
Saumya Boby

Clinical Nurse/ Midwife Specialist (CF) 

Joined HMC family as a Clinical Nurse Specialist for Critical Care- HGH in the year 2015, after acquiring 11 years of extensive Critical Care experience from University Hospital Aintree, UK. Secured Masters in Advanced Healthcare Practice from Liverpool John Mores University, UK. Involved in the activities of Critical Care Areas (MICU & SICU) in HGH being a dynamic leader providing Clinical, Education, Research and Management support. Part of the quality projects in SICU/MICU. Involved actively in many Corporate Projects. Scientific Committee member and Educator in NMER for CCFP, Neuro Critical Care and PAD simulation courses. Lead for ROVER model of Critical Care follow up service: a nurse led Proactive Approach.  Nurse lead for Corporate critical care Delirium Prevention and Management Project. Corporate Tracheostomy project-HGH Clinical Lead. Scientific committee member and lead trainer for CRRT for ICU nurses across HMC. Member and Nursing lead for the HGH Resuscitation Committee, Faculty for RRT simulation course, Faculty in HITC, member in HGH Nursing Research, AOP Committee & Critical Care Nursing Network.Presenter in Qatar Critical Care Conference, Qatar Neuro Symposiums, Qatar Physiotherapy Symposium, IHI Middle East Conference etc. Main author for many IHI poster presentations from SICU and MICU. Vital part in the critical care mission of fight against COVID pandemic.

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