Nursing and Midwifery Competency Framework
1) Preceptors
- Must complete HMC’s preceptor preparation program before assuming role and demonstrate the preceptor competencies.
- Are assigned to learners according to their experience and education.
- Are Identified and recommended by head nurses/line managers and/or nurse/midwife educators to support the professional development of others.
- Guide preceptees in the identification and use of appropriate resources to support the acquisition and maintenance of competence.
- Assess the competence of others fairly and holistically based on evidence of ethical, professional, technical and behavioral components in the judgement of overall performance which encompasses compassionate, confident and safe practice
2) Clinical Nursing/Midwifery leads (DoNs, CNS/CMS, Head Nurse, line managers etc.)
- Ensure staff under their supervision achieve, demonstrate, evidence and maintain their competence.
- Ensure staff within their assigned area are competent to practice according to their job description, scope of practice and the specialty scope of service.
3) Nurse Educators
- Raise awareness of the competency framework across HMC within their speciality.
- Support implementation of the competency framework through delivery of awareness sessions for their specialty.
- Support preceptor preparation through appropriate educational activities.
- Support clinical staff with performance related issues, such as the development of learning contracts, PDPs etc.
4) QCHP licensed nurses and midwives
- Evidence and maintain competence to practice according to HMC policy, JD, scope of practice (HMC Nursing Administrative Protocol Assessment of Nursing and Midwifery Competence in Practice).
- Recognize the limitations of their own knowledge and only practice safely in line with their competence.
- Ensure confirmation of competence is included in their personal file and evidenced in their professional portfolio.
- Evidence their competence as part of the annual performance evaluation (APR).
5) Clinical Nursing/Midwifery Networks and Competency Committees
- Competencies will be developed and reviewed by Clinical Nursing/Midwifery Networks
- Clinical networks have overall responsibility for agreeing competencies, their components and frequency of assessment based on scope of service.
- Where no network exists, the Nursing/Midwifery Competency working group is the governing body for the single service/specialty. Refer the Terms of reference.
Frequency of Competency Confirmation
Nursing/midwifery competence to practice should be reconfirmed from time to time to reflect:- HMC policy, guidelines and/or procedure changes
- Adverse events or issues identified at performance review involving individuals and/or clinical teams which require education and re-assessment
- A change in external accreditation requirements
- A change in scope of service