National Geriatric Helpline 

A Geriatric Helpline service can be accessed through the National Hotline Number (16000). This service, manned by Geriatricians and Geriatric Nurses, offers urgent telephone medical consultations to people above the age of 60 years during the COVID -19 pandemic. The telephone assessment include recommendations for treatment and management of medical conditions, referral to Elderly Day Care Unit for a face to face assessment in a less busy settings or referral to Emergency Department based on the needs of the patient.


Geriatric Telephone Reassurance Service: 

Launched to reach out to people above 60 years old to provide them with information regarding the COVID pandemic, about new services and to address any health-related concerns. This initiative also enabled to provide early intervention in this high-risk population group to avoid acute hospitalization. Issues around medication refill, store supply, referral to appropriate services and urgent medical consultations were addressed. This service is complimented by in house Geriatricians who attends any urgent calls transferred internally from the Telephone Reassurance Service.


Geriatric Tele-pharmacy:

Geriatric Tele-Pharmacy is a hotline for people aged 70 to facilitate delivery of their prescription medication in the safest, quickest and easiest way possible. This patient group can contact the direct hotline number (40264004), from 8am to 3pm from Saturday to Thursday. 

People aged between 60 to 70 years can call the National Hotline Number (16000) and select pharmacy services to arrange for delivery of prescription medication. 


RAHA National Alzheimer’s and Memory Services Helpline 

RAHA The National Alzheimer’s and Memory Services Helpline is a confidential service which offers support and guidance to people aged 60 and above who are living with Dementia and memory loss and their carers. 

The helpline (40262222) is available between 8am to 3pm from Sunday to Thursday. A multidisciplinary team including Geriatricians, Geriatric Psychiatrists, Psychologists and specialized Nurses supports it.