The diabetes service is only available by referral and appointment, unless a patient is admitted in an emergency.
The first step: getting tested
If you are concerned that you may have diabetes or be at risk of developing diabetes, you should make an appointment with a primary healthcare physician or general practitioner (GP) for initial check-up. This type of doctor can:
  • Perform a medical assessment
  • Organize initial blood tests
  • Refer you to the diabetes clinic
  • Make additional recommendations
  • Begin treatment/refer elsewhere if the symptoms are not the product of diabetes
If you think your child has diabetes it is important that you take them to your local PEC (Pediatric Emergency Centers) as soon as possible.

Note: Referral can be provided by a physician from a primary healthcare facility, another hospital or another department within HMC as necessary. 
For a list of primary healthcare facilities, please visit: here​
The second step: HMC provides specialist care
Specialist care is usually the second step unless you have been referred immediately in an emergency situation. Once diabetes is diagnosed by a primary care physician or GP, you may be referred to the HMC Diabetes Department to be treated by a specialist in the area. Specialists are physicians who are both educated and experienced in a particular area; making them better equipped to treat a specific disease.
Making an appointment at HMC:
  • Your referral will be transferred automatically – direct from the primary doctor.
  • HMC will call you to schedule a suitable appointment with a specialist.
  • You do not need to visit the Outpatient Department to make an appointment.
  • Patients will receive a reminder telephone call and SMS from the Patient Contact Center.
  • Please be aware that referrals should always be obtained by a primary healthcare physician unless it is an emergency.