
Dr. Amy Heck Sheehan, PharmD
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
College of Pharmacy, Purdue University

Dr. Amy is Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy, Purdue University, and Drug Information Specialist at Indiana University (IU) Health. She received her B.S. (Pharmacy) and PharmD degrees from the University of Cincinnati, and completed a Specialized Residency in Drug Information Practice and Pharmacotherapy at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Sheehan is responsible for didactic instruction of drug information principles, including literature evaluation and interpretation of biomedical statistics, within the professional degree program at Purdue University, and has over 15 years of experience percepting he institutional drug information rotation at IU Health for student pharmacists and pharmacy residents and fellows. She is Program Coordinator for the Purdue University/Pharmaceutical Industry / Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Fellowship in Drug Information and serves on the Executive Committee for the Indiana Pharmacy Teaching Certificate (IPTeC) Program. Dr. Sheehan has authored over 70 peer-reviewed research reports, review articles, and book chapters, as well as numerous continuing education programs and meeting abstracts. She currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Annals of Pharmacotherapy and Natural Medicines.