1. How can I join the PCC Ambassadors Program?

Who is willing to join should fill the application form and go through the full recruitment process. PCC Ambassadors will undergo appropriate selection processes, management, and specific training courses. This model, integrates trained Ambassadors/Volunteers as part of the care team. It incorporates feedback mechanisms to sustain continuing program improvements.

  1. Who can join the PCC Ambassadors Program? 

Anyone who will pass the selection processes can join the program.

  1. How much time do I need to commit? 

Usually Ambassadors will commit at least 2-4 hours per week. 2 hours per shift.

  1. Can I leave if I do not like it?

Yes, but you need to follow the official procedures starting by informing your supervisor.

  1. Are PCC Ambassadors paid?

This is a voluntary program, no compensation/allowance is provided.

  1. Do you provide transportation? 

At this point no, but maybe in future, transportation will be provided.

  1. What skills and experience do I need?
  • Adaptability and ability to work as part of a team
  • Good communication skills
  • Willingness to help and following specific instructions
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision
  1. Are PCC Ambassadors given certificates of participation? 

Yes, PCC Ambassadors will be provided with certificates after completion of volunteer service to recognize their contribution to HMC’s Person-Centered Care program.

In addition, the PCC Ambassadors will also be provided with individual certificates for any training courses they will be attending as a requirement of the program.

  1. What are the specific Ambassadors duties?

Duties and Responsibilities of Ambassadors may include but not limited to the following:

  • Meet and greet patients
  • Support with general information i.e. Information Desk
  • Way finding across the facility
  • Advocacy support
  • Admission support for patients and/or staff
  • Support with recreational activities i.e. walking with patients, reading to patients, art & crafts, yoga, etc.
  • Charity and social support
  • Health education
  • Befriending support for End of Life, Geriatric and/or Palliative Care patients
  • Spiritual Support
  • Life stories