HMC vision is to be an internationally recognized world class center for health care excellence in trauma.
The Hamad Trauma Center is dedicated to advancing trauma surgery research by utilizing evidence-based management and personalized medicine approach.
Research areas
Our main research interests include but not limited to the following:
- Beta Blocker is used in traumatic brain injury (TBI) to investigate the impact of propranolol administration based on HsTnT status on mortality and functional outcomes in TBI patients.
- To investigate the role of beta-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphisms and circulating microRNA in trauma patients.
- An Exosomal-transcriptomic biomarker approach to identify specific biomarkers for better diagnosis and prognosis in TBI.
- To investigate biomarkers and microparticles associated with trauma-induced coagulopathy.
- Identify cardio-renal biomarkers to improve early detection and prognostic evaluation of renal and cardiac dysfunction in trauma patients.
- Development of machine learning models for trauma triage prediction.
- Early venous thromboembolism prophylaxis with Anti Xa monitoring in critically injured patients.
- Early detection of deep venous thrombosis using intensivist-performed compression ultrasound.
- Surgical stabilization of rib fractures and the impact of time to definitive care in severe trauma.
- Validation of novel Z Scoring system for traumatic bowel and mesenteric injury.
- Evaluation of prehospital and on-admission hemodynamic assessments for triage and intervention predictions.
- Prehospital Tranexamic Acid Administration in trauma patients.
- Ultrasound vs. Radiograph for Pneumothorax Detection in trauma patients.
- Pleth Variability Index for fluid responsiveness in critically ill trauma patients.
- Impact of time to definitive care and outcomes among severely injured patients.
- Our team is currently working on various retrospective research projects, including a machine learning model for predicting trauma triage levels, fall-related injuries, hemothorax volume, carotid and vertebral artery injuries, grinder and construction-related injuries, Rotational thromboelastography in trauma, chest tube removal, and trauma-related mortality.