Your Hospital Room
Al Wakra Hospital offers single occupancy rooms, each with a bathroom. However there may be times, when we are very busy, when we have to move to double occupancy in some areas of the hospital. If a single room is not available on the day of your admission, we will do our best to ensure that you receive one as soon as possible. All patient rooms are equipped with the following for use by each patient:
- Television and remote control
- Telephone
- Bedside cabinet
- Table
- Visitor seating
Bringing an Attendant with You
Based on your doctor’s recommendation, one personal attendant may be allowed to accompany and assist you during your hospital stay. The attendant will be allowed to stay overnight in your room. Please note that attendants are not permitted in the Critical Care Unit.
Meal Service
Our catering team serves three main meals and additional snacks every day, as follows:
Breakfast.........................7am to 8am
Snack.........................9am to 9.30am
Lunch.......................11am to 12noon
Snack.........................3pm to 5.30pm
Dinner..............................6pm to 7pm
Snack.........................8pm to 8.30pm
If you are admitted late, you will be offered a snack.
During your hospital stay, you will receive meals as directed by your doctor or advised by the dietetics team. If you have any particular dietary requirements, allergies or cultural or religious needs in relation to the food you eat, please inform your assigned nurse. Your requests will be noted and the Catering Department will be happy to meet your requirements. If you require advice or clarification regarding your nutrition and food choices, please ask your assigned nurse to arrange for a member of the dietetics team to visit you.
Telephone Calls
Each patient room has a telephone for making and receiving local calls. Your family and friends can call you directly on that phone by dialing 40115 followed by the room number. For example, if you are staying in room 202 your callers should dial 40115202 to reach you. To make a free call to a local landline from your room, dial “9” to get an outside line and follow by dialing the number you wish to call in the usual way. To make international calls, or calls to mobile phones you will need to purchase a phone credit card or use your personal mobile phone. Please only use your personal mobile phone when in your hospital room.