Your online resource to maternal and child healthcare services at HMC
Dr. Najat Khenyab
NHS Lead for Healthy Women Leading to Healthy Pregnancies
At HMC, all our maternity hospitals are dedicated to caring for women and their babies. With services ranging from reproductive health, to prenatal care, to obstetrics and gynecology and to newborn care, we follow international best practices and are committed to providing high-quality healthcare for women and their children.
This web page is an online resource for you as our patients, and potential patients. We hope to provide you with detailed information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, newborn’s and young children’s health in addition to information about services that are available across all our maternity hospitals as well as a listing of frequently asked questions.
There will also be videos and infographics about our maternal and child health services and links to publications and other relevant information that we are hoping will benefit you and make HMC your first choice for women and their babies.
Guide to Maternity Services in Qatar
Your Health in Pregnancy

Video Gallery

Newborn’s Health