
Dr. Jacintha Cauffield
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Palm Beach Atlantic’s Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy 

Dr. Jacintha Cauffield completed her Doctor of Pharmacy at University of Maryland. This was followed by a two year fellowship in family medicine at the University of Florida under the direction of Dr. John Gums. Her past practice experience includes clinical pharmacy at the West Palm Beach VAMC and experience in collaborative practice in family medicine, psychiatric medicine and hospice in Vancouver, WA.  She speaks at the state and National level in the United States on psychiatric conditions, including the ACCP Pharmacotherapy Review Course. 

She is currently an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Palm Beach Atlantic’s Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy, where she coordinates and teaches the Neurologic and Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy course. Her practice site is based out of a local affiliate of Mental Health America, where she holds a weekly medication group and meets individually with patients to optimize their medication treatment.

Dr. Cauffield has authored several articles in publications such as Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacotherapy and American Family Physician. She additionally wrote for both Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database and Micromedex AltMedDex. She serves as a reviewer for Pharmacotherapy.