Welcome Message
The American Society of Clinical Oncology’s (ASCO) annual conference is one of the most globally influential events in the cancer academic calendar. It is often where the latest and most prescient research findings are unveiled and where new directions in cancer treatment, management and care are mapped out.
The Best of ASCO franchise allows for countries around the world to access the lectures that best suit their patient population and treatment reality, bringing them to a local audience.
Last year, we held the Best of ASCO 2022 in Qatar as a hybrid event. This year, we are delighted to offer it only as an in-person event.
We have picked the topics we feel most relevant to cancer services here in Qatar. They cover both common and rare cancers and span the cancer patient trajectory from early to advanced cancer.
We welcome all of those with an interest in Clinical Oncology and Cancer Care more enthusiastically to what we hope will be a stimulating and informative event.
Dr. Mohammed Ussama Al Homsi
Conference Chairman
Chairman of Scientific Committee, Best of ASCO 2023 in Qatar
Deputy Medical Director for Education, Research and Quality, National Center for Cancer Care & Research, HMC.
Dr. Anas Hamad, PhD, MSc, DMS, BSc, RPh
Chairman of Organizing Committee, Best of ASCO 2023 in Qatar
Director of Pharmacy Department
National Center for Cancer Care & Research, HMC
This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Category 1) as defined by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Healthcare Professions Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of 13.5 hours.
In-person activity code: HGI-02-MED-P890