Dr. Poonam Gupta MBBS, MPH, CPHQ, CMQ
Head of Quality Improvement, Hamad Medical Corporation Program Director Value Improvement, Heart Hospital HMC
Poonam Gupta is a physician and currently Head of Quality Improvement at the Heart Hospital of Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha. As Program Director for Value Improvement in Heart hospital, her work has been highly successful and gained local and international attention. Dr. Gupta is trained as Improvement Advisor from Institute for Healthcare Improvement (Boston, USA). She has a Master’s in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK) and holds Lean for healthcare from university of Tennessee (USA). She is author of many published quality improvement papers in peer reviewed journals and serve as peer reviewer and academic editor. She has been a local and international speaker at various quality and patient safety forums Additionally, she facilitates health care facilities licensing process under supervision of Ministry of Public Health Qatar to identify gaps in practices and providing subject matter opinions.