
Ms. Saadiya Ahmed Al Hebail

Ms. Al Hebail has been the Assistant Executive Director of Nursing in the Ambulatory Care Center since this new facility opened in December 2017. She has been instrumental in building the nursing strategy for this center and has had a key role in establishing and managing the expanding nursing team and upholding the corporate standards of professional nursing practice.

Ms. Al Hebail works closely with the executive nursing administration team and ensures corporate governance of nursing services across the facility. Her responsibilities include strategic workforce planning, which entails the recruitment of new staff, training and development as well as a strong commitment to quality and safety programs. She helps manage six Directors of Nursing and has a dotted line management to over 270 nurses across the center.

Ms. Al Hebail was one of the first group of Qatari nurses to pursue advanced nursing qualifications and attended the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland to complete her Master’s Degree in Quality and Safety in Healthcare Management in 2017.

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