• 11/21/2023

    ​Doha, 20 November 2023: Women’s Wellness and Research Center’s Community Midwifery Postnatal Care Services, being offered to women who give birth by Cesarean section has recorded a significant increase in the total number of home visits by midwives from 60% in 2020 to 82% by August 2023.

    Of a total of 503 women who gave birth by Cesarean section between 2020 and 2023, 415 women have availed of this vital home care service demonstrating an increased level of interest among communities in Qatar.

    Community Midwifery Postnatal Care is the care delivered by community Midwives, that includes prevention, early detection, and referring women for treatment of complications, provision of advice, and signposting to services to ensure the highest standards of patient care and safety in the community. The innovation is currently supporting maternal health with 13 dedicated professionals who are managing and monitoring the program's implementation and outcomes.

    The aim of the service is to deliver safe, appropriate, and timely midwifery postnatal care service to all C-Section women who meet the criteria in the home via a face-to-face visit 48 to 72 hours after discharge from the hospital. After the home visit, the women are followed up through teleconsultation service between days 10 to 14 after the initial visit or discharge.

    The primary targets of midwifery postnatal home care services are new mothers and their babies. These services are typically available to all women who have recently given birth, regardless of their age or background. The aim is to provide support and care to all new mothers during the postnatal period.

    To further raise awareness of the midwifery home care service, the Community Midwifery Postnatal Care Services recently hosted an awareness day to promote midwifery postnatal home care service, its importance, and benefits among patients and their families.

    The objectives of hosting the awareness day at WWRC included: informing women and their families about the importance of postnatal care and the benefits of midwifery-led home care services; promoting accessibility to ensure all women have equitable access to quality postnatal care; empowering women by providing information and resources to make informed decisions about their postnatal care, building partnership, with the aim to foster collaboration between midwives, healthcare providers, community organizations, and policymakers; and to create a comprehensive awareness program that promotes the importance of midwifery postnatal home care and works towards improving access and support for new mothers and their babies.

    The one-day campaign featured testimonials from women who have benefited from the services in addition to interactive activities to engage the audience. There were information booths where attendees learnt more about midwifery postnatal home care services and received service leaflets with the ultimate goal to educate and empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions about their postnatal care options.

    There was an educational session which covered topics such as ‘Introducing the Community Midwifery Home Care Service in Qatar’, ‘Explaining the process of referring the patient to the Midwifery Home Care Service after discharge from the hospital and the schedule of visits’; and ‘The role of midwives in promoting health, well-being, and smooth transition into parenthood for new families.”

    Dr. Hilal Al-Rifai, Medical Director and CEO of WWRC said: I proudly present our Midwifery Postnatal Home Care Service—a transformative, essential resource for new mothers. Our dedicated midwives and healthcare experts ensure personalized, comprehensive care, prioritizing both mother and baby's well-being during this critical postnatal period. We believe in nurturing, supporting, and empowering mothers as we redefine postnatal care in a world where home is their haven.”

    Ms. Saadiya Al-Hebail, acting Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery for WWRC and ACC described the Postnatal Midwifery Home Care Program at WWRC as a testament to the team’s unwavering commitment to pioneering healthcare solutions in Qatar. “Our commitment reflects our dedication to ensuring the well-being of mothers and newborns, setting a new standard in maternal and infant care. The positive reception within the Doha community affirms our mission to provide exceptional care. The expansion and reach of this program help us reach those in need, delivering high-quality care in the comfort of their homes,” she noted.

    Ms. Kawthar Ali Al Shemeri, acting Assistant Executive Director of Nursing, Ambulatory Care Services, WWRC added that, “The challenges we've met and conquered are testament to our commitment to improving the healthcare landscape in Qatar. Our innovative solutions have enhanced patient care and empowered our dedicated staff to thrive in their roles. They now provide deeply personalized and holistic care, contributing to elevated patient outcomes. By reducing non-urgent visits to the Emergency Department and leveraging technology, we're optimizing healthcare while containing costs and enhancing patient experiences.”