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Dr. Nicola Riley

Chief Nursing Officer

Dr. Nicola Ryley has joined HMC as the Chief Nursing Officer and will oversee the daily operation of HMC’s Corporate Nursing and Midwifery Department as well as having responsibility for the strategic direction of the nursing and midwifery services.

Prior to arriving in Doha, Dr. Ryley was the Interim Chief Nurse at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust and prior to that, Executive Director of Nursing at the Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust in England. At both organizations she was responsible for the leadership, regulation, professional development, and performance of all nursing, midwifery, and therapies staff. She was also the Director of Infection Prevention and Control.

With a career spanning over 35 years, she has held senior clinical, operational and leadership roles across a diverse range of NHS organizations that both provide and commission healthcare for adults and children. Dr. Ryley has extensive experience in acute, community, mental health and primary care settings. She has successfully led services across all aspects of scheduled and unscheduled care as well as those for a national Children’s Hospital and tertiary facilities at one of the largest University Teaching Hospitals in the UK.

Holding nursing registrations for both adults and children, Dr. Ryley has an earned doctorate in clinical leadership, holds an honorary senior lecturer role with the University of Cardiff, is a scholar of the Florence Nightingale Foundation and is an honorary associate professor at the University of Plymouth. In addition, Dr. Ryley has provided advice to the Welsh Government on a range of professional issues including nursing and midwifery revalidation; advanced nursing practice; clinical/academic careers; acuity and dependency models; post registration education and clinical staffing models. She was appointed to two national boards advising the Minister for Health & Social Care on professional regulation and health/social care information governance.

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