Susan B. Frampton, Ph.D., FPCC
President, Planetree International
Dr. Susan Frampton is the President of Planetree International, a non-profit advocacy and membership organization working with a global network of healthcare provider organizations to implement person-centered models of care in over 35 countries. Dr. Frampton, a medical anthropologist, has authored numerous publications, including three editions of
Putting Patients First, contributed to opinion pieces in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and the Chicago Tribune, and speaks internationally on the benefits of partnerships between patients, their families and healthcare workers as they engage together in care and treatment decisions. Dr. Frampton chaired the National Academy of Medicine's Advisory Panel on the Evidence Base for Patient-Centered Care and served as lead author on the resulting publication. She currently serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Compassionate Healthcare and the National Quality Forum's Board of Directors, and speaks internationally on consumer trends in healthcare, and connections between quality, safety and person-centered approaches to care.