Assistant Executive Director of Nursing for Mental Health

Debbie recently joined HMC from Western Australia where she was employed as an Executive Director of Nursing for Mental Health. She was responsible for strategic leadership, policy development and clinical redesign for the nursing workforce and wider multi-disciplinary team.
Debbie is both a registered general and mental health nurse and has extensive experience in nursing leadership positions in both the United Kingdom and Australia. She has an Msc in clinical nursing and a postgraduate diploma in cognitive behavioural therapy. She reports that she has been fortunate throughout her career to remain clinically involved and pursue her passion of working with consumers with psychosis.
Her expertise in Australia is sourced at both state and national level and she regularly participates in the accreditation of both under and post graduate educational curriculum as a clinical expert advisor for the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
In recognition of her contribution as a leader to the nursing industry she was conferred as an Adjunct Associate Professor, (Curtin University WA) and awarded Australian Nurse of The Year 2010.
She is very much looking forward to the next chapter of life’s adventure and intends to listen, learn and make a meaningful contribution to the advancement of the nursing profession and mental health services in Qatar.