​Dietetics Department

Healthy eating is one of the most powerful tools we have to prevent or delay disease.    

The aim of the Dietetics department is to provide nutritional care, advice and education to patients while they are in the hospital and after they are discharged. We strive to ensure the dietary and nutritional needs of our patients are always met, and to the highest possible standards.

A nutritional consultation can help people with infectious diseases better manage symptoms, maximize the benefits of medications, and enhance their quality of life. To prevent malnutrition and improve the nutritional status of people affected by infectious diseases, especially HIV and tuberculosis.

A clinical dietitian are specialists in assessing, addressing nutritional needs and offering specific intervention for referred patients who have specialized nutritional requirements.

A Clinical Dietician works with the medical team providing valuable information regarding appropriate nutrition care to the patients. They also educate patients in nutrient modifications done.

Each day three meals and three snacks are provided to our patients which are done according to instructions by our team.   The food quality and quantity that is served to the patients is closely monitored by our team.


CDC Dietitian office Number: 40254159/58
Department secretary Number: 40260770
Head of Department Number: 40260137