The Department of Nursing and Midwifery Education represents a centralized nursing education service, which falls directly under our Corporate Nursing Services, providing educational support and expertise to all of our Nursing Departments at HMC. The Department’s multicultural workforce comprises Administrative Assistants and Nurse Educators with strong interdepartmental links throughout the hospitals to Clinical Nurse Specialists and Advance Practice Nurses.
NMED is engaged in the design, implementation and evaluation of both formal and informal nurse education based on international standards, It focuses on general orientation, competence assessment and evaluation, in-service training and continuing education. The department strives to achieve excellence center in nursing education.
It provides specific competency-based programs which are designed to fulfill each clinical specialty’s requirements, being carefully tailored toward both new and experienced nurses. The future challenges in health care are enormous: expanding demand for care, older and sicker patients, more complex technology, and new health care settings, among others. NMED Department is committed to preparing the current and future nursing population with exemplary skills and knowledge that contribute to the delivery of the highest possible quality patient care and optimal outcomes by providing ongoing, competency-based, clinical educational activities.