Friday, 11 February 2022
Conference Day 2
Track Title
Cross Cutting Priorities in Preparation for the 2022 World Cup
Global Best Practice for MG Preparations in the COVID-19 Era
Pandemic, Trauma and Event-Based Research
Transforming Public Health for the Future
8am to 9am
Poster and Sponsor Exhibit Access
9am to 10am
Multi-disciplinary Emergency response
Moderator: Dr. Abdulraazag Hummaida, MOPH
1) The Role of Primary Care in responding to Covid-19; Lessons Learned in Preparation for the FIFA World Cup 2022 – Dr. Samya Al Abdullah, PHCC
2) National Coordination Approaches for Emergencies: the Qatar Perspective - Dr. Mohd Alhajri, MOPH
3) Coordination between Different Agencies Health and Others in Response to Mass Gathering or Major Incidents - Dr. Rayana Ahmad Bou Haka, WHO
Organizing International Sporting Tournaments During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Qatar’s Experience
Moderator: Dr. Sayed Himat, MOPH
1 ) The First Medical Health Protocol for return to sports in Qatar - Dr. Abdulwahab Al Musleh, SCDL/HMC
2) The Compliance team and how the Medical Health Protocol was applied to Football - Mr. Gordon Penney, SCDL
3) 4C Arrangements for the World Cup and beyond: Command, Control, Coordination & Communications – Mr. Brendon Morris, HMC
4) Sourcing and managing the response of medical teams for testing and contact tracing - Dr. Sameer Abdurahiman, SCDL/HMC
Moderator: Dr. Mohammad Asim & Dr. Naushad Khan, HMC
1) State-of-the-Art Lecture: Global medical consent standards for event-based research – Dr. Elliott Crigger, US
2) Research in trauma: a decade of experience in a level 1 trauma center – Dr. Ayman El-Menyar, HMC
3) Lessons from Qatar’s Pandemic Research – Prof. Laith J. Abu-Raddad, WCMC-Q
Lifestyle and Well-being
Moderator: Ms. Roula Malas, MOPH
1) The impact of the Pandemic on Lifestyle and Wellbeing – Dr. Ravinder Mamtani, WCM-Q
2) Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle to Prevent Diabetes – Prof. Shahrad Taheri, WCMC-Q
3) Promotion of Physical Activity by Leveraging Large Sporting Events – Prof. Adrian E Bauman, AU
4)Tobacco regulations and control the emerging tobacco products– Dr. Khouloud Al Mutawaa, MOPH
10am to 11am
Worker Safety
Moderator: Dr. A. Abeid and T. Sekayan, HMC
1) State-of-the-Art Lecture: The ILO’s efforts for worker safety in Qatar – Mr. Max Tunon, ILO
2) QRC Efforts to Improve Worker Safety – Mr. Jerome Gonzaga Oquiana, QRC
3) The Work-related Injury Unified Registry for Qatar: providing evidence for policies and programs – Dr. Rafael Consunji, HMC
Healthcare Best Practice for
Mass Gatherings I
Moderator: Dr. Abdulnasir Howaidi, MOPH
1) Managing Health Risks at Mass Gathering Events – Dr. Teodoro Herbosa, PHL
2) Commonwealth Games 2018: Emergency Department lessons learnt and legacies to inform future mass gathering planning – Jamie Ranse, AU
3) Is vaccination a Good Idea for Individuals Attending Mass Gatherings? – Dr. Salah Al Awaidy, Oman
Event-Based Research Moderator: Dr. Mohammad Asim & Dr. Naushad Khan, HMC
1) State-of-the-Art Lecture: Mega-event Research Agendas – from 2010 to 2022 – Prof. Kamilla Swart, HBKU
2) Systematic Review of Sports and COVID – Dr. Mohammad Asim, HMC
3) Organising big sports events in Covid-19 times: Challenges for future sports events organisations with a special focus on the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2022– Dr. Ismail Dergaa, PHCC
Maintaining Health During the Pandemic
Moderator: Ms. Jeana Elgazar, MOPH
1) Mental Health impact of Covid 19: The Importance of Remaining Connected – Mr. IainTulley, HMC
2) Reducing Inequalities Through Technologies during Covid 19-Dr. Dena Al Thani, Assistant Professor, HBKU – QCRI
3) Managing Diabetes during the Covid-19 Pandemic – Prof. Abdul Badi Abu-Samra, HMC
4) Newborn Bloodspot Screening during the Covid-19 Pandemic – Dr. Ghassan Abdoh, HMC
11am to 12pm
Community Engagement for the Pandemic and Mass Gatherings
Moderator: Dr. Aisha Abeid and Tsoler Sekayan, HMC
1) The Doubled-edged Role of the Community in the Management of COVID-19 Pandemic-Dr. Nasr Al Ansari, HMC
2) Community Engagement in COVID-19: practical tips towards efficiency – Dr. Salah Al Awaidy, Oman
3) QRC Volunteer Program for the 2022 World Cup – Ms. Muna Fadel Al-Sulaiti
Healthcare Best Practice for Mass Gatherings II
Moderator: Dr Faruk Mohammed, MOPH
1) Healthcare Best Practice for Mass Gatherings – Dr. Muna Al Maslamani, HMC
2) Introducing the WHO MCM into the UK NHS Trauma System: Challenges and Opportunities – Dr. Justine Lee, UK
3) Healthy 2022 World Cup - Creating a Legacy for Sport and Health – Dr. Roberto Bertollini, MOPH
COVID-related Preparations for the 2022 World Cup
Staff deployment, Recruitment and Training
Moderator: Ms. Khadija Al-Shukaili, HMC
1) Facility Expansions and Manpower Challenges – Ms. Mariam Nooh J.H. Al-Mutawa, HMC
2) Innovation in Simulation Based Education to Meet Educational Needs – Ms. Jacqueline Sullivan, HMC
3) Interdisciplinary Research During COVID-19: Lesson Learned - Mr. Abdulqadir J.Nashwan, HMC
4) Staff well-being During the Pandemic – Mr. Franclin Garcia Pineda, HMC
Qatar Public Health Strategy Highlights
Moderator: Dr. Hamad Al Romaihi, MOPH
Qatar Public Health Strategy: Achievements and vision for the future:
1) Dr. Mohamed Al Thani, MOPH and Mr. Rohan Sawhney, Deloitte
2) Qatar Public Health Accreditation Journey – Dr. Mounir Soussi, MOPH
3) Launching of the Qatar Public Health Journal – Dr. Mobahser Farag, MoPH
12pm to 1pm
Prayer Time, Poster and Sponsor Exhibits and Poster Rounds B
1pm to 2pm
Oral paper session #1
Moderator: Dr. Abdulrazig Hummaida, MOPH
1) Analysis of consecutive patients with active COVID-19 related suspected acute stroke: clinical, biochemical and outcome data of first 63 patients - Fatma Ben Abid et al.
2) Associations between COVID-19 Mortality and Dexamethasone Chronotherapy - Mohammad Abusamak et al.
3) Randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial of hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin for virologic cure of non-severe COVID-19 (Q-PROTECT) - Isma Qureshi et al.
4) Antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 of glucose derived reactive metabolite, methylglyoxal - Naila Rabbani et al.
5) Improving Well-being for COVID-19 patients at Umm Salal Isolation & Recovery Facility through expressive drawing (Art Therapy) - A Service/Quality Improvement Initiative - Sarah Shillitoe et al.
Sporting Events
Moderator: Dr. Muhammad Ilyas, MOPH
1) Public Health Risk Assessment in Preparing for Large Sporting Events – Dr. Ninglan Wang, WHO
2) Public Health Successes and Challenges of Major Sporting Events – Dr.Tina Endericks, UK
3) The importance of an interprofessional approach in preparing for [mega] sporting events – Layan Sukik, QU
4) VVIP and Dignitary Care at Mass Gatherings – Dr. Ricardo Camarinha, Brazil
Testing, Vaccination, & Contact Tracing
Moderator: Dr. Mohamed Nour
1) The Evolution of the Pandemic Under Prevention and Control Measures – Dr. Jameela Alajmi, HMC
2) Establishment of the World’s Largest Vaccination Center – the Industrial Area Vaccination Center- Dr. Khalid Saifeldeen, HMC
3) Upgrading Testing Capacity for the World Cup – Dr. Peter Coyle, HMC
Research, and Academia: Paving the Way to the Future
Dr. Dena Al Thani, Assistant Professor, HBKU – QCRI
1) Acceleration of Health Research Studies during Pandemics – Prof. Michael Frenneaux, HMC
2) Ensure effective academic program planning aligned to emerging requirements of PH – Dr. Hiba Ahmad Abed Bawadi, QU
3) Setting Strategies for Priority Research in the State of Qatar – Dr. Fatemeh Darakhshan, QNRF
4) CDC research priorities in Qatar – Dr. Mobahser Farag, MoPH
2pm to 3pm
Oral paper session #2
Moderator: Ms. Monira Mollazehi, HMC
1) Leveraging Primary Health Care Corporation Partnerships as Preparedness for the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar: A Position Paper - Maryam Al-Rashid et al.
2) Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale - Taiba Ahmed et al.
3) A Comparative Study in Qatargas Medical Department. Impact of effective fitness to work programs on reduction of the Offshore Medical Evacuations - Sherif Elnahrawi et al.
4) Clinical characteristics and outcome of cardiac implantable electrophysiological device infections, retrospective observational study over a 10-year period in Qatar - Fatma Ben Abid
Olympic/FIFA Lessons
Moderator: Dr. Abdulnasir Howaidi, MOPH
1) Infectious Diseases Risk at the Qatar FIFA WC- preparing labs and medical teams - Dr. Lucille Blumberg, South Africa
2) Sharing Experiences of COVID - 19 tests from the Tokyo Olympics 2020.- Dr. Lucille Blumberg, South Africa
3) Russia 2018 Experience – Experience: Public Health Challenges and Successes, Lessons Learned - Dr. Viktoriya Badtieva, RU
4) ) Sharing Experiences of COVID - 19 tests from the Tokyo Olympics 2020.- Dr. Lucille Blumberg, South Africa
Surveillance, Quarantine, Isolation, Triage & Treatment
Moderator: Dr. Warda Al- Saad, HMC
1) Immunologic issues and how they apply to this World Cup, SARS-CoV-2, and the Prevention of Other Potentially Communicable Disease - Prof. Aileen Marty, US
2) Ambulance Service – Mr. Brendon Morris, HMC
3) Emergency Preparedness and Safety in a COVID Hospital
Ms. Sheena Mccabe, HMC
Revolutionary Technology Solutions supporting Pandemic Response
Moderator: Ms. Wassan Al-Baker, MOPH
1) State-of-the-Art Lecture: Data Driven Intelligence; enabled through Surveillance and Vaccination Electronic System (SaVES) - Dr Hamad Al Romaihi, MOPH
2) Kashef Application - Dr Faruk Mohammed, MOPH
3) State-of-the-Art Lecture: MOPH Digitization of Food Safety Management System: Replacing Physical Regulatory Processes with Digitalized Approaches - Dr. Issam Abo Alkhai, MoPH
3pm to 4pm
Oral paper session #3
Moderator: Ms. Asmaa Al-Atey, HMC
1) The psychological impact of COVID-19 on health care workers working in a unique environment under the umbrella of Qatar Red Crescent Society - Muna Abed Alah et al.
2) Impact of ethnicity on paramedic perceived work-related stress and coping strategies adopted before and the COVID-19 pandemic - Mohammed Albarbari et al.
3) Comparison in perceptions and attitude towards effective communication and team collaboration among paediatric physicians and nurses before and during the COVID-19 pandemic - Manasik Hassan et al.
4) Gauging the Perceived Impact of Paediatric Continuing Professional Education on Paramedics' Knowledge - Vernon Naidoo et al.
5) Approaches that promote clinical reasoning in clinical and Simulation-based practice settings - Emad Al Momani et al.
6) An Ambulance Service evaluation of Quality Control Measures based on patients‘ perception in Qatar - Glenhael Carolus et al.
Cyber Security at Mass Gatherings
Moderator: Dr Faruk Mohammed, MOPH
1) State-of-the-Art Lecture: Cyber Security for Mega Events - Dr. C. Dameff - US
2) Cybersecurity at Mass Gatherings: Protecting Healthcare – Mr. Richard Storey, HMC
3) Cybersecurity at Mass Gatherings: Protecting the public - Dr. Roberto Di Pietro, HBKU
Innovative Solutions: Telemedicine in the COVID-era
Moderator: Dr. Vishi Verma, & Dr. Farhat, HMC
1) State-of-the-Art Lecture: - Telemedicine for Trauma and Acute Care Surgery: Lessons and Progress in the COVID-Era’- Dr. Rifat Latifi, US/Kosovo
2) Mental Health and Tele-psychiatry in the COVID-era– Dr. Ovais Wadoo, HMC
3) Impact of the Pandemic on Management of Chronic Conditions; the Role of Virtual Clinics – Dr. Samya Al Abdullah, PHCC
4) Vascular Surgery Clinics in Qatar – Dr. H. Al-Thani, HMC
One Health
Moderator: Mrs. Maryam Shamlan, MOPH
1) One Health Framework, Ahmad Aldrissi, FAO
2) Enhancing Indoor Air Quality to minimize transmission of infectious diseases – Mrs. Maryam Shamlan, MOPH
3) State-of-the-Art Lecture:
Prevention and Control of chemical food contamination and Foodborne Diseases in QATAR using an automated system - Dr. Gouda Abdalla & Mohamed Mohamadin, MOPH
4pm to 5pm
Plenary Panel: Emerging Stronger from the Pandemic: Building a more resilient system
Moderator: Dr. Hanan Abdul Rahim, Qatar University, QA
1. Dr. Mohamed Al Thani, MOPH, QA
2. Prof. Deepti Kumar, UK Health Security Agency, UK
3. Dr. Bassem Jarrar, CDC Atlanta, US
4. Prof. Bart Haagmans - Erasmus University, NL
5. Carlos Castillo-Salgado – Johns Hopkins University, US
5pm to 6pm
Poster and Sponsor Exhibit Access