
Professor Michel Probst
Professor in rehabilitation in mental health 
Head of the research unit Adapted Physical Activity & Psychomotor Rehabilitation

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences at the KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Michel Probst, obtained in 1997 his PhD Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy. He is part-time professor in rehabilitation in mental health at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences at the KU Leuven, Belgium and part-time head of the department physical therapy and psychomotor therapy of the University Psychiatric Center-KU Leuven, campus Kortenberg.

He is at the KU Leuven responsible for the research group “Adapted physical activity and psychomotor therapy” and the coordinator of the education of “Rehabilitation Sciences in Mental Health”.

Since 1979, he worked with different mental health disorders at the University Psychiatric Centre KU Leuven. He is specialized in physiotherapy and eating disorders. He is founder and president of the International Organization of Physical Therapy in Mental Health (http://www.wcpt.org/ioptmh and www.icppmh.org), a subgroup of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy. He has published more than 175 articles on physical therapy in mental health, psychomotor therapy and eating disorders in nine different languages. He gave more than 200 lectures and workshops abroad. His research interests are mainly the body experience and the movement behavior in mental health.