Message from the Conference Chairperson
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my great pleasure to invite you to attend Qatar’s first International Geriatric and Gerontology Conference - 2019 (QIGGC), which will be held in Doha during October 31 - November 2nd, 2019.
Ministry of Public Health Message of Endorsement
Increasing life expectancy has led to higher expectations amongst people not only to live longer, but also to live longer with lower levels of morbidity, fewer years of disability, and with a high quality of life. Medical advances are increasingly making longer healthy life spans possible.
Message from British Geriatrics Society
The British Geriatrics Society tries to promote developments in Geriatric Medicine across the globe and is therefore very happy to collaborate in this first Qatar International Geriatric and Gerontology Conference in Doha. The fact that people are living longer is something to be celebrated.
Message from the Conference Vice-Chairperson
On behalf of the Scientific Committee, I am delighted to announce a rich and diverse program for a truly multi-disciplinary approach to caring for the elderly. We have a wide-range of well-established speakers, who are experts in their fields, to deliver the conference lectures and workshops.
Reasons to attend
This is the first conference in the Arab world that focuses on geriatric care and the field of gerontology and will be an important platform to facilitate informed dialogue on how to deliver better care to an ageing population.
Geriatric.Conf.Closing remarks video
This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity Category 1 as defined by the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners - Accreditation Department and is approved for a maximum of 16 hours.
Activity Code: HGI-02-MED-P429
CPD: 16 hours
Reasons to attend
This is the first conference in the Arab world that focuses on geriatric care and the field of gerontology and will be an important platform to facilitate informed dialogue on how to deliver better care to an ageing population.
Reasons to attend
• This is the first conference in the Arab world that focuses on geriatric care and the field of gerontology and will be an important platform to facilitate informed dialogue on how to deliver better care to an ageing population.