
Dr. Mahvesh Qureshi

Dr.Mahvesh Qureshi, Medical Technical Consultant and Improvement Advisor at Hamad General Hospital has graduated her M.B.B.S in 2006 .She has joined Arab Board Residency Training Programme,Pediatrics in 2008.

She is a graduate of IHI- Improvement Advisor Professional Development Programme(wave 54) . She is also a graduate of Improvement Coach Professional Development Programme-IHI and is a Mentor Coach as well as faculty for CCITP (Clinical Care Improvement Training Programme) at HMC since 2013. Dr Mahvesh has been engaged as a National Value Management Improvement Coach for Pediatric Emergency Centre –AlSaad-HGH . She have also supported teams involved in IHI-HMC National Patient Safety Collaborative initiatives focused on sepsis and VTE prophylaxis themes.She has been a moderater at IHI- Middle East Quality and Patient Safety.She is a Vice Chairperson for HGH Optimization Informatics Group at HGH and also been involved in delivering operational as well as clinical care services that includes best utilization of appointment slots, reduce waiting times ,improving patient referral process as a part of HMC Outpatient Services Improvement Programme

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