 

Dr. Ghuloum has several research projects, primarily in Schizophrenia and Psychiatric epidemiology, and has a number of publications, in addition to presentations at regional and international conferences.

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, MHS, HMC
Mr. Eltorki has more than 15 years of pharmacy practice in outpatient, inpatient, sterile preparation, and clinical pharmacy. 
He graduated from the Alexandria University School of Pharmacy in 2000 and joined HMC in 2007. He completed his Masters in Therapeutics at Cardiff University, Wales, UK in 2014.
He is a regular reviewer of the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (IJCP). He is also an adjunct clinical lecturer at the College of Pharmacy at Qatar University. In addition, he is a Preceptor for Pharm-D students from Qatar University and Pharmacy Residents of HMC.