Recommended ATV Use

The HIPP shares the following recommendations when using or driving quad bikes:

  1. Parents and ATV rental agencies must not allow young children, to operate quad bikes. More than 40% of victims are younger than 15 years old. Quad bikes are not toys; their size, power and weight require complex decision-making, impulse control and strength, which are not present in young children. Quad bikes are designed for responsible use by fully trained and mature adults. For these reasons, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons does not recommend that children younger than 12 years old operate quad bikes and that those with > 90 cc in [engine] size should never be operated by persons < 16 years of age.

  2. No passengers should be allowed on a quad bike, unless it is specially designed for passengers. About one-fourth of all victims were injured as passengers. Quad bikes are designed for only 1 user, the driver or operator. To drive a quad bike safely, one must be able to adjust one’s position and shift weight in response to sudden changes in direction, speed and terrain. Riding with or as a passenger increases the chance that weight imbalance and instability will occur. These result in rollovers and crashes; another reason that small children, with low body weights, should not be riding or driving quad bikes.

  3. To reduce the risk of injury, avoid peak periods of activity. Half of victims were injured on Fridays, between 2pm and 10pm. The congestion and density of different kinds of off-road vehicles added to the mix of experience levels and driving expertise makes this period the most dangerous. It is best to go at a time when there are less enthusiasts using the course and to only use areas that are under the direct supervision of the responsible authorities, like the Traffic Department, Mawater or the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

  4. Do not operate quad bikeswithout PPEHelmets, gloves, ankle boots and protective eyewear are needed to protect the quad bike driver in the event of a crash. The majority of injuries affected body parts that can easily be protected by the proper PPE; the head, arms, legs, feet, eyes and face were most commonly affected. Not to forget, long sleeved shirts and long pants are also recommended to protect the vulnerable knees and elbows from cuts and scratches

  5. Leave the stunt driving to professionals – the most common Injury mechanisms are collisions and rollovers. Collisions may be with fixed objects [suddenly appearing walls, posts etc], with another quad bike or with other vehicles. Children are more likely to be injured in collisions or in lateral rollovers while adults were most injured in backward rollovers, a common mechanism when ascending hills or dunes or doing ``wheelies'' or stunts.

  6. To be used in designated areas and fields only as advised by retail companies and police.

  7. For off-road only and not to be used in regular roads.