Professor June Andrews LLB FRCN FCGI, OBE
International dementia consultant and author of Dementia the One Stop Guide 

Professor June Andrews is an expert in care of older people, with a focus on people with dementia and frailty in the health and social care system. She calls on over 30 years’ clinical and management experience as an executive and non-executive director in the NHS, the private care home and housing sector, higher education and in senior government roles.

After an early career as a clinical nurse specialist, including three years as an NHS Nurse Director, and ten years as the Scottish Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, June set up and ran the Centre for Change and Innovation for the NHS as a Senior Civil Servant. She left the Scottish Government in 2005 to become professor and director at the Dementia Services Development Centre, an internationally recognised research, teaching, and policy influencing academic unit.

In 2015 June started working internationally as an independent consultant and took up several third sector and private sector board appointments while providing policy and practice support to a wide range of private clients, including families, organisations, and governments. She has a law degree, is a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing and Fellow of the City and Guilds Institute and qualified as an expert witness.