Prof. Ann-Marie Cannaby
Executive Director of Nursing, Hamad Medical Corporation
Professor Ann-Marie Cannaby is the Executive Director of Nursing at Hamad Medical Corporation Qatar. She is responsible for providing professional leadership to senior managers across the Corporation’s 7,500 nursing and midwifery staff, ensuring that high standards are set, achieved and maintained.
Ann-Marie’s clinical background is grounded in caring for patients with medical conditions. She has worked mainly within large University Hospitals, in the UK and has held a variety of clinical research and managerial roles. Before joining Hamad Medical Corporation she held the post of Chief Nurse and Chief Operating Officer at the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS trust.
Ann-Marie is passionate about nursing care and has keen interests in integrating both the nursing and operational/business functions of a hospital to provide the best care for patients. Ann-Marie has an interest in international nursing perspectives, she has been involved in nursing projects in Holland, Malawi and New Zealand.
Ann-Marie remains actively involved in research and education and holds a first degree, a Masters degree and a PhD. She is a visiting Professor at Birmingham City University, UK and holds an adjunct faculty appointment at the University of Calgary Qatar, as well as a research fellow at Warwick University in the UK. Her main research interest focuses around the education of patients.
