Dr. Badriya Al Lenjawi is the Assistant Executive Director of Nursing for Professional Development and Qatarization. She is a passionate advocate of nursing, with a natural ability to inspire others to strive for professional growth and improvement.
Dr. Al Lenjawi started off her career with a diploma in Nursing in 1982 from Qatar School of Nursing. She then obtained her Baccalaureate in Nursing in 1989 from the College of Health Science in Kingdom of Bahrain. Dr. Al Lenjawi pursued a master’s degree in nursing from Whitworth Collage Spokane, WA, U.S.A. to become the first Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) in Qatar in 1996. She attained a Post Graduate Research Diploma in 2004 and continued her education in the United Kingdom to obtain a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Greenwich in 2010. Dr. Al-Lenjawi’s PhD thesis was entitled ‘Self-Management in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Doha-Qatar, a randomized 2010 control study’.
After obtaining her master's in nursing and becoming a CNS in adult critical care and cardiology, Dr. Al Lenjawi spent eight years in medical and intensive care units within HMC. During this time she implemented strict visiting hours in intensive care units and up skilled 23 Qatari nurses in critical care by educating them on critical care tracks based on the American Critical Care Society. She has an immense desire to deliver professional, holistic nursing care to every patient and strives to inspire this ambition in every nurse.
Dr. Al Lenjawi was appointed Assistant Executive Director of Nursing (AEDoN) of Heart Hospital in 2009. She was then appointed as AEDoN for the Corporate Nursing Office where she plays a fundamental role in developing leadership and professional development plans for Qatari nurses.
In 2013 Dr. Al Lenjawi represented Qatar in the 25th Quadrennial Congress of the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in Melbourne, Australia. Joining more than 5,000 delegates from over 130 nations and marking the first time Qatar was represented.
Dr. Al Lenjawi was nominated to be the National Coordinator for the Leadership for Change program in 2012. She also understands the value of team work and the integration of goal-centeredness without losing the over-all objective.
Dr. Al Lenjawi has a passion for delivering values of excellence in healthcare as well as an extraordinary capability to identify and develop human potential.