• 2/28/2024

    ​On February 28th, 2024, Communicable Disease Center (CDC) in partnership with Center for Patient Experience and Staff Engagement (CPESE) inaugurated the Person-Centered Care (PCC) Library. The ceremony was led by Dr. Muna Al Maslamani, CDC’s CEO and Medical Director and Mr. Nasser Al Naimi, HMC’s Chief of Patient Experience and Director of Hamad Healthcare Quality Institute. We also have members of our Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) who graced the event.

    The PCC Library has a wide selection of books like novels, self-development, history, religion, and more. Few months back, CDC launched a book drive campaign to support the PCC Library, and we also received books donated by several organizations in Qatar.

    The library would be beneficial especially for patients in isolation. Reading will allow their minds to relax and learn at the same time. Family members and staff can also borrow books. There is also a desktop available to those who prefer to explore the e-library through the Qatar National Library website. CDC follows strict infection control measures in maintaining the library. Those who wish to borrow books or explore the e-library can ask the nurse in charge or the customer service team. The library is located on the 1st floor recreation room. There is a plan to open another PCC library in another unit in the future.