Opening Ceremony
H.E. Dr. Hanan Al Kuwari
Dr. Abdullatif Al Khal
Dr. Kedar Mate
Ms. Fatma Al Ansari
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Learning Objectives
Learn about new developments in quality and safety in healthcare in Qatar and
from key industry leaders.
Plenary 1 Health Systems Integration
Speakers:Dr. Don Berwick
Moderator: Dr. Abdullatif Al Khal
Room:Al Mayasa Theatre
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Learning Objectives
- Describe what an "integrated health care system" is, compared
with most legacy systems
- Identify the variety of methods different nations are using to
try to integrate health care, and the strengths and weaknesses of each approach to date
Most, if not all, developed nations are trying to change their
legacy hospital-centric health care systems into more comprehensive "integrated" systems,
focused on health and more rooted in communities and primary care. This session will explore
variations in approach to those changes, and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
Plenary 2 The Day You Found Out Why
Speakers:Dr. Kedar Mate
Moderator: Dr. Abdullatif Al Khal
Room:Al Mayasa Theatre
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Learning Objectives
- Learn the importance of rediscovering their professional
purpose to navigate challenges and contribute to positive change
- Understand how to harness social capital, leverage shared
values, trust, and relationships for teamwork, innovation, and improved patient outcomes
- Explore how to develop new frontiers to shape a
purpose-driven, resilient healthcare system prioritizing patient-centered care and
sustainable practices
This session will focus on the importance of finding a sense of
purpose as health care professionals and how clinicians, quality leaders, administrators,
safety professionals, and medical students in the audience can work on taking back the
system, restore their purpose, and in doing so, help define a new frontier in health care
quality. Dr Mate will explore the power of social capital—the shared values, trust, and
relationships that enable individuals and organizations to work together effectively, to
drive innovation, and improve overall well-being.
Breakout Group A
Breakout A1
Sustainable strategies to build quality improvement capability in low resource
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Tshabalala
Moderator: Ms. Victoria Terry
Level: All
This session explores innovative and sustainable approaches to enhance Quality
Improvement (QI) capabilities in low-resource settings, where healthcare systems
often face unique challenges. Participants will gain insights into tailored
strategies that prioritize resource efficiency, local ownership, and long-term
impact. The session will address key components such as healthcare workforce
training, technology integration, and collaborative partnerships to foster a
culture of continuous improvement.
Case studies from successful QI initiatives in low-resource settings will be
presented, highlighting adaptable and scalable models.
The session aims to empower healthcare practitioners, administrators, and
policymakers with practical methods to strengthen QI practices in
resource-constrained environments. Attendees will learn how to leverage existing
resources effectively, harness local ownership and involvement, and integrate
sustainable solutions that not only address immediate healthcare challenges but
also lay the foundation for enduring improvements in quality healthcare delivery
to achieve good patient outcomes.
This session is a must-attend for those committed to advancing healthcare
quality in settings with limited resources.
Learning Objectives
- Participants will understand the unique challenges of implementing QI
initiatives in low resource settings
- Explore sustainable strategies for building QI capabilities that align with
the limited resources available
- Identify effective approaches to promote local ownership and collaboration
for successful QI implementation
Breakout A2
Coaching leaders in improvement - How do you develop improvement as a system
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Mr. Goran Hendriks
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: Intermediate
For more than 25 years, Jonkoping has been on a journey to build a system of
improvement across the health system and now our whole community. As early
of improvement, we joined the Robert Wood Johnson funded IHI Pursuing Perfection
pilot adopting improvement methodology to achieve results-driven improvement.
started a decades-long participation in international partner networks and
benchmarking and self-evaluation. Early on, we recognized the opportunity to
build a
system of improvement and needed to adopt quality as our strategy. To this day,
five leadership activities serve as our approach to continually improve and
our services continue to meet the needs of our community best. This framing
our onboarding and development of future leaders.
Learn about the origin of adopting quality as our strategy, see how it has aided
learning and improvement, and understand how it helps us assimilate and develop
leaders of tomorrow.
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the need to build a system of improvement
- Describe the development through the case example of Jonkoping
- Identify essential activities for leaders to pursue quality across a system
Breakout A4
Building Strategic Dashboards
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Robert Lloyd
Moderator: Dr. Ali Latif
Level: All
So, what's on your dashboard? How many measures are on your dashboard? How
transparent are you with sharing your dashboard indicators internally and
externally? And most importantly, are you using your dashboard for judgment or
learning? In this session these questions will be explored and guidance will be
provided on how to build a strategic dashboard that is designed to create a
organization and achieve quality improvement objectives.
Learning Objectives
- To review the differences between report cards and dashboards
- To explore how transparent you are with your dashboard indicators
- To demonstrate how to build a dashboard and interpret the results
Breakout A6
Empowering Second Victims to Transform Healthcare Safety Culture
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Moza Al Ishaq
Prof. Mahmoud Adil
Dr. Amar Shah
Mr. Aidan Kehoe
Moderator: Dr. Somia Elafki
Level: All
This session delves into the critical topic of empowering second victims in
healthcare, focusing on their unique challenges and their pivotal role in
safety culture. The session includes examining the emotional and psychological
impact of adverse events on healthcare providers, as well as the significance of
empowering/enabling these individuals to create a culture of transparency and
continuous improvement. They will offer valuable insights gleaned from the
experiences of other organizations on their path to creating a safer and more
patient-centered healthcare environment. The session will provide practical
strategies, support mechanisms, communication skills, and accountability
measures to
foster a safer, more patient-centered healthcare environment. Upon completion,
participants will leave with actionable insights and a commitment to driving
positive change within their healthcare organizations, guided by the wisdom of
shared experiences.
Learning Objective
- Define and understand the concept of second victims in healthcare
- Explore the importance of empowering second victims in fostering a safety
- Explore the support mechanisms that healthcare organizations can implement
- Discuss effective communication strategies for addressing second victims
- Develop strategies to build resilience in healthcare providers
Breakout A10
Spotlight Session
Navigating Healthcare Excellence: Highlighting Quality Initiatives and Success
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Emelita Eison
Ms. Lamiaa lsaleh
Mr. Nayel Al Tarawneh
Moderator: Mr. Thankcam Panckir
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- To understand the evolving landscape of healthcare quality
- To explore how innovative technologies and strategies to improve patient
- To identify the importance of patient-centered care and shared
decision-making in enhancing healthcare quality
- To highlight the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and
communication in delivering high-quality and reliable care
Explore healthcare quality's evolution in NCCCR, leveraging innovative
technologies for patient safety. Emphasize patient-centered care and shared
decision-making's role. Highlight the crucial importance of interdisciplinary
collaboration and effective communication in delivering high-quality healthcare.
Join us for insights into advancing healthcare quality.
Plenary 3: Health for
All, Insights from Leaders: a reflection session on the World Health
Organization’s efforts for population health improvement, equity, and
ensuring access to quality and safe care for everyone
Speakers: Dr. Hanan Al Balkhy
Dr. Hans Kluge
Moderator: Dr. Dominique Allwood
Level: All
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An enlightening session where the panelists will provide insights on WHO’s actions to
improve population health, equity and ensuring access to quality healthcare services for
all, highlighting the importance of realizing the right to health. Learn more about WHO's
strategic priorities and programmes to improve population health in the Eastern
Mediterranean Region and the European Region. What are the commonalities and specificities,
what are the main challenges and perspectives for the future? Why the world needs a strong
WHO now more than ever? How to promote further cooperation across the regions and beyond to
achieve population health improvement? How can WHO inspire and guide positive
transformations around healthcare systems?
Learning Objectives
- To enhance awareness about WHO’s global priorities with
regional specificities
- To highlight key programmes aiming to deliver on our WHO
mandate, highlighting the right to health, with a focus on equity, improving access to
quality and safe health care for all, aligning with the global agenda while balancing
regional needs
- Learning from COVID-19, understand the rationale behind key
WHO initiatives to ensure a better resilience of health systems and to address global
- To Identify priority areas for strengthening collaboration and
partnerships to promote population health and address global challenges
Breakout Group B
Breakout B1
System work Is Transformation Work: how to build management systems for better
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Kedar Mate
Moderator: Dr. Huda Saleh
Level: All
Improving the quality, safety, flow and value in our health systems takes a
substantial transformation in organizational culture. Health systems struggle to
change culture efficiently and effectively. In this session, we will explore
specific steps for how the very best health care organizations change their
fundamental operating systems to improve quality and how, in turn, this results
the development of a transformed culture that produces world-class results.
Learning Objectives
- To learn how the world’s leading health systems transform their culture
- To understand the key elements of a clinical operating systems that
world-class results
Breakout B2
Leading Improvement in Flow and Value
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Don Berwick
Mr. Mohamed Hawari
Mr. Kenneth Logrono
Moderator: Dr. Aisha AlAdab
Level: All
Teams working on Flow and Value will present their projects and results, and we
will explore the underlying sciences and principles for improvement of each. In
general, smoothing Flow will lead to better value, and we will try to understand
Learning Objectives
- Understand some of the scientific principles underlying improvements in
flow, such as queuing theory and simplification
- Understand why and how smoother flow often leads to lower cost and better
Breakout B5
Qatar cancer national strategy – A harm reduction model
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Mohamed Al Hassan
Dr. Al Hareth Al Khater
Dr. Khalid Al Rumaihi
Moderator: Ms. Joan Lett
Level: All
The National Cancer Strategy is a groundbreaking harm reduction model, dedicated
combatting the pervasive impact of cancer on public health. Focused on proactive
prevention, early detection, and targeted interventions, the strategy has
successfully implemented 36 standards, including specialty-based MDT meetings,
roles, enhanced patient access, palliative care units, and a National Cancer
Registry. With demonstrable reductions in the physical, emotional, and economic
burden of cancer, the strategy has not only achieved but surpassed its
showcasing the efficacy of its comprehensive harm reduction approach.
Learning Objectives
- Gain insight into the current cancer statistics, prevalence, and trends in
Qatar and Identify the key challenges and issues related to cancer in the
- Understand the concept and principles of the harm reduction model in the
context of cancer screening and management and Learn how harm reduction
strategies can be applied to reduce the burden of cancer
- Examine the initiatives and programs implemented as part of the strategy
evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies in achieving cancer control
- Analyze real-world examples and best practices from Qatar and other regions
where harm reduction models have been successful in cancer prevention
Breakout B6
The Power of Joy: Finding Bliss in the Workplace
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Mr. Awad Amayrh
Ms. Raissa Puddao
Moderator: Ms. Karen Paguirigan
Level: All
Trace the historical evolution from the Human Relation Movement to modern
theories, highlighting the pivotal role leaders play in fostering joy at work.
into practical methods employed by the Communicable Disease Centre (CDC) to
workplace satisfaction, including employee recognition, wellness programs, and
positive leadership. Uncover the tangible impact of these strategies on employee
well-being and organizational culture. This session underscores that joy at work
not a luxury but a strategic imperative, offering insights and recommendations
creating a prosperous, inclusive, and fulfilling work experience for all.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the key leadership behaviors that enhance joy in work
- Share the IHI framework for improving joy in work using various methods
- Demonstrate how quality improvement can support teams to create and enhance
in work
Breakout B11
Global Action on Patient Safety: Towards eliminating avoidable
harm in health care
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Nikhil Prakash Gupta
Moderator: Dr. Wafaa AlYazeedi
Level: All
Please share here a brief description and summary of the session (max. 200
Patient safety is a global priority that requires coordinated action from all
stakeholders involved in health care delivery. Every year, millions of patients
suffer from preventable harm or die as a result of adverse events in health care
settings. These incidents not only affect the quality of life and trust of
patients and their families, but also impose a huge burden on the health system
and society. To address this challenge, the World Health Organization (WHO)
launched the Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030, which aims to
eliminate avoidable harm in health care and achieve zero tolerance for
preventable harm. The action plan outlines seven strategic objectives and 35
strategies that can guide countries and partners in improving patient safety
across all levels of care. The session will touch upon the aspects of burden of
unsafe care, ongoing efforts for tackling this situation and way forward of
sustainable action on patient safety. This session will discuss the challenges
of providing safe and quality care to patients, the current initiatives to
address this problem, and the future directions for ensuring patient safety. It
will highlight the magnitude and impact of unsafe care, the best practices and
evidence-based interventions to prevent harm, and the strategies and policies to
promote a culture of safety.
Learning Objectives
- To understand the global burden and consequences
of unsafe care and the need for urgent action to improve patient safety
- To learn about the WHO Global Patient Safety
Action Plan 2021-2030 and its strategic objectives and strategies for
eliminating avoidable harm in health care
- To identify the key challenges and opportunities
for implementing the action plan at the national and local levels and the
roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders
- To share and discuss the best practices and lessons learned from various
countries and regions in improving patient safety and quality of care
- To explore the potential synergies and collaborations among different
partners and initiatives to support the implementation of the action plan
and achieve its vision of zero tolerance for preventable harm
Breakout Group C
Breakout C2
Role of other sectors in health: lessons from Jonkoping
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Mr. Göran Hendriks
Moderator: Dr. Sheik Razzak
Level: Intermediate
Over 30 months Jönköping county have been developing Boundaryless Practices - we
have a mission “Together for a good life for all citizens in a region”. We have
worked with 33 top-leaders in an innovative collaborative approach to develop a
“Blue Zone” with municipalities, the region, the County Administrative Board and
university. In this session, we will explore and discuss our ongoing efforts to
develop boundaryless governance practices and achieve Blue Zone status.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the conditions that need to be facilitated to enable
relationship-building and boundaryless cooperation: meeting spaces,
systematic and agile work
- Understand the need of developing a common language for governance,
that builds a common effort among the partners involved
- Utilize methods to foster ‘citizen focus’, promote systems thinking, and
establish a shared 'change theory' while developing boundaryless governance
Breakout C3
Culture of safety for infection prevention
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Jeff Salvon-Harman
Moderator: Dr. Manu Sundaram
Level: Beginner
As an integral component of health care quality and safety, infection prevention
benefits from efforts to support a culture of safety for prevention of
associated infections. High reliability organizing principles, psychological
reduction of authority gradients, just culture, aligned goals, and effective
comprise the key elements of safety culture that can be applied to infection
prevention to effectively reduce nosocomial infection risks.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the core principles of safety culture in health care settings
- Recognize the contributions of safety culture to infection prevention
by caregivers and infection preventionists
- Conceptualize adaptation of infection prevention practices in alignment
safety culture principles
Breakout C5
Nurse-led Initiatives to Improve Patient Care and Workforce Vitality
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Bisognano
Ms. Mariam Al Mutawa
Moderator: Ms. Alanoud AlMarri
Level: All
This panel discussion, led by Maureen Bisognano, will feature innovations and
improvements led by nurses in the Qatar health care system and globally.
Participants will learn about the challenges all staff face today, in caring for
diverse patient population in a variety of settings. We’ll share models from
the world, including Massachusetts General’s Home Hospital program, designed and
by nurses, with significant improvements in outcomes and cost. The panel will
local examples and the participants will work to design a model for rapid
and local adaptation as we work together to improve care nationally. The key
innovation, exnovation and spread, with tools for each, will guide work on the
Learning Objectives
- Learn new models for care across local and international systems
- Understand how they might design a model for rapid sharing and local
Breakout C8
“Turn on the Lights” - a live podcast recording
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Don Berwick
Dr. Kedar Mate
Dr. Ahmed Al Mohammed
Mr. Brendon Morris
Moderator: Dr. Kedar Mate
Level: All
Join us for a thought-provoking session as we explore the healthcare systems
the lens of IHI’s podcast series “Turn on the Lights”. Attendees will watch a
recording of the podcast and have the chance to engage in a discussion on a
range of
topics around improving health and health care delivery, highlighting successes
lessons learned. By demystifying health care problems, “Turn on the Lights”
hopes to
activate both the public and health care professionals to help us accelerate
that lead to improvements in health and health care worldwide.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the importance of exploratory conversations about complex topics
- Explore some practical solutions to improve healthcare systems and
Breakout C11
Thinking Differently about Healthcare Quality: Lessons from Crisis Settings
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Mondher Letaief
Moderator: Dr. Ibrahim Fawzy
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- Adaptive Quality Strategies: Delegates will learn
different approaches to planning for quality, coordination and governance
within a crisis setting to support the delivery of improved service
provision and patient outcomes
- Dynamic Priority and Resource Management:
Delegates will explore approaches to prioritization, identification of
priority populations and conditions and resource allocation
- Building Capability: Delegates will learn about a
novel approach to building capability within their teams and organisations
to support the delivery of quality healthcare in crisis settings
An enlightening session where we explore insights drawn from crisis healthcare
settings, specifically Fragile, Conflict, and Vulnerable (FCV) environments.
Discover how thinking differently, inspired by FCV settings can significantly
redefine and enhance healthcare quality.
Plenary 4:
Solving the Global Workforce Crisis in Healthcare
Prof. Mark Britnell
Moderator: Dr. Abdulla Al Ansari
Level: All
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With the world projected to be 18 million health workers short by 2030, Professor Mark
presents solutions from his work and travel to 81 countries over the past 15 years.
Learning Objectives
- Delegates will learn that this wicked problem requires complex adaptive thinking, using
the assets in society
Poster Presentations
Level: All
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The authors of the posters will be presenting their quality improvement initiatives to all
participants. The presenters will be available for an interactive Q&A Session wherein
participants are able to ask questions and clarifications for further learning. Participants
will also be able to watch pre recorded video and audio presentations from the authors. Q&A
session will be facilitated by on-duty poster team members by live chat function.
Learning Objectives
Recognize different quality improvement initiatives from across HMC, its partners and the
greater region
Apply the change ideas learned from the poster presenters of the different QI initiatives
Opening Remarks
Ms. Elizabeth Macgillivray
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Learning Objectives
Review of learnings so far and opening comments.
Plenary 5:
Ms. Maureen Bisognano
Mr. Nasser Al Naimi
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Our healthy future will depend on the successful adoption of 4 (r)evolutions in health and
care that will build toward what might be a radically different health system in the future.
In this session, we will share 4 ideas for better health, from artificial intelligence to
kindness, operating systems to moving care into the home. These are the currents in the new
health and care system that will redefine our roles and reframe what’s possible for both
health and care.
Learning Objectives
Explore four ideas for better health and how they will redefine health and care
9:15 – 10:15
Breakout Group D
Breakout D2
Relationships eat culture for breakfast
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Jeff Salvon-Harman
Moderator: Ms. Sumera Farhan
Level: Beginner
Relationships among the health care workforce and with patients are a
cornerstone of
workforce well-being. Workforce relationships centering on a sense of belonging
the profession and in the organization support the pursuit of strategic goals.
Culture may eat strategy for lunch, but relationships eat culture for breakfast.
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the defining elements of Belonging, Relationships, Culture,
and Sociotechnical Systems
- Contemplate the importance of fostering belonging and meaningful
in health care settings
- Ideate on strategies and tactics to strengthen relationships and belonging
among the health care workforce
Breakout D3
A shift towards better health through embracing prevention in Hospitals
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Dominique Allwood
Moderator: Dr. Mosharraf Shamim
Level: All
Hospitals have typically focused on improving health through being a 'repair
However, improving health needs to go beyond tackling illness, and hospitals
have a
crucial role in focusing more on health promotion, the risk factor and causes of
health. Join this session to hear more about proactive and prevention measures
within hospital environments. Discover the key strategies and methodologies that
enhance overall health outcomes through examples, and gain a deeper
understanding of
how preventive approaches can be effectively implemented and integrated in
cultivating a culture of health within hospital settings.
Learning Objectives
- Following this session, be able to describe prevention strategies within
hospital environments to enhance overall health outcomes and community
- Explore case studies and examples illustrating the implementation of
measures in hospitals
- Develop insights and approaches to integrating preventive approaches into
existing healthcare frameworks, fostering a culture of proactive care within
hospital settings
Breakout D4
Sustaining Improvement Amidst Multiple Barriers: Strategies for Resilient Progress
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Omar Ighbirieh
Level: All
This session delves into the intricacies of sustaining improvement initiatives
faced with multiple barriers in diverse contexts. Participants will gain
insights into identifying, mitigating, and navigating through various obstacles
may impede sustained progress. Through real-world case studies and interactive
discussions, the session will address the dynamic nature of challenges,
financial constraints, organizational resistance, and evolving external factors.
Key topics include adaptive leadership strategies, fostering a culture of
resilience, and leveraging data-driven decision-making to navigate
Attendees will leave equipped with practical and proven strategies from other
diverse regions that addressed multifaceted barriers and ensured the continued
success of improvement efforts. This session is essential for professionals
to understand strategies for sustaining improvement efforts in their
despite complex and evolving challenges.
Learning Objectives
- Analyze the diverse barriers that can impede sustaining improvement efforts
- Explore adaptive leadership strategies for overcoming and navigating
multiple barriers to sustainability
- Implement data-driven decision-making processes to inform and guide
improvement strategies
Breakout D7
Leading the Way to Safer Healthcare: The Power of Leadership in Healthcare
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Moza Al Ishaq
Dr. Somia Elafki
Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey
Moderator: Ms. Ayat Khalifa
Level: All
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, patient safety stands as a
paramount concern. Discover the critical role of leadership in fostering a
culture of safety and excellence in healthcare organizations. Join us for an
engaging and informative session that delves into the dynamic interplay between
leadership, patient safety culture, and improved outcomes.
This one-hour session will equip healthcare executives, managers, clinical
leaders, and aspiring healthcare professionals with essential insights and
strategies to become influential leaders in patient safety. Explore the
components of a robust patient safety culture, learn how different leadership
styles impact safety practices, and uncover the significance of leadership
commitment and transparent communication. Through real-world case studies and
interactive discussions, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of
leadership's impact on patient safety and the practical steps to implement
within your organization. Whether you're at the helm of a healthcare
institution, leading a clinical team, or just starting your healthcare journey,
this session will empower you to drive positive change and create a safer
environment for patients and staff.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the core principles of patient safety culture
- Learn how various leadership styles influence patient safety
- Identify actionable strategies to enhance leadership commitment and
communication for safer care
- Gain inspiration from real-life success stories in healthcare leadership
Breakout D11
The Future of
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Implications for Patients, Health and Care
Workers, and Wider Society
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Susu Zughaier
Prof. Asif Khan
Dr. Mohamad Saad
Moderator: Dr. Kedar Mate
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- Understand the latest advancements in AI
technology and their potential impact on healthcare
- Explore the implications of AI for patients,
health and care workers, and wider society
Join us for an engaging panel discussion with local, national, and international
experts in the field of AI as they explore the future of artificial intelligence
in healthcare. Our panelists will discuss the latest advancements in AI
technology and how they could transform the patient experience and clinical
practice. They will also examine the implications of AI for patients, health and
care workers, and wider society. This session will provide attendees with a
unique opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field and gain insights
into the future of AI in healthcare.
Breakout Group E
Breakout E1
Trust to build healthy health system
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Mr. Göran Hendriks
Moderator: Ms. Victoria Terry
Level: Intermediate
Building trust in a health and care system is an ongoing process that requires
collaboration and transparency among providers, leaders, and the citizens in the
community. When the citizens have confidence in the system, they are more likely
to seek care if needed, engage in preventive measures, and adhere to treatment
Learning Objectives
- Understanding Healthcare as a system
- Identify quality methods and tools for improvement
- Discuss leadership and management principles relevant to health care
Breakout E2
Leading QI: Essentials for Managers
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Robert Lloyd
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: All
So, you can explain what the letters PDSA mean. Great! But, are you able to
successfully run multiple PDSA tests in one day, know when a change concept is
for implementation, and then sustain the improvements? This workshop will
provide a
refresher for those who are stalled and a jump start for those who are new to
quality improvement journey. This session is built around the Model for
(MFI) and will demonstrate how to link the three questions related to aim,
measurement, and change concepts to the sequence for success.
Learning Objectives
- To provide an overview of the Model for Improvement (MFI)
- To specify the differences between testing, implementing and spreading a
- To identify key concepts, methods and tools that should be part of your QI
Breakout E3
Community healthcare perspectives – a panel discussion
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Dominique Allwood
Prof. Mahmood Adil
Ms. Maureen Tshabalala
Dr. Amar Shah
Moderator: Dr. Omar Ismail
Level: All
In this session participants will hear diverse perspectives from a range of
leaders and practitioners, to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and
opportunities for delivering community health improvement. Through this panel
discussion, attendees will be equipped with actionable insights to drive
positive change and enhance healthcare delivery in the community.
Learning Objectives
- Increased awareness of the challenges and opportunities for delivering
community health improvement
- Actionable insights to drive positive change and enhance healthcare
delivery in the community
Breakout E4
Hospitals - Hotel concept in enhancing quality and patient safety
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Shwetha Akshaya
Moderator: Ms. Mariam Al-Yafeai
Level: All
It is an innovative approach to healthcare delivery that integrates elements of
hospitality with medical services to enhance the patient experience and improve
outcomes. This concept aims to provide a supportive and comfortable environment
for patients and their families during medical treatment, offering amenities
typically found in hotels alongside high-quality healthcare services. Hospital
hotels prioritize personalized care, qualified staff, and seamless integration
of medical facilities to ensure the well-being and satisfaction of patients. By
combining the expertise of healthcare professionals with the comforts of
hospitality, hospital hotels strive to optimize the healing process and promote
a holistic approach to healthcare delivery. This abstract explores the key
components and benefits of the hospital hotel concept, highlighting its
potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered and experienced by
patients worldwide.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the multifaceted challenges faced by healthcare leaders in
navigating regulatory compliance, healthcare economics, and evolving
clinical practices for effective healthcare transformation
- Acquire skills in fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders,
including healthcare providers, administrators, government agencies, and
patients, to drive successful healthcare transformation initiatives
- Explore key elements and strategies involved in adopting a "hospital as a
hotel" concept, aiming to enhance the patient experience by improving
satisfaction, comfort, and overall well-being during their hospital stay
Breakout E9
Engaging Others in Quality Improvement
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Prof. John Boulton
Moderator: Mr. Rida Alkhdour
Level: All
Quality improvement is deeply rooted in the scientific method. However, for it
to be successful it requires the engagement of others. This is often
challenging. This practical session will describe mechanisms to effectively
engage with others, from ward to leadership.
Learning Objectives
- Develop an understanding of how to effectively engage with others
- Develop an understanding of how engagement evolves over the lifecycle of a
program of improvement
- Develop practical approaches that you can use in your improvement work to
effectively engage with others
Global Health Resilience: Navigating Crisis with Quality Improvement and
Patient Safety
Title: Global Health Resilience:
Navigating Crisis with Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
Speakers: Dr. Mondher Letaief
Dr. Mohamad Alabiad
Dr. Abdul Salam Al-Qahtani
Prof. Aftab Umar
Moderator: Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey
Level: All
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Learning Objectives
- Understanding Crisis Challenges: Participants will gain a
deeper understanding of the unique challenges in providing healthcare during crises
and conflicts
- Insights from different panelists: Attendees will learn
from the experiences and strategies of all engaged parties in handling health
crises, with focus on QI and PS
- Emergency Response Techniques: To acquire skills and
knowledge in resilient emergency response techniques and crisis management in
- Policy Development Skills: Participants will learn how to
develop and implement policies that ensure efficient healthcare delivery during
- Networking and Collaboration: Attendees will have the
opportunity to network with peers and experts, fostering collaborations for future
crisis response initiatives
The session addresses healthcare challenges during crises and conflicts, exploring effective
strategies and emphasizing the importance of quality improvement and patient safety. It
promotes collaborative efforts between international and local organizations such as WHO,
Qatar Red Crescent, HMC, academia and others in crisis response. Panel members are expected
to share best practices in managing healthcare needs in conflict zones and emergencies, with
a focus on quality improvement and patient safety. Discussions will also center on building
resilient healthcare systems capable of withstanding and adapting to crisis situations,
alongside developing coordinated approaches for policy-making and aid distribution in
conflict-affected areas.
Breakout Group F
Breakout F1
Implementing Age-Friendly Culture: experiences and lessons from local champions
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Kedar Mate
Dr. Hanadi Al Hamad
Moderator: Dr. Reham Negmeldin
Level: All
In this panel discussion moderated by Dr Kedar Mate and Dr Dr. Hanadi Al Hamad ,
teams that implemented Age-Friendly Culture in their services will share their
journey and discuss opportunities, challenges and lessons learned.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the principles behind age friendly care and how it has been
implemented across different systems
- Describe benefits of becoming an Age-Friendly system
Breakout F2
Navigating multiple leadership challenges
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Don Berwick
Moderator: Ms. Victoria Terry
Level: Intermediate
Demands on senior leaders are enormous nowadays. Beyond their usual duties
simply to operate complex organizations, leaders now face a long list of
important social problems and needed changes that they must deal with. Examples
include advancing equity, mitigating climate change, adjusting to new payment
models, addressing workforce morale and staff shortages, pandemic preparedness,
and more. This session will explore how leaders can best manage this expanding
Learning Objectives
- Explain the nature of the expanding portfolio of tasks that senior leaders
are facing
- Identify management systems and strategies that leaders can use to better
manage this enormous portfolio of tasks
Breakout F3
'Workforce wellbeing in LMIC: South Africa’s #Staffcare project – lessons learned
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Tshabalala
Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: All
This session explores the transformative #StaffCare Partnership Initiative, born
out of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, where the Institute for Healthcare
Improvement (IHI) collaborated with the Western Cape Department of Health to
prioritize the physical and emotional well-being of healthcare staff.
This session delves into the innovative health system learning intervention in
response to an evident need to help leaders and managers support and protect an
already stretched and vulnerable workforce. Learn how this initiative expanded
beyond the Western Cape, to support healthcare workers in other provinces.
Discover key lessons learned from this project, including the importance of
pre-existing local networks, and maximizing virtual platforms. Gain insights
into sustaining the momentum, securing leadership mandates, and leveraging
external partnerships for enduring impact. Join us to explore the transformative
journey of #StaffCare and extract valuable lessons applicable to workforce
well-being initiatives in diverse global contexts.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the various strategies developed through South Africa’s
#StaffCare Project for promoting healthcare team resilience
- Analyze the key lessons learned from the #StaffCare Project, with a focus
on effective virtual network utilization and the role of pre-existing local
- Develop strategies for sustaining and scaling workforce well-being
initiatives, including securing leadership mandates and fostering external
Breakout F5
Clinical Simulation and Technology
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Mr. Amr Metwally
Mr. Ali Baig
Mr. Mohamed Amer
Moderator: Dr. Firas Haddad
Level: All
Examine the role of simulation and technology in healthcare education and how it
can improve the skills and competencies of healthcare professionals while
ensuring patient safety.
Share best practices from within the Middle East and from other regions that
have successfully improved healthcare education and training quality and safety.
Learning Objectives
- Analyze the impact of simulation and technology on healthcare education,
evaluating its potential to enhance the skills and competencies of
healthcare professionals, with a focus on patient safety
- Explore best practices from the Middle East and global regions, showcasing
effective strategies for elevating healthcare education, training quality,
and safety
Breakout F11
Preventive Medicine Model – International Best Practice & Progress in Qatar
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Noora Al Kaabi
Prof. Mahmood Adil
Moderator: Dr. Mohammed Al Kuwari
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- Understand the evolution of hospitals from
medical care providers to health-promoting institutions, emphasizing
medicine models – using UK as a international example
- Comprehend the key components of Qatar's
Hospital-Based Preventive Medicine Model, including prevention services,
rehabilitation, environmental health, occupational medicine, and lifestyle
- Evaluate the Health Risk Reduction Program's
impact on
health parameters, recognizing its effectiveness in promoting positive
changes and reducing disease-related morbidity
Hospitals, traditionally focused on medical care, shifted towards health
promotion a
decade ago with WHO's initiative. In Qatar, a Hospital-Based Preventive Medicine
Model was adopted, expanding services to cover prevention, rehabilitation,
environmental health, occupational medicine, and lifestyle medicine.
prevention services to reduce mortality factors, physicians find these services
effective and cost-efficient. Qatar's Health Risk Reduction Program, initiated
2022, demonstrated positive health parameter improvements in a sample of
seventy-three patients, emphasizing the potential of preventive medicine for
long-term health benefits. Further evaluation and expansion of the program are
Poster Awards
Abdullatif Al Khal
Prof. Abdul Badi Abou Samra
Mr. Nasser Al Naimi
Moderator: Dr. Khawla Ahmed
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In this session the speaker will show case the best practices of quality improvement and
safety and acknowledge the well presented posters form best performing teams.
Learning Objectives
- Recognize best practices and presentations of QI projects
- Celebrate the best achieving teams in healthcare systems
Plenary 6: Finding Your “Why”
Mr. Jason Caldwell
Moderator: Prof. Abdul Badi Abou Samra
Level: All
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As a speaker with over 13 years experience, Jason draws from the hard-earned perspective
he's learned leading teams through grueling endurance challenges. He touches on themes of
high-performance team leadership, team dynamics, risk assessment and mitigation, while using
his record breaking Atlantic row attempt, amongst others, as a backdrop to illustrate his
points. Jason is also passionate about emotion-driven leadership, as explored in his book
“Navigating the Impossible”, and the power of understanding and leveraging your "why" as
teams take on challenges.
Learning Objectives
- Overcoming Adversity and Change
- Leveraging Human Emotion
- Answering the Question “Why”
- Commitment
- Being Strategically Malleable
- Empowerment
Closing Remarks
Speaker: Prof. Abdul Badi Abou
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Understand the key outcomes, learnings and take-aways from the conference to inform our
in quality and safety in 2024.
Learning Objectives
Hear from the Forum chairpersons as they recap key learnings and outcomes from the