The Cardiac Outpatient Department caters to all patients with a diagnosis of heart disease or a heart related illness who are in need of comprehensive evaluation and coordinated outpatient care. The services provided by the Outpatient Department are based on a patient appointment booking system and walk-in patients with urgent referrals.
Our professional team ensures high quality care for all cardiology patients by providing ongoing assessment and reassessment and by delivering evidence-based patient-centered care. Our dedicated and motivated team works closely with patients, their families and the wider Heart Hospital departments to effectively help patients in the treatment and management of their condition.
The departments we work with include:
- Non-Invasive Department (Echo, Holter, Stress Test and ECG)
- Emergency Department for emergency cases
- Radiology Department
- Phlebotomy Department
- Pharmacy
- Day care and catheterization laboratory
As a highly qualified team, we specialize in the following areas:
- Cardiology clinics
- Electro physiology clinic
- Heart failure clinic
- Cardio thoracic clinic
- Wound care clinic
- Warfarin clinic
- Pre-angio clinic
- Non smoking clinic
- Cardio nephrology clinic
- Adult congenital heart disease clinic
Ms. Rosamma Babu
Department Secretary
Telephone: (+974) 4439 5325
Fax: (+974) 4439 5336
Daily clinic: 7am to 3pm Sunday-Thursday