Message from the Summit Chairperson
We are delighted to welcome you to the
3rd Qatar Summit for Healthcare Risk Management (QSHRM 2021). As the Covid-19 pandemic introduces many new challenges to our professional and personal lives, we at HMC – have consistently answered the call and led the efforts to protect our hospitals and the public health of our community. The health care risk management profession has learned to thrive under much uncertainty and duress.
The virtual QSHRM 2021 conference is envisioned to provide trail blazing learnings from our leaders and risk management specialists from our collaborator, the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management.
This year, we aim to provide our attendees a venue to build capability, encourage knowledge transfer and to generate momentum in the area of healthcare risk mitigation and/or management whilst building on existing initiatives on quality improvement and patient safety.
I welcome you to this summit and look forward to your active participation
Dr. Moza A/Latif Hassan Abdulla Al-Ishaq
Executive Director, Clinical Transformation
Corporate Quality and Patient Safety

This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity
Category 1 as defined by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Healthcare Professions- Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of
29.25 hours.