Session Title: Middle East Forum
2024 Orientation Briefing
Speakers: Dr. Reham Hassan
Ms. Maryanne Gillies
Level: All
Room: Exhibition Hall 2
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Learning Objectives
Understanding the best ways of further the delegates' knowledge
during the ME Forum.
Attendees will get an overview of the key points of interest
relating to the Middle East Forum and how they can get the most benefit from the different
activities to
further their knowledge of improvement science, practice and the value of knowledge sharing.
Workshop WS1
How to build your improvement capability plan
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers:Dr. Amar Shah
Moderator: Ms. Victoria Terry
Level: Intermediate
Room: Auditorium 1
Learning Objectives
- Appreciate the difference between capability and
capacity for improvement
- Identify high impact ideas to create capacity for
quality improvement
- Explore different case studies for building
improvement capability at scale
An essential component of any effort to adopt quality
improvement in a healthcare system will involve building improvement capability
and capacity. This session will explore both areas – identifying the key
differences between capability and capacity.
We will explore case studies of different healthcare systems to identify high
impact ideas to unlock capacity. In a world where healthcare systems
are under immense strain and challenge, and a workforce is experiencing burnout,
how do we create capacity to support quality improvement work?
We will then transition to the topic of improvement capability. The session will
walk us through the key questions: who needs what skills; the best design
for learning and applying improvement skills; how to evaluate the effectiveness
of your improvement capability building efforts.
Workshop WS2
Equity as a driver
for healthcare improvement: Fostering Quality for All
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers:Dr. Dominique
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: All
Room: MR 215-217
Learning Objectives
- Access learning from healthcare systems utilising
QI methods to pursue equity
- Identify key lessons from examples and insights of
staff, service users and communities
- Develop ideas to apply QI to support teams to
solve inequities in your own healthcare systems
Equity is an important driver for quality but often one
of the domains that can seem more difficult to tackle.
This session will identify some of the key topics within equity in healthcare
and dive into the opportunities for Quality Improvement (QI) methods in pursuit
of health
equity. Through exploration of case studies, this session will highlight the
approaches taken by healthcare systems to foster equity through QI
Participants will have the opportunity to explore what equity means in their own
health systems and how these methods might apply.
Workshop WS3
The Patient’s Voice
as a Driver for Safety
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Bisognano
Moderator: Ms. Maryanne Gillies
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 2
Learning Objectives
- Describe key drivers for safety, including ways to
hear the patient’s voice
- Learn tools for listening, measuring and acting
for a safer health system
In the years since the patient safety movement was
launched, some vital improvements have been implemented to reduce errors and
safety challenges in
hospitals worldwide. One key driver for safety is still underutilized and can
have the vital impact we need to take the next steps to a safe place for care
and work.
In this session, participants will see the strong connections between patient
safety and listening to the voices of patients and families. In case studies,
the key drivers for safety will be
described and the participants will learn actions and tools to improve safety
for patients and staff alike.
Workshop WS4
AI in health and
medical education
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Susu Zughaier
Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey
Moderator: Ms. Sara Bibi
Level: All
Room: MR 218-220
Learning Objectives
- Introduce AI in healthcare and medical education
transformative concepts and applications
- Discuss ethical and legal aspects (benefits and
risks) of innovative AI-enabled applications in healthcare
- Describe patient quality improvement when AI tools
are utilized
Dive into the forefront of healthcare's technological evolution with our
workshop. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes integral to healthcare, this
unravels its transformative impact on medical learning and practice. Tailored
for educators, medical professionals, and administrators, the workshop combines
insights with practical strategies. From understanding the basics and key
applications to addressing ethical considerations, the session ensures
participants are equipped
to harness AI's potential in shaping the future of health and medical education.
Workshop WS5
Change can be a challenge - how can we think and do differently working with teams
and individuals to support them to create the best possible future?
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Mr. Göran Hendriks
Ms. Selina Stephen
Moderator: Ms. Amy Minichino
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 3
Learning Objectives
- Delegates will learn how to leverage the
psychology of change to support the achievement of breakthrough results in
healthcare systems
- Delegates will understand how to reframe the
questions they are asking about making change happen
- Delegates will explore how to think differently
about improvement and adopt a renewed focus on the human side of change
All improvement involves change. As improvers and
leaders we are continually looking for ways to ensure the people involved in the
change - our staff, patients and the public – are well supported to
make these changes. This session will explore the psychology of change and its
role in improving healthcare systems, together with investigating the principles
of human behaviour as it relates to transformation and how to leverage its power
to impact quality improvement efforts. It will look at the concept of how we can
use “simple rules” to transform mindsets that drive behaviours and actions in
large complex systems.
Workshop WS6
Ensuring surgical
safety by using the “5Rs to Rescue model” to reduce mortality
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Tshabalala
Moderator: Dr. Rashad Alfkey
Level: All
Room: MR 236-238
Learning Objectives
- Understand the 5Rs model and its application in
enhancing patient safety during surgical care
- Acquire skills to identify patients at high risk
of post-operative complications using risk assessment tools
- Develop proficiency in the timely recognition,
response, reassessment of interventions, and reflection on clinical
deterioration for continuous improvement efforts
This session introduces the comprehensive 5Rs model- an African Hospitals
Surgical Safety Initiative for improving patient safety and preventing
post-surgical deaths
throughout the surgical care continuum. Participants will be taken through each
stage of the 5Rs model—Risk Assessment, Recognize, Respond, Reassess,
and Reflect—to bolster their ability to identify patients at high risk of
post-operative complications and respond effectively to signs of clinical
Through engaging case studies and interactive discussions, attendees will gain
practical insights into implementing the 5Rs model, ensuring timely
identification of patients and effective response.
The session emphasizes the importance of a proactive and reflective mindset,
encouraging healthcare professionals to continually reassess interventions and
reflect on processes for ongoing improvement.
This session is indispensable for healthcare practitioners, administrators, and
policymakers committed to fostering a culture of patient safety in surgical
settings by adopting a systematic and evidence-based approach to care.
Workshop HD-WS1
What does a large piece of paper have to do with QI? Introduction to A3 and
Scientific Thinking
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. James Laughton
Moderator: Mr. Glenn Ocampo
Level: All
Room: MR 104
Learning Objectives
- Introduce the concepts of Scientific and A3
- Practise interactive examples of Scientific and A3
Thinking with real examples of areas for improvement
- Highlight the benefits of Scientific and A3
Thinking for QI activities
There are many tools used in Quality Improvement (QI),
fundamental is the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle.
PDSA cycles are essentially the tool for scientific thinking applied to solving
problems. Taichi Ohno was famously quoted “No problem is problem” ie
there are always opportunities for improvement. Approaching opportunities for
improvement (‘our problems’) using a structured approach can be captured
on an A3 sheet1. Many organisations, including Toyota, use A3 Thinking and the
A3 report to capture improvement opportunities, as they evolve and as a means of
reporting and sharing the learnings2. Quality and Improvement should not be seen
as stand-alone projects, but as the culture of the organization. A3 Thinking
routinely helps embed the Quality mindset into the way of doing work, not as a
bolt-on activity.
Workshop HD-WS2(part 1)
Better Quality
Through Better Measurement
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Robert Lloyd
Dr. Aisha Al Adab
Moderator: Mr. Salam Nassar
Level: All
Room: MR 239-241
Learning Objectives
- To provide an overview of the Milestones in the
Quality Measurement Journey (QMJ)
- To identify and build useful measures with
operational definitions, stratification and sampling
- To explain QI approaches to analyzing and
interpreting data with statistical process control (SPC) methods
- To link measurement efforts to improvement
This session provides guidance for avoiding roadblocks in your quality
measurement journey (QMJ). Selecting measures, developing operational
definitions, building data collection plans and understanding variation
represent the major milestones in the QMJ. Construction and interpretation of
run and control charts will be key topics. Linking measurement to improvement
strategies will provide the final step in the QMJ. Case studies and exercises
will be used to demonstrate the application of measurement principles to
healthcare topics.
Workshop HD-WS3(part 1)
Exploring the Improvement Journey in Healthcare (Arabic)
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Mr. Emran Kanan
Dr. Khawla Ahmad
Dr. Reham Negmeldin
Dr. Mohammad Adnan
Ms. Sahar Al-Shamari
Mr. Anas Al-Masri
Dr. Almunzer Zakaria
Moderator: Ms. Julnar Omar
Level: All
Room: MR 105
Learning Objectives
- Participants will gain an understanding of the
Quality Improvement methodology, enhancing their skills to actively
contribute to improvement teams and effectively test, measure, and report
changes in their respective areas of responsibility
- The workshop will equip participants with
evidence-based improvement methods, offering practical tools and knowledge
that can be readily applied in their work environment
أهداف التعلم :
سيكتسب المشاركون فهمًا لمنهجية تحسين الجودة، مما يعزز مهاراتهم للمساهمة
بنشاط في فرق التحسين واختبار التغييرات وقياسها والإبلاغ عنها بشكل فعّال في
مجالات مسؤولياتهم.
ستزوّد ورشة العمل المشاركين بأساليب تحسين قائمة على الأدلة، تقدم أدوات
ومعرفة عملية يمكن تطبيقها بسهولة في بيئة العمل.
An interactive workshop in Arabic language that aims to
introduce the Quality Improvement methodology to support participants to develop
their skills, knowledge, and to increase their abilities to participate as
members of improvement teams contributing to testing, measuring and reporting on
changes in their area of responsibility.
This workshop is grounded in evidence - based improvement methods that designed
to provide practical tools and knowledge that can immediately be applied in the
working environment.
Hands-on workshop with many applied exercises, activities and examples that is
incorporated to enhance participants’ engagement and learning.
ورشة عمل تفاعلية باللغة العربية تهدف إلى التعريف بمنهجية تحسين الجودة لدعم
المشاركين لتطوير مهاراتهم ومعارفهم وزيادة قدراتهم على المشاركة كأعضاء في فرق
التحسين والمساهمة في اختبار وقياس وإعداد التقارير عن التغييرات في مجال
ترتكز ورشة العمل هذه على أساليب التحسين القائمة على الأدلة والتي تم تصميمها
لتوفير أدوات ومعرفة عملية يمكن تطبيقها على الفور في بيئة العمل.
ورشة عمل تفاعلية تحتوي على العديد من التمارين التطبيقية والأنشطة والأمثلة التي
تم دمجها لتعزيز مشاركة لحضور وتعلمهم.
Intensives I1
Why quality improvement fails: The importance of rigour in quality improvement
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Amar Shah
Moderator: Ms. Victoria Terry
Level: Intermediate
Room: Auditorium 1
Learning Objectives
- Identify the main reasons from the evidence-base
about why QI doesn’t deliver
- Explore a framework to help us strengthen the
rigour with which we apply quality improvement
- Extend our understanding of the latest rigorous
applications of the science of improvement
Quality improvement is both a science and a mindset. In
order to build belief in quality improvement, practitioners need to win hearts,
by applying it to reduce preventable suffering and improve meaningful outcomes,
and minds, by demonstrating it as a valid method for delivering causal results.
The way in which we apply quality improvement is integral to the likelihood of
delivering success – and the data and stories from results are what help build
This session will summarise the evidence base about the key factors that prevent
quality improvement from delivering what it promises - sustained improvements in
patient care. We will unpack the scientific elements of quality improvement, and
outline a framework that will help those engaged in QI strengthen the rigour
with which they apply the science. The session will draw on examples from the
field, and share some of the ways in which we can bring best practices, and
relatively underutilised approaches to quality improvement, in order to
strengthen and accelerate the delivery of results and learning.
Intensives I2
PDSA cycles to implement just culture
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Jeff Salvon-Harman
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: Intermediate
Room: Auditorium 3
Learning Objectives
- Recognize and understand just culture principles
and application across the health care workforce
- Identify approaches to coaching just culture
learners with a PDSA-based practice model for solidifying just culture use
- Understand the relationship of learning methods to
applying new learning in novel scenarios
Just Culture is more than a Human Resources policy or a
specialized tool for responding to significant events. As the name implies,
a truly just culture defines how the health care workforce at every level
thinks, behaves, and responds to lapses of expectations in the workplace.
Achieving this level of integration requires actively coached/facilitated
practice of just culture application. Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles can serve
as the structure for such practice to develop consistent application to
precursor behaviors and to foster psychological safety and trust.
Intensives I3
development in LMIC and a quest for succession
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Tshabalala
Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey
Moderator: Ms. Sara BibI
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 2
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the unique challenges and opportunities
in leadership development within LMIC
- Understand culturally sensitive leadership
development strategies tailored to LMIC contexts
- Develop sustainable strategies for leadership
succession in LMICs
This session addresses the critical need for effective leadership development in
Low and Medium-Income Countries (LMIC), where leadership gaps and succession
planning are critical challenges. Participants will explore tailored strategies
for cultivating leadership skills, emphasizing culturally sensitive approaches,
and creating pathways for sustainable succession. Through case studies and
interactive discussions, the session will shed light on successful leadership
development initiatives in LMICs, focusing on coaching, mentorship,
skill-building, and fostering a leadership pipeline.
Key topics include identifying and nurturing local talent, addressing cultural
nuances in leadership development, and implementing sustainable succession plans
to ensure continuity. Attendees will gain practical insights into overcoming
unique challenges in LMICs, fostering leadership resilience, and building a
cadre of leaders prepared to address complex issues. This session is essential
for those committed to advancing leadership capabilities and ensuring a seamless
transition of leadership in resource-constrained environments.
Intensives I4
Intermediate QI- Concepts, Tools and Practice
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Mr. Mark Agramon
Ms. Catherine Jamias
Mr. Sashtha Swaminathan
Ms. Emelita Ison
Moderator: Ms. Smitha Prasad
Level: All
Room: MR 215-217
Learning Objectives
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of Improvement
Science principles and their role in fostering a person-centered learning
healthcare system
- Develop hands-on proficiency in utilizing basic
Quality Improvement (QI) tools for enhancing clinical practice and
operational efficiency
- Acquire skills in ensuring sustainability, scaling
up, and applying Improvement Science concepts and tools through a
comprehensive case study, empowering healthcare professionals for effective
quality improvement initiatives
HHQI's Mission is to drive and guide a person- centered learning
healthcare system to enhance and sustain optimum clinical practice and
operations. It aims to embed the culture of continuous improvement and to
develop national self-sufficiency in improvement management across the Qatar
healthcare system. One of its key strategic goals is to build capacity and
capability throughout the system. Improvement Science has been the backbone of
our training programs which includes its concepts, QI tools and how it is
applied into practice. The session will be workshop style where didactic
presentations, tabletop activities and group activities will be conducted. The
workshop will focus on the following concepts – 5 Key Principles for
Improvement, The Model for Improvement, Basic QI tools, Data Collection,
Developing and Interpreting Run Charts and Sustainability, Scale-up and Spread.
There will be a case study throughout the workshop wherein we will journey on
how we will be applying Improvement Science – its concepts and tools.
This session will be able to enable healthcare professionals to apply
appropriate quality improvement tools into practice and to generate quality
improvement initiatives utilizing the MFI methodology, concepts and tools.
Intensives I5
Balancing quality service and cost- A quality management approach to Value-based
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Gautam Sharma
Dr. Reham Negmeldin
Ms. Maryanne Gillies
Moderator: Ms. Catherine Jamias
Level: All
Room: MR 218-220
Learning Objectives
- Understand the development and importance of
the Value Improvement (VI) approach by the Institute for Healthcare
- Evaluate the tangible outcomes and benefits of
VI, focusing on its influence on performance, capacity, finance, patient
outcomes, and staff satisfaction
- Explore the core components of the VI
framework, emphasizing standardization and continuous process
- Familiarize with key tools like the data box
score, visual management board, and communication huddles
- Apply VI principles to real-world healthcare
scenarios and Participate in interactive discussions, sharing
experiences and insights related to VI implementation
Healthcare organizations require systems to
consistently meet the needs of their patients while providing excellent
quality of care. The value improvement (VI) approach was developed by the
Institute for Healthcare Improvement. After the successful pilot and spread
of the methodology in the Heart Hospital, it was spread outside of the Heart
Hospital and then launched as a collaborative with 27 teams across HMC,
PHCC, and QRC. phase 2 spread of the collaborative was launched in June 2023
with 45 more teams across HMC and PHCC. The value improvement methodology
has shown tremendous results and excellent outcomes in performance,
and finance measures and has led to an increase in patient outcomes,
increased patient and staff experience, and satisfaction. This session
presents the outcomes achieved from applying the Value improvement
methodology. The method is rooted in a framework that emphasizes
standardization, continuous process improvement, and rightsizing capacity to
demand. The main tools include a data box score, a visual management board,
and weekly communication huddles.
Intensives I6
How to become the change you want to see” by integrating emotional intelligence,
working styles & leadership styles
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Jawed Iqbal
Dr. Shakeel Riaz
Moderator: Ms. Fida Ahmed
Level: All
Room: MR 236-238
Learning Objectives
- Define emotional Intelligence, working styles and
leadership styles
- Learn how emotional Intelligence, working styles
and leadership styles impact on individual performance, relationship &
- Explore the evidence-based strategies to develop
the prioritized area of development
Every individual behaves differently because of their experiences, the
perception they create for important tasks & events, and they adopt certain
in their style of leading team or performing tasks which reflects on their
situational awareness and emotions. Working styles and leadership styles are
crucial aspects
of how individual function in a professional environment. Successful workplaces
often blend different working styles and leadership approaches to create
adaptable to teams that can tackle various challenges effectively. Whereas,
self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills are a
person’s identity which reflects not only in workplace but helps individual
livelihood and creates positivity in life.
Thus, it is very important for each one of us to develop our emotional
intelligence, working styles & leadership styles to the optimum level.
Workshops HD-WS1(part 2)
What does a large piece of paper have to do with QI? Introduction to A3 and
Scientific Thinking
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. James Laughton
Moderator: Mr. Glenn Ocampo
Level: All
Room: MR 104
Learning Objectives
- Introduce the concepts of Scientific and A3
- Practise interactive examples of Scientific
and A3 Thinking with real examples of areas for improvement
- Highlight the benefits of Scientific and A3
Thinking for QI activities
There are many tools used in Quality Improvement
(QI), fundamental is the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle. PDSA cycles are
essentially the tool for scientific thinking applied to solving problems.
Taichi Ohno was famously quoted “No problem is problem” ie there are always
opportunities for improvement. Approaching opportunities for improvement
(‘our problems’) using a structured approach can be captured on an A3
sheet1. Many organisations, including Toyota, use A3 Thinking and the A3
report to capture improvement opportunities, as they evolve and as a means
of reporting and sharing the learnings2. Quality and Improvement should not
be seen as stand-alone projects, but as the culture of the organization. A3
Thinking used routinely helps embed the Quality mindset into the way of
doing work, not as a bolt-on activity.
Workshops HD-WS2(part 2)
Better Quality Through Better Measurement
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Robert Lloyd
Dr. Aisha Al Adab
Moderator: Mr. Salam Nassar
Level: All
Room: MR 239-241
Learning Objectives
- To provide an overview of the Milestones in the
Quality Measurement Journey (QMJ)
- To identify and build useful measures with
operational definitions, stratification and sampling
- To explain QI approaches to analyzing and
interpreting data with statistical process control (SPC) methods
- To link measurement efforts to improvement
This session provides guidance for avoiding roadblocks in your quality
measurement journey (QMJ). Selecting measures, developing operational
definitions, building data collection plans and understanding variation
represent the major milestones in the QMJ. Construction and interpretation of
run and control charts will be key topics. Linking measurement to improvement
strategies will provide the final step in the QMJ. Case studies and exercises
will be used to demonstrate the application of measurement principles to
healthcare topics.
Workshops HD-WS3(part 2)
Exploring the Improvement Journey in Healthcare (Arabic)
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Mr. Emran Kanan
Dr. Khawla Ahmad
Dr. Reham Negmeldin
Dr. Mohammad Adnan
Ms. Sahar Al-Shamari
Mr. Anas Al-Masri
Dr. Almunzer Zakaria
Moderator: Ms. Julnar Omar
Level: All
Room: MR 105
Learning Objectives
- Participants will gain an understanding of the
Quality Improvement methodology, enhancing their skills to actively
contribute to improvement teams and effectively test, measure, and
report changes in their respective areas of responsibility
- The workshop will equip participants with
evidence-based improvement methods, offering practical tools and
knowledge that can be readily applied in their work environment
أهداف التعلم :
سيكتسب المشاركون فهمًا لمنهجية تحسين الجودة، مما يعزز مهاراتهم للمساهمة
بنشاط في فرق التحسين واختبار التغييرات وقياسها والإبلاغ عنها بشكل فعّال
في مجالات مسؤولياتهم.
ستزوّد ورشة العمل المشاركين بأساليب تحسين قائمة على الأدلة، تقدم أدوات
ومعرفة عملية يمكن تطبيقها بسهولة في بيئة العمل.
An interactive workshop in Arabic language that
aims to introduce the Quality Improvement methodology to support
participants to develop their skills, knowledge, and to increase their
abilities to participate as members of improvement teams contributing to
testing, measuring and reporting on changes in their area of responsibility.
This workshop is grounded in evidence - based improvement methods that
designed to provide practical tools and knowledge that can immediately be
applied in the working environment.
Hands-on workshop with many applied exercises, activities and examples that
is incorporated to enhance participants’ engagement and learning.
ورشة عمل تفاعلية باللغة العربية تهدف إلى التعريف بمنهجية تحسين الجودة لدعم
المشاركين لتطوير مهاراتهم ومعارفهم وزيادة قدراتهم على المشاركة كأعضاء في فرق
التحسين والمساهمة في اختبار وقياس وإعداد التقارير عن التغييرات في مجال
ترتكز ورشة العمل هذه على أساليب التحسين القائمة على الأدلة والتي تم تصميمها
لتوفير أدوات ومعرفة عملية يمكن تطبيقها على الفور في بيئة العمل.
ورشة عمل تفاعلية تحتوي على العديد من التمارين التطبيقية والأنشطة والأمثلة
التي تم دمجها لتعزيز مشاركة لحضور وتعلمهم
Intensives I7
Data and whole system quality
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey
Dr. Kedar Mate
Moderator: Ms. Maryanne Gillies
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 1
Learning Objectives
- Ability to discuss the enablers and challenges
of effective governance for quality among health systems
- Learn about IHI's Whole System approach to
- Apply the Whole System approach to your health
What are the key enablers and persisting challenges as
health systems and countries improve governance for better health? What key
strategies and approaches have IHI been deploying to support health system
transformation since the release of three seminal reports on the state of
quality globally in 2018? Finally, how can health systems achieve a holistic
approach to transformation by embracing Quality Planning, Quality Assurance,
Quality Improvement methodologies. Join this action-packed two-hour session on
IHI's Whole System Quality approach to whole system transformation.
Intensives I8
New Ways to Lead
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Bisognano
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 2
Learning Objectives
- Have a clear plan for leading in many parts of health care, drawn from
innovative models for leading from inside and outside of health care
- Understand ways to lead across the seven generations in the workforce today
- Develop a way to care for themselves and their leadership teams
The challenges of leading today, from a rapidly changing workforce, to
innovating and implementing new ways to care, to integrating AI and digital
technology, to leading in population health, and managing financial challenges,
health care leaders are seeking new ways to lead, to thrive and to succeed in
all aspects of the Quintuple Aim-better care, better health for the population,
lower costs, a robust and thriving workforce and equity in all parts of the
In this session, we’ll share new ways to lead, from innovation and exnovation,
new ways to listen, new models from inside and outside of health care, and
engagement for staff at all levels
Intensives I9
From Hesitation to Heroism: Transforming Patient Safety Culture through Speak-up and
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Neethu Joseph
Moderator: Mr. Arun Christopher
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 3
Learning Objectives
- Apply effective strategies to speak up and listen up for patient safety
- Explore the ways to establish trust to reduce power distance
- Demonstrate the skills essential to speak up and listen up for patient
This workshop aims to equip healthcare workers with the skills and confidence
necessary to advocate for patient safety by diminishing hierarchical barriers,
reducing conflicts, and nurturing a workplace culture where speaking up and
listening up for patient safety were embraced as collective responsibilities.
Intensives I10
The Healing Canvas: brushing away stress by Therapeutic Art
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Ms. Kumari Theresa Thomas
Moderator: Mr. Purushotham Manjusri
Level: All
Room: MR 105
Learning Objectives
- To educate healthcare providers about the use
of art for wellness and allow them to have a hands-on experience
- To promote relaxation, provide skills for
self-care, increase confidence in healthcare settings
- To utilize the creative process to help people
explore self-expression
Therapeutic Art encompass healthcare providers
centre-wide to ensure continuous psychological assistance to patients by letting
them express their feelings in form of art. This would facilitate early
identification and management of patients who might develop changes in mental
status during isolation period.
Intensives I11
The Exponential Role of Mentorship in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Shireen Omar
Dr. Abdulla Yousaf
Moderator: Dr. Reham Negmeldin
Level: All
Room: MR 218-220
Learning Objectives
- Determine the concept of mentoring and the differences between mentoring
and coaching
- Discuss the benefits of mentoring for the mentor, mentee, and organization
- Determine measures to promote healthy relationships
- Identify the various roles of mentorship in quality improvement and Patient
safety initiatives
Mentoring plays a vital role in the career development and overall success of
mentees across a wide range of fields. Mentorship is based on mutual trust and
respect; it seeks to build confidence and is an empowering partnership between
two people who have a shared set of learning objectives [1]. The term mentoring
is sometimes confused with clinical teaching or coaching. Clinical teaching
occurs when a student engages with a clinician who assumes responsibility for
patient care and student learning [2]. While coaching, is a method of directing,
instructing, and training a person usually with the aim of developing specific
skills in that individual [3]. Mentorship shifts the focus of the intervention
from individual skills, often focussing on a specific service or health issue
(e.g. immunisation or hand hygiene) to a holistic, learner-based, professional
and career focus. According to the WHO, mentorship is critical to sustain high
quality clinical outcomes [25]. Numerous recorded improvements in the quality of
care because of the mentorship intervention [4]. These include accurate
documentation of care, increased accordance between care plans and actual care
delivered, and increased appropriate prescription and administration of
analgesia, and antiretroviral drugs [4]. With the underutilized role of
mentoring in healthcare, this workshop will equip the participants with the
knowledge and skills in applying this concept in Quality Improvement and patient
Intensives I12
Safety is good , Safety II is better
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Jawed Iqbal
Mr. Kakoli Roy
Dr. Jeff Salvon-Harman
Moderator: Ms. Eman Alhmoud
Level: All
Room: MR 236-238
Learning Objectives
- Grasp the concept of Safety-II and its
significance in focusing on situations where safety is present, moving
beyond the study of adverse events or incidents
- Learn strategies to integrate elements of both
Safety-I and Safety-II approaches to enhance safety management practices
in healthcare settings
- Explore experiences from healthcare settings
to effectively assess the disjunction between the intended and actual
practices, highlighting the importance of aligning "work as done" with
"work as imagined."
- Gain insights into practical Quality
Improvement (QI) tools applicable for assessing Safety-II, with
real-world case studies, hands-on demonstrations, and interactive
presentations to support healthcare workers in implementing this newer
safety perspective
Patient safety is generally seen by studying numbers of adverse events or
incidents and we ignore the everyday work which usually goes well. The Safety-II
perspective aspires to overcome this gap by focusing on situations where safety
is present and healthcare worker is not waiting for the incidents to happen
rather act proactively. Safety-II has gained popularity in fields such as
aviation, healthcare, and high-reliability organizations, where understanding
and improving safety in complex, dynamic systems is critical.
The safety-II is a newer concept and many organizations across globe started
adopting this concept. This means there are very limited resources to support
healthcare worker to implement it. The speaker will highlight how safety-II can
complement more traditional Safety-I approach and discuss strategies to adopt
elements of both approaches to enhance the safety management practices.
Experiences from the healthcare settings to discuss ways and means to assess the
“work as done” vs “work as imagined” is vital. The speaker will review numbers
of publications to summaries the concept of traditional safety-I and newer
thinking of safety-II to advocate culture of resiliency. There are numbers of QI
tools available to assess the traditional safety whereas to assess the
safety-II, healthcare workers struggle. The speaker will share experiences,
interactive presentations, real-world case studies, and hands-on demonstrations
of workable tools applicable for the safety-II.
Workshop HD-WS4(part 1)
Adopting People Centered Approach in the Implementation of the National Action Plan
to combat AMR in Human Health in the State of Qatar (NAP2)
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Dhouha Hamdani
Level: All
Room: MR 104
Learning Objectives
- Identify priorities for implementation of the AMR national action plan
(NAP) in human health
- Learn how to apply people centred approach to implement AMR NAP in human
Qatar has taken strides in implementing the National AMR program based on the
first NAP to combat AMR 2018-2022. Currently, MOPH is coordinating the
development of the second NAP for AMR (2023-2030) across all relevant sectors.
The WHO released a guide to adopt people centred approach in implementing AMR
program in human health. MOPH would like to reflect this guide in our
implementation plan for AMR in human health.
Workshop HD-WS5(part 1)
Flow collaborative achievements and The Role of Electronic Healthcare
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Mohamed Khalil
Mr. Mohammad Abuqamar
Mr. Mohamed Hawari
Ms. Marwa Mahmoud
Moderator: Mr. Kenneth Logrono
Level: All
Room: MR 239-241
Learning Objectives
- Explain how data-driven decision-making among
executives and meso-level leaders drive improvement initiatives
- Explore how collaboration and teamwork among
multidisciplinary teams help orchestrates a smooth patient flow
- Identification of dashboard functions in
healthcare system and Distinguish the different dashboards and their
applications and challenges
- To examine principles of effective dashboard
design in patient flow monitoring and coordination at micro, meson, and
macro levels (Frontline, Executive, Corporate)
HMC encounters patient flow challenges, jeopardizing care quality. Participating
in the Flow Collaborative Project since 2019, the team employed QI tools,
notably reducing discharge delays from 37% to 8% and UBDs from 1741 to 709 days.
Despite these gains, the available capacity persists at 0-1 beds every 7 am.
This project fosters improvement science, leadership engagement, and
collaborative learning, aiming for sustainable system-wide enhancements through
the strategic use of QI tools.
To tackle the challenges in healthcare system and improve patient journey.
Several approaches were implemented including the electronic healthcare
dashboards (EHD). EHD is a modern analytics tool to monitor healthcare key
performance indicators (KPI) in a dynamic and interactive way, to support
decision makers and stakeholders.
Workshop HD-WS6(part 1)
Health Risk Reduction Workshop
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Noora AlKaabi
Moderator: Dr. Mohammad Arshad
Dr. Saad Abdullah
Level: All
Room: MR 215-217
Learning Objectives
- To improve knowledge, skills and practice related to lifestyle which may
impact quality of life and reduce burden of diseases. Including quitting
habits and adapting good physical activity, healthy eating, sleep hygiene,
emotional adaption and healing. It also empowers patients and their families
take an active role in their own health.
Seven out of ten deaths are attributed to chronic diseases and modifiable
lifestyle factors including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease each year.
Working collaboratively with multidisciplinary professionals can prevent, delay,
or catch many of these chronic diseases early and treat them. In addition to
saving millions of life years, increased usage of clinically proven preventative
services in Qatar might save money for both individuals and
Intensives/ Workshops
Intensive I13
(Understand my Dialect)
Session Track:Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Ms. Fatma
Moderator: Dr. Raifah Qaddourah
Level: All
Room: MR 218-220
Learning Objectives
- To increase the level of knowledge of Non-Arabic
staff for commonly used Qatari words during patient care
- To increase Non-Arabic staff confidence and
satisfaction in communications with Qatari patients
- To empower the family members in teaching Qatari
words for Non-Arabic staff
HHCS had some patients complains related to
misunderstanding of some Arabic words by Non-Arabic staff that lead to delay in
the patient care. We started project focus on improving staff experience .it was
EFHAM LAHGATI which it started by participating family members from patient
family advisory committee (PFAC)in the project by developing list of common
Qatari words with HHCS staff that used during home visits or received through
telephone call with control room staff. We started educational workshop for Non
-Arabic staff who liked the session and asked for more workshops improve their
knowledge of common Qatari words.
Intensive I14
The Power of Joy:
Finding Bliss in the Workplace
Session Track:Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Theresa Thomas
Mr. Norwil Baguio
Mr. Mir Aftab
Ms. Maureen Bisognano
Moderator: Mr. Thanveer Thayyullathil
Level: All
Room: MR 105
Learning Objectives
- To create a work environment that fosters happiness and
satisfaction among employees, leading to increased productivity,
reduced turnover, and a more positive workplace culture
Embark on a journey through the evolution of
workplace well-being with our session. This exploration delves into the
historical milestones, from the Human Relation Movement's emphasis on
social aspects to the Quality of Work Life Movement's focus on job
satisfaction and work-life balance. Witness the influence of Positive
Psychology, shaping the idea that happiness can be cultivated in the
workplace. In the contemporary landscape, modern leadership theories
underscore the pivotal role of leaders in fostering joy at work.
Discover how leadership styles emphasizing empathy, collaboration, and
employee development contribute to creating a happier and more
fulfilling workplace environment. Join us to unlock the keys to a
positive and purpose-driven work experience for all.
Intensive I15
Workforce Safety
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Jeff Salvon-Harman
Moderator: Ms. Lisha Abraham
Level: Intermediate
Room: Auditorium 3
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the changing workforce safety landscape shaping factors
- Understand new countermeasures to emerging workforce safety threats
- Consider evolving traditional occupational safety programs for a holistic
approach to workforce safety and well-being
The health care workforce has faced infectious and
physical threats to safety in the form of bloodborne pathogen exposures, lifting
injuries, slips, trips, and falls for decades. New risks are emerging in the
form of escalating aggression and violence in care settings, in civil behaviors
of patient, visitors and workers, and weapons in care settings. Monitoring and
managing workforce safety must extend beyond traditional occupational health
programs. Intersections with workforce well-being principles and countermeasures
for new threats must be incorporated with occupational health to holistically
address safety of the workforce.
Intensive I16
Teamwork, Communication & Working Styles
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Jawed Iqbal
Ms. Ana Jimena
Mr. Mark Agramon
Ms. Shahina Shameer
Moderator: Ms. Mary Rani
Level: All
Room: MR 236-238
Learning Objectives
- Understand the characteristics of an effective team, exploring the stages
of team development, with a focus on Tuckman's Team Development Model
- Learn and apply standards of effective communication, identify
communication challenges, and acquire strategies to improve team
communication within healthcare settings
- Explore different working styles, assess personal working styles using the
Working Styles Assessment Worksheet, and develop skills to navigate and
effectively collaborate with diverse working styles in a healthcare team
HHQI's Mission is to drive and guide a person- centered learning healthcare
system to enhance and sustain optimum clinical practice and operations. It aims
to embed the culture of continuous improvement and to develop national
self-sufficiency in improvement management across the Qatar healthcare system.
One of its key strategic goals is to build capacity and capability throughout
the system. With the training programs and collaborative learning systems that
we offer to healthcare professionals (both clinical and non-clinical), we ensure
that teamwork, communication and working styles is embedded into the curriculum.
This promotes person-centered learning among the teams and the wider
organization. The session will be workshop style where didactic presentations
and interactive group activities will be conducted. The workshop will focus on
the following concepts - characteristics of an effective team, stages of team
development specifically Tuckman's Team Development Model, challenges of working
in teams, benefits of working in teams and how to improve teamwork skills. Then
it will also include the standards of effective communication, communication
challenges and the ways of improving team communication. We will also be
exploring the working styles and how we can use our styles in dealing with other
working styles. There will be group activities for teamwork and communication.
We will also be utilizing the Working Styles Assessment Worksheet and have a
group activity in relation to their responses.
Intensive I17
Quality Healthcare
for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Ms. Maga Elanshar
Moderators: Ms. Afaf Ramadan
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 2
Learning Objectives
- Value the impact of cultural diversity in healthcare
- Describe how culture influences both patients’ and providers’ expectations
and decision-making
- Recognize the effect of bias and stereotyping on healthcare quality and
describe strategies to reduce them
Quality healthcare for culturally and linguistically
diverse populations requires specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, and sound
shared decisions from healthcare providers and patients. Literature reveals that
cultural competence training carries the potential to increase patients’
satisfaction and reduce healthcare disparities.
Intensive I18-1
Communication Skills for Healthcare Professionals: Strengthening Patient-Centered
Session Track:Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Ms. Hissa Mohammed
Ms. Hind Al-Mohannadi
Moderator: Ms. Antoinette Tanios
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 1
Learning Objectives
- Enhance the communication skills of healthcare professionals to foster
stronger connections with patients and their care partners
- Equip participants with practical tools for effective communication in
diverse healthcare settings
In the dynamic realm of healthcare, the essence of effective communication
transcends mere exchange of information; it is the bedrock upon which
patient-centered relationships are built and nurtured. “Effective
Communication Skills for Healthcare Professionals: Strengthening
Patient-Centered Relationships” is a meticulously designed session that aims
to transform the communicative dynamics between healthcare providers and
their patients, forging not just connections but meaningful relationships
that significantly contribute to positive healthcare outcomes.
This session is tailored for healthcare professionals who are keen on
elevating their communication skills to enhance their interactions with
patients and their care partners. Understanding that each patient encounter
is unique and presents its own set of challenges and opportunities, this
session is crafted to equip participants with an arsenal of practical
communication tools and strategies that are applicable in the vast spectrum
of healthcare settings.
Through an interactive and engaging format, participants will be guided on a
journey to delve deep into the core aspects of effective communication. The
session will explore the nuances of verbal and non-verbal communication, the
art of active listening, and the importance of empathy and cultural
sensitivity in patient care. Participants will learn how to navigate through
difficult conversations, how to effectively convey complex medical
information in an understandable manner, and how to build trust and rapport
with patients and their families.
Intensive I18-2
Dementia Risks and
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Hanadi Al Hamad
Moderators: Dr. Mani Chandra
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- Understand on the Impact of Dementia on Safety Aspects and Potential Risks
- Understand On Innovations on Enhancing Safety and Mitigating Risks
Explore dementia's impact on safety and innovative
strategies to mitigate risks. Discover cognitive, physical, and environmental
factors influencing vulnerability. Learn about cutting-edge interventions like
assistive technologies enhancing safety. Empower yourself to optimize care
outcomes for individuals with dementia and their caregivers.
workshop HD-WS4(part 2)
Adopting People
Centered Approach in the Implementation of the National Action Plan to combat AMR in
Human Health in the State of Qatar (NAP2)
Session Track:Quality & Safety
Speakers:Dr. Jameela Alajmi
Dr. Eman Radwan
Moderator: Ms. Dhouha Hamdani
Level: All
Room: MR 104
Learning Objectives
- Identify priorities for implementation of the AMR national action plan
(NAP) in human health
- Learn how to apply people centred approach to implement AMR NAP in
human health
Qatar has taken strides in implementing the National AMR program based on
the first NAP to combat AMR 2018-2022. Currently, MOPH is coordinating the
development of the second NAP for AMR (2023-2030) across all relevant
sectors. The WHO released a guide to adopt people centred approach in
implementing AMR program in human health. MOPH would like to reflect this
guide in our implementation plan for AMR in human health.
workshop HD-WS5(part 2)
Flow collaborative
achievements and The Role of Electronic Healthcare Dashboards
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Mr. Belal Zu'bi
Mr. Mohammed Abuqamar
Mr. Mohamed Hawari
Ms. Marwa Mahmoud
Ms. Maryannne Gillies
Moderators: Mr. Kenneth Logrono
Ms. Jisha Eappen
Level: All
Room: MR 239-241
Learning Objectives
- Explain how data-driven decision-making among executives and meso-level
leaders drive improvement initiatives
- Explore how collaboration and teamwork among multidisciplinary teams help
orchestrates a smooth patient flow
- Identification of dashboard functions in healthcare system and Distinguish
the different dashboards and their applications and challenges
- To examine principles of effective dashboard design in patient flow
monitoring and coordination at micro, meson, and macro levels (Frontline,
Executive, Corporate)
HMC encounters patient flow challenges, jeopardizing care quality. Participating
in the Flow Collaborative Project since 2019, the team employed QI tools,
notably reducing discharge delays from 37% to 8% and UBDs from 1741 to 709 days.
Despite these gains, the available capacity persists at 0-1 beds every 7 am.
This project fosters improvement science, leadership engagement, and
collaborative learning, aiming for sustainable system-wide enhancements through
the strategic use of QI tools.
To tackle the challenges in healthcare system and improve patient journey.
Several approaches were implemented including the electronic healthcare
dashboards (EHD). EHD is a modern analytics tool to monitor healthcare key
performance indicators (KPI) in a dynamic and interactive way, to support
decision makers and stakeholders.
workshop HD-WS6(part 2)
Health Risk
Reduction Workshop
Session Track:Population Health
Speakers:Dr. Noora
Moderator: Dr. Mohammad Arshad
Dr. Saad Abdullah
Level: All
Room: MR 215-217
Learning Objectives
- To improve knowledge, skills and practice related to lifestyle which
may impact quality of life and reduce burden of diseases. Including
quitting unhealthy habits and adapting good physical activity, healthy
eating, sleep hygiene, emotional adaption and healing. It also empowers
patients and their families to take an active role in their own health.
Seven out of ten deaths are attributed to chronic diseases and modifiable
lifestyle factors including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease each year.
Working collaboratively with multidisciplinary professionals can prevent,
delay, or catch many of these chronic diseases early and treat them. In
addition to saving millions of life years, increased usage of clinically
proven preventative services in Qatar might save money for both individuals
8:45 -9:15
Opening Ceremony
Speakers: H.E. Dr. Hanan Al Kuwari
Dr. Abdullatif Al Khal
Dr. Kedar Mate
Moderator: Ms. Fatma Al Ansari
Room:Al Mayasa Theatre
View More
Learning Objectives
Learn about new developments in quality and safety in healthcare in Qatar and internationally
from key industry leaders.
Plenary 1 Health Systems Integration
Speakers:Dr. Don Berwick
Moderator: Dr. Abdullatif Al Khal
Room:Al Mayasa Theatre
View More
Learning Objectives
- Describe what an "integrated health care system" is, compared
with most legacy systems
- Identify the variety of methods different nations are using to
try to integrate health care, and the strengths and weaknesses of each approach to date
Most, if not all, developed nations are trying to change their
legacy hospital-centric health care systems into more comprehensive "integrated" systems,
focused on health and more rooted in communities and primary care. This session will explore
variations in approach to those changes, and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
Plenary 2 The Day You Found Out Why
Speakers:Dr. Kedar Mate
Moderator: Dr. Abdullatif Al Khal
Room:Al Mayasa Theatre
View More
Learning Objectives
- Learn the importance of rediscovering their professional
purpose to navigate challenges and contribute to positive change
- Understand how to harness social capital, leverage shared
values, trust, and relationships for teamwork, innovation, and improved patient outcomes
- Explore how to develop new frontiers to shape a
purpose-driven, resilient healthcare system prioritizing patient-centered care and
sustainable practices
This session will focus on the importance of finding a sense of
purpose as health care professionals and how clinicians, quality leaders, administrators,
safety professionals, and medical students in the audience can work on taking back the
system, restore their purpose, and in doing so, help define a new frontier in health care
quality. Dr Mate will explore the power of social capital—the shared values, trust, and
relationships that enable individuals and organizations to work together effectively, to
drive innovation, and improve overall well-being.
Breakout Group A
Breakout A1
strategies to build quality improvement capability in low resource settings
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Tshabalala
Moderator: Ms. Victoria Terry
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 3
Learning Objectives
- Participants will understand the unique challenges of implementing QI
initiatives in low resource settings
- Explore sustainable strategies for building QI capabilities that align with
the limited resources available
- Identify effective approaches to promote local ownership and collaboration
for successful QI implementation
This session explores innovative and sustainable
approaches to enhance Quality Improvement (QI) capabilities in low-resource
settings, where healthcare systems often face unique challenges. Participants
will gain insights into tailored strategies that prioritize resource efficiency,
local ownership, and long-term impact. The session will address key components
such as healthcare workforce training, technology integration, and collaborative
partnerships to foster a culture of continuous improvement.
Case studies from successful QI initiatives in low-resource settings will be
presented, highlighting adaptable and scalable models.
The session aims to empower healthcare practitioners, administrators, and
policymakers with practical methods to strengthen QI practices in
resource-constrained environments. Attendees will learn how to leverage existing
resources effectively, harness local ownership and involvement, and integrate
sustainable solutions that not only address immediate healthcare challenges but
also lay the foundation for enduring improvements in quality healthcare delivery
to achieve good patient outcomes.
This session is a must-attend for those committed to advancing healthcare
quality in settings with limited resources.
Breakout A2
Coaching leaders in
improvement - How do you develop improvement as a system property
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Mr. Goran Hendriks
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: Intermediate
Room: Auditorium 2
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the need to build a system of
- Describe the development through the case example
- Identify essential activities for leaders to
quality across a system
For more than 25 years, Jonkoping has been on a journey
build a system of improvement across the health system and now our whole
As early adaptors of improvement, we joined the Robert Wood Johnson funded IHI
Pursuing Perfection to pilot adopting improvement methodology to achieve
results-driven improvement. This started a decades-long participation in
international partner networks and benchmarking and self-evaluation. Early on,
recognized the opportunity to build a system of improvement and needed to adopt
quality as our strategy. To this day, the five leadership activities serve as
approach to continually improve and ensure our services continue to meet the
of our community best. This framing supports our onboarding and development of
future leaders.
Learn about the origin of adopting quality as our strategy, see how it has aided
learning and improvement, and understand how it helps us assimilate and develop
leaders of tomorrow.
Breakout A3
AI use by Quality
Safety teams
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Jeff Salvon-Harman
Moderator: Ms. Sybil George
Level: Advanced
Room: MR 215-217
Learning Objectives
- Describe applications of AI to quality and safety
- Understand risks and benefits of AI use in health
quality and safety team workflows
- Identify opportunities and pitfalls of AI
implementation in quality and safety work
Quality and Safety teams can streamline workflows through automation with AI
allowing them to reprioritize their focus on critical thinking, improvement,
engagement, and rounding/observation. Advantages and risks will be discussed to
identify opportunities and pitfalls of using AI to augment daily work.
Breakout A4
Building Strategic
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Robert Lloyd
Moderator: Dr. Ali Latif
Level: All
Room: Exhibition Hall 2
Learning Objective
- To review the differences between report cards and
- To explore how transparent you are with your
- To demonstrate how to build a dashboard and
the results
So, what's on your dashboard? How many measures are on
dashboard? How transparent are you with sharing your dashboard indicators
and externally? And most importantly, are you using your dashboard for judgment
learning? In this session these questions will be explored and guidance will be
provided on how to build a strategic dashboard that is designed to create a
organization and achieve quality improvement objectives.
Breakout A5
From Co-Creation to
Co-production: The Value of An Inclusive Approach of a Better Education for A Better
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Shireen Suliman
Dr. Karen Könings
Moderator: Dr. Mai Mostafa
Level: All
Room: MR 218-220
Learning Objectives
- Determine the concept of co-creation in Health
professions education
- Discuss the benefits of co-creation for the
the learners, and other stakeholders
- Determine the role of co-production in Healthcare
Co-creation is defined as a close collaboration between
students and teachers that aims to improve teaching and learning by welcoming
perspectives and actively involving them in the educational design process. (1)
Co-creation has numerous published benefits in the quality of education. It
in a more
positive, inclusive, and democratic learning climate for students and teachers,
increased motivation, and metacognition because of sense of ownership,
reflection, and insight in other perspectives, and ultimately enhances the
of educational design. Co-production identify the citizens as partners in public
delivery, rather than as mere consumers of public goods. (3) co-production often
refers to the direct contribution of patients, service users and/or family
to the
health or wellbeing service from which they (or their family members) benefit
Breakout A6
Empowering Second
Victims to Transform Healthcare Safety Culture
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Moza Al Ishaq
Prof. Mahmoud Adil
Dr. Amar Shah
Mr. Aidan Kehoe
Moderator: Dr. Somia Elafki
Level: All
Room: Al Mayasa Theatre
Learning Objective
- Define and understand the concept of second
victims in
- Explore the importance of empowering second
victims in
fostering a safety culture
- Explore the support mechanisms that healthcare
organizations can implement
- Discuss effective communication strategies for
addressing second victims
- Develop strategies to build resilience in
This session delves into the critical topic of
second victims in healthcare, focusing on their unique challenges and their
role in reshaping safety culture. The session includes examining the emotional
psychological impact of adverse events on healthcare providers, as well as the
significance of empowering/enabling these individuals to create a culture of
transparency and continuous improvement. They will offer valuable insights
from the experiences of other organizations on their path to creating a safer
more patient-centered healthcare environment. The session will provide practical
strategies, support mechanisms, communication skills, and accountability
measures to
foster a safer, more patient-centered healthcare environment. Upon completion,
participants will leave with actionable insights and a commitment to driving
positive change within their healthcare organizations, guided by the wisdom of
shared experiences.
Breakout A7
Health Reforms in
Iran's Primary Healthcare System for population Health
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Prof. Abbas Alipour
Moderator: Dr. Isameldin Abdelbagi
Level: All
Room: MR 236-238
Learning Objectives
Breakout A8-1
Point of Care
Result Reporting and Documentation Compliance in Sidra Pediatric Emergency
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Aisha Muhammad
Moderator: Dr. Sanoj Ali
Level: All
Room: MR 239-241
Learning Objective
- Visual reminder is an effective tool to reinforce
- Technology has a significant role in providing
and effective patient care
Point of care (POC) tests for blood glucose, ketone and
blood gas aid in early recognition of high-risk conditions and emergencies. In
ED as
it is being performed by nurses, the accountability of reporting and
of POC Critical results settle on the nursing team. As per JCI standard POC
results must be reported, documented in the patient record within 30 minutes.
Pediatric emergency is a busy department and maintaining compliance of time
sensitive documentation is a huge challenge for the nurses. We aim to improve
nursing reporting and documentation compliance of the POC critical results
within 30
minutes as per the JCI standard from 30% to 60% in 6 months and 90% in 12
Breakout A8-2
Improving standards
Occupational Therapy clinical record-keeping
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Ms. Julie Melville
Ms. Melissa Toon
Moderator: Dr. Sanoj Ali
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- To demonstrate the effectiveness of targeted PDSA
cycles in improving clinical record keeping
- To show how technology and innovation can be used
support improvement methodology and long-term monitoring
- To highlight the importance of measurement in
Clinical records do more than support patient care,
are essential to it (1) . Inadequate communication between health professionals
associated with discontinuity of care, increased costs, length of stay and
re-admission rates, poor patient satisfaction, adverse events, and diagnostic
(2,3). This project aimed to improve Occupational Therapy (OT) clinical records,
standardizing content, decreasing time to document (TTD) and eliminating missing
Breakout A8-3
A Level 4 Green
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Successfully Addresses Numerous Challenges In
Family Centered Discharge Process Of Patients Using Multiple Targeted Quality
Improvement Project
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Bindu George
Moderator: Dr. Sanoj Ali
Level: All
Learning Objective
- The concepts, skills, tools and techniques to
a family centered multidisciplinary discharge process that begins from
admission, addressing the staff, parental and organizational challenges of a
greenfield NICU
- Multiprofessional teamwork in a set up where
newly recruited staff from different parts of the world accustomed to
previous neonatal care practices worked towards a common goal
- Bridging the lack of community support post
with well-defined and structured post discharge follow up pathways
Qatar’s 54 bedded only level 4 NICU, caring for
sick and complex infants since 2018, staffed by a multinational, culturally
multidisciplinary team, accustomed to varied neonatal discharge care practices,
often challenged by an uncoordinated, non-standardised,
delayed discharge process. This called for an improvement. It is well known that
smooth-safe discharge leads to lesser readmissions, morbidity, parental anxiety,
better outcomes and improved parent satisfaction. This QIP aimed at implementing
family-centred, multidisciplinary, timely, safe, evidence-based discharge
that starts from admission and collaborates with families and caregivers.
Breakout A9
Building a Learning
System in a healthy environment
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Prof. John Boulton
Moderator: Ms. Dina Schnurman
Level: Advanced
Room: MR 104
Learning Objectives
- Develop an understanding of learning systems
- Understand the underlying enablers support a culture of learning
- Understand how quality management systems support the development of
healthy learning systems
In order to realize the benefits of quality and patient
safety within healthcare, organisations are increasingly seeking to develop
learning systems that support effective spread and scale of learning. To achieve
this, organisations need to understand the necessary infrastructure required as
well as the underlying enablers to support the creation of healthy learning
This engaging session will outline the principles of learning systems and what
steps are required to begin their development. It will provide examples from
healthcare for delegates to learn from.
Breakout A10
Navigating Healthcare Excellence: Highlighting Quality Initiatives and Success
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Emelita Eison
Ms. Lamiaa lsaleh
Mr. Nayel Al Tarawneh
Moderator: Mr. Thankcam Panckir
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 1
Learning Objective
- To understand the evolving landscape of healthcare
- To explore how innovative technologies and
strategies to improve patient safety
- To identify the importance of patient-centered
care and shared decision-making in enhancing healthcare quality
- To highlight the importance of interdisciplinary
collaboration and communication in delivering high-quality and reliable care
Explore healthcare quality's evolution in NCCCR,
leveraging innovative technologies for patient safety. Emphasize
patient-centered care and shared decision-making's role. Highlight the crucial
importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and effective communication in
delivering high-quality healthcare. Join us for insights into advancing
healthcare quality.
Breakout A11
Organisational Factors Influencing the Implementation of Quality Improvement
Initiatives in Healthcare
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Jennifer Egbunike
Moderator: Dr. Mohamad Ussama Al Homsi
Level: All
Room: MR 105
Learning Objectives
Plenary 3: Health for
All, Insights from Leaders: a reflection session on the World Health
Organization’s efforts for population health improvement, equity, and
ensuring access to quality and safe care for everyone
Speakers: Dr. Hanan Al Balkhy
Dr. Hans Kluge
Moderator: Dr. Dominique Allwood
Level: All
Room: Al Mayasa
View More
An enlightening session where the panelists will provide insights on WHO’s actions to
improve population health, equity and ensuring access to quality healthcare services for
all, highlighting the importance of realizing the right to health. Learn more about WHO's
strategic priorities and programmes to improve population health in the Eastern
Mediterranean Region and the European Region. What are the commonalities and specificities,
what are the main challenges and perspectives for the future? Why the world needs a strong
WHO now more than ever? How to promote further cooperation across the regions and beyond to
achieve population health improvement? How can WHO inspire and guide positive
transformations around healthcare systems?
Learning Objectives
- To enhance awareness about WHO’s global priorities with
regional specificities
- To highlight key programmes aiming to deliver on our WHO
mandate, highlighting the right to health, with a focus on equity, improving access to
quality and safe health care for all, aligning with the global agenda while balancing
regional needs
- Learning from COVID-19, understand the rationale behind key
WHO initiatives to ensure a better resilience of health systems and to address global
- To Identify priority areas for strengthening collaboration and
partnerships to promote population health and address global challenges
13:45 - 14:45
Breakout Group B
Breakout B1
System work Is
Transformation Work: how to build management systems for better quality
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Kedar Mate
Moderator: Dr. Huda Saleh
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 2
Learning Objectives
- To learn how the world’s leading health systems
transform their culture
- To understand the key elements of a clinical
systems that produces world-class results
Improving the quality, safety, flow and value in our
systems takes a substantial transformation in organizational culture. Health
struggle to change culture efficiently and effectively. In this session, we
explore very specific steps for how the very best health care organizations
their fundamental operating systems to improve quality and how, in turn, this
results in the development of a transformed culture that produces world-class
Breakout B2
Improvement in Flow and Value
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Don Berwick
Mr. Mohamed Hawari
Mr. Kenneth Logrono
Moderator: Dr. Aisha AlAdab
Level: All
Room: Exhibition Hall 2
Learning Objectives
- Understand some of the scientific principles underlying improvements in
flow, such as queuing theory and simplification
- Understand why and how smoother flow often leads to lower cost and better
Teams working on Flow and Value will present their
projects and results, and we will explore the underlying sciences and principles
for improvement of each. In general, smoothing Flow will lead to better value,
and we will try to understand why.
Breakout B3
Intelligence (AI) and Advancing Quality and Safety in Healthcare
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Brijesh Sathian
Moderator: Dr. Anand Kartha
Level: All
Room: MR 215-217
Learning Objectives
- Understanding the role of artificial intelligence
(AI) in enhancing the quality and safety of healthcare systems
- Exploring real-world examples of AI applications
in diagnosis, treatment, patient monitoring, and administrative tasks
- Gaining insights into how AI can improve patient
care outcomes and reduce the risks associated with healthcare practices
- Acquiring knowledge from expert perspectives on
the potential of AI to revolutionize healthcare delivery
- Identifying opportunities for integrating AI
technologies into existing healthcare frameworks to enhance overall quality
and safety standards
Delve into the transformative potential of artificial
intelligence (AI) in healthcare quality and safety. Explore real-world AI
applications across diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and administration. Gain
insights into improving patient outcomes and mitigating healthcare risks. Learn
from experts about AI's revolutionary impact on healthcare delivery and
opportunities for integration into existing frameworks.
Breakout B4
Applying quality
improvement to tackle inequities
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Amar Shah
Moderator: Ms. Victoria Terry
Level: All
Room: MR 218-220
Learning Objectives
- Access learning from healthcare systems utilising
QI methods to pursue equity
- Identify key lessons from examples and insights of
staff, service users and communities
- Develop ideas to apply QI to support teams to
solve inequities in your own healthcare systems
Pursuing equity for communities disproportionately
impacted by social determinants of health requires urgent action. However, there
are relatively few tangible examples of healthcare organisations that are
systematically using QI to tackle inequities successfully. In this session we
will share examples from UK based healthcare organisational approaches to
pursuing equity and highlight specific projects that are reducing equity gaps
through application of QI. We will share examples of the QI approaches taken,
evidence of impact and insights and experiences of staff, service users and
communities. We will use our learning to help you identify approaches to
improving equity using QI that you can take back to your own organisations.
Breakout B5
Qatar cancer
strategy – A harm reduction model
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Mohamed Al Hassan
Dr. Al Hareth Al Khater
Dr. Khalid Al Rumaihi
Moderator: Ms. Joan Lett
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 3
Learning Objectives
- Gain insight into the current cancer statistics,
prevalence, and trends in Qatar and Identify the key challenges and issues
related to cancer in the country
- Understand the concept and principles of the harm
reduction model in the context of cancer screening and management and Learn
harm reduction strategies can be applied to reduce the burden of cancer
- Examine the initiatives and programs implemented
part of the strategy and evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies in
achieving cancer control goals
- Analyze real-world examples and best practices
Qatar and other regions where harm reduction models have been successful in
cancer prevention
The National Cancer Strategy is a groundbreaking harm reduction model, dedicated
combatting the pervasive impact of cancer on public health. Focused on proactive
prevention, early detection, and targeted interventions, the strategy has
successfully implemented 36 standards, including specialty-based MDT meetings,
roles, enhanced patient access, palliative care units, and a National Cancer
Registry. With demonstrable reductions in the physical, emotional, and economic
burden of cancer, the strategy has not only achieved but surpassed its
showcasing the efficacy of its comprehensive harm reduction approach.
Breakout B6
The Power of Joy:
Finding Bliss in the Workplace
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Mr. Awad Amayrh
Ms. Raissa Puddao
Moderator: Ms. Karen Paguirigan
Level: All
Room: Al Mayasa Theatre
Learning Objectives
- Identify the key leadership behaviors that enhance
in work
- Share the IHI framework for improving joy in work
using various methods
- Demonstrate how quality improvement can support
to create and enhance joy in work
Trace the historical evolution from the Human Relation Movement to modern
theories, highlighting the pivotal role leaders play in fostering joy at work.
into practical methods employed by the Communicable Disease Centre (CDC) to
workplace satisfaction, including employee recognition, wellness programs, and
positive leadership. Uncover the tangible impact of these strategies on employee
well-being and organizational culture. This session underscores that joy at work
not a luxury but a strategic imperative, offering insights and recommendations
creating a prosperous, inclusive, and fulfilling work experience for all.
Breakout B7
Multimodal Education Approach to Improve Compliance to the Sepsis Bundle in A
Neonatal Unit
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Mr. Perben Brana
Ms. Kathrine Satorre
Ms. Joy Kiat-Floro
Dr. Rasha Ashour
Prof. John Boulton
Moderator: Ms. Dina Schnurman
Dr. Manu Sundaram
Level: All
Room: MR 236-238
Learning Objectives
- Discuss incorporation of multimodal teaching
strategies into healthcare and patient education
- Outline the strategies utilize to integrate
into clinical practice
The use of multimodal approach to education has a significant impact in the
experience and engagement of a diverse group of participants with various
styles. Adapting teaching strategies through active learning engages the
increases retention and can further translate to clinical practice.
Breakout B8
Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI) Reduction Project: A Nurse-Led Initiative
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Mr. Thabit Melhem
Mr. Valarmathi Varadharaj
Moderator: Ms. Muna Al-Hetmi
Level: All
Room: MR 239-241
Learning Objectives
- To highlight the implementation strategies of the
system-wide unit - based Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury reduction project
- Effectively communicate the goals, key
and collaborative efforts through the initiative to improve patient outcomes
- To effectively communicate the measurable outcome
the HAPI project
In Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) approximately 60±5 HAPI incidents monthly
2020 to 2021, with medical devices contributing to almost 50% of the cases. HAPI
a significant patient safety issue in hospitalized patients and can lead to
increased healthcare costs and a decreased quality of life for patients1. A
retrospective data analysis identified issues such as knowledge gaps, a lack of
continuity of care, and nursing practice variations. Nursing & Midwifery
an integrated project to reduce HAPI through evidence-based best practices. The
was to reduce the HAPI incidence rates by 50% in all facilities across HMC by
Breakout B9
Harnessing AI
Integration for Person-Centered Cancer Control: A Roadmap for Cancer Civil Society
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Hadi Rasheed
Moderator: Dr. Mahvesh Qureshi
Level: All
Room: MR 104
Learning Objectives
- Understand how AI technologies can enhance
person-centered cancer control
- Identify practical ways in which cancer civil
societies can apply AI technologies to improve patient-centered services
- Analyze case studies or scenarios where cancer
societies successfully integrated AI into their person-centered care
This presentation explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
control, emphasizing a person-centered approach. AI in healthcare has seen
remarkable advancements, particularly in oncology, offering new possibilities
personalized patient care. The focus of this talk is on outlining a roadmap for
cancer civil societies, like the Qatar Cancer Society, to harness AI for
person-centered cancer control.
Breakout B10
Navigating Excellence: Leadership Initiatives Elevating Quality and Patient Safety
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Faiza Malik
Dr. Mary Titus
Moderator: Mr. Novica Icic
Level: All
Room: MR 105
Learning Objectives
- Understand the key leadership strategies
implemented at Qatar Rehabilitation Institute (QRI) and Rumailah Hospital
(RH) to enhance Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
- Share experience of successful initiatives that
have positively impacted patient outcomes and safety metrics
- Discuss the challenges faced by leaders in the
context of improving quality and patient safety and analyze the innovative
solutions employed to address these challenges
- Gain insights into the collaborative approaches
and communication strategies used by leadership to foster Just Culture at
Qatar Rehab Institute and RH
Explore key leadership strategies at Qatar Rehabilitation Institute and Rumailah
Hospital, focusing on Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. Learn from
successful initiatives, analyze challenges, and discover innovative solutions.
Gain insights into collaborative approaches fostering a Just Culture. An
essential session for understanding effective healthcare leadership in quality
improvement and patient safety.
Breakout B11
Global Action on
Patient Safety: Towards eliminating avoidable
harm in health care
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Nikhil Prakash Gupta
Moderator: Dr. Wafaa AlYazeedi
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 1
Learning Objectives
- To understand the global burden and consequences
of unsafe care and the need for urgent action to improve patient safety
- To learn about the WHO Global Patient Safety
Action Plan 2021-2030 and its strategic objectives and strategies for
eliminating avoidable harm in health care
- To identify the key challenges and opportunities
for implementing the action plan at the national and local levels and the
roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders
- To share and discuss the best practices and lessons learned from various
countries and regions in improving patient safety and quality of care
- To explore the potential synergies and collaborations among different
partners and initiatives to support the implementation of the action plan
and achieve its vision of zero tolerance for preventable harm
Please share here a brief description and summary of the session (max. 200
Patient safety is a global priority that requires coordinated action from all
stakeholders involved in health care delivery. Every year, millions of patients
suffer from preventable harm or die as a result of adverse events in health care
settings. These incidents not only affect the quality of life and trust of
patients and their families, but also impose a huge burden on the health system
and society. To address this challenge, the World Health Organization (WHO)
launched the Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030, which aims to
eliminate avoidable harm in health care and achieve zero tolerance for
preventable harm. The action plan outlines seven strategic objectives and 35
strategies that can guide countries and partners in improving patient safety
across all levels of care. The session will touch upon the aspects of burden of
unsafe care, ongoing efforts for tackling this situation and way forward of
sustainable action on patient safety. This session will discuss the challenges
of providing safe and quality care to patients, the current initiatives to
address this problem, and the future directions for ensuring patient safety. It
will highlight the magnitude and impact of unsafe care, the best practices and
evidence-based interventions to prevent harm, and the strategies and policies to
promote a culture of safety.
Breakout Group C
Breakout C1
How to use data and
storytelling to create cultures of continuous improvement
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Amar Shah
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: All
Room: MR 215-217
Learning Objectives
- Appreciate the value of data and stories as part
developing a culture of quality improvement
- Identify high impact interventions that can
better use of data and stories in your improvement efforts
- Build your own strategic plan to leverage the
power of
data and stories
As organisations embark on a quality improvement
they quickly start to utilise data for improvement to visualise data on their
improvement efforts. The question is how do you use this data to support culture
In this session, you will learn about the key principles in developing a data
that supports all elements of whole system quality – planning, control,
and improvement.
We will learn about how to use both quantitative and qualitative data, creative
techniques to engage teams with data, and how we can harness the power of
stories in
our quality work. When applying statistical process control to quantitative
data, we
will understand the need to build enterprise-level systems that allow us to
about variation – both over time, and across a large organisation. You will have
chance to take part in a ‘Sherlock Holmes’ sleuthing exercise to apply this
in a simulation that helps us learn about the power of being able to understand
Breakout C2
Role of other
in health: lessons from Jonkoping
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Mr. Göran Hendriks
Moderator: Dr. Sheik Razzak
Level: Intermediate
Room: Auditorium 1
Learning Objectives
- Understand the conditions that need to be
to enable relationship-building and boundaryless cooperation: meeting
structures, systematic and agile work
- Understand the need of developing a common
for governance, management that builds a common effort among the partners
- Utilize methods to foster ‘citizen focus’, promote
systems thinking, and establish a shared 'change theory' while developing
boundaryless governance practices
Over 30 months Jönköping county have been developing
Boundaryless Practices - we have a mission “Together for a good life for all
citizens in a region”. We have worked with 33 top-leaders in an innovative
collaborative approach to develop a “Blue Zone” with municipalities, the region,
County Administrative Board and the university. In this session, we will explore
discuss our ongoing efforts to develop boundaryless governance practices and
Blue Zone status.
Breakout C3
Culture of safety
infection prevention
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Jeff Salvon-Harman
Moderator: Dr. Manu Sundaram
Level: Beginner
Room: MR 236-238
Learning Objectives
- Understand the core principles of safety culture
health care settings
- Recognize the contributions of safety culture to
infection prevention practices by caregivers and infection preventionists
- Conceptualize adaptation of infection prevention
practices in alignment with safety culture principles
As an integral component of health care quality and safety, infection prevention
benefits from efforts to support a culture of safety for prevention of
associated infections. High reliability organizing principles, psychological
reduction of authority gradients, just culture, aligned goals, and effective
comprise the key elements of safety culture that can be applied to infection
prevention to effectively reduce nosocomial infection risks.
Breakout C4
Healthcare organisations as Anchors institutions for advancing population health
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Dominique Allwood
Moderator: Ms. Selina Stephen
Level: All
Room: MR 218-220
Learning Objectives
- Understand the role of anchor organizations in
improving population health and equity
- Recognize the opportunities and challenges of
an anchor approach
- Gain new insights for action from the examples
It is increasing apparent that healthcare organisations
shape the broader factors influencing health equity through their role as
resource consumers, purchasers, and community collaborators. Drawing from
evidence, insights, and experiences of prominent healthcare anchors, this
the interconnectedness of anchor institutions, population health, equity, and
actionable strategies to enact meaningful change.
Breakout C5
Nurse-led Initiatives to Improve Patient Care and Workforce Vitality
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Bisognano
Ms. Mariam Al Mutawa
Moderator: Ms. Alanoud AlMarri
Level: All
Room: Al Mayasa Theatre
Learning Objectives
- Learn new models for care across local and
international systems
- Understand how they might design a model for rapid
sharing and local adaptation
This panel discussion, led by Maureen Bisognano, will feature innovations and
improvements led by nurses in the Qatar health care system and globally.
Participants will learn about the challenges all staff face today, in caring for
diverse patient population in a variety of settings. We’ll share models from
the world, including Massachusetts General’s Home Hospital program, designed and
by nurses, with significant improvements in outcomes and cost. The panel will
local examples and the participants will work to design a model for rapid
and local adaptation as we work together to improve care nationally. The key
innovation, exnovation and spread, with tools for each, will guide work on the
Breakout C6
Rehabilitation amid times of conflict
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Linzette Morris
Dr. Hanan Khalil
Dr. Jennifer Allen
Dr. Phil Sheppard
Moderator: Ms. Mary Titus
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 3
Learning Objectives
- Understand the complexities related to providing
accessing rehabilitation in the context of natural disasters and conflicts
- Understand the challenges and complexities related
conducting research among vulnerable populations in areas of conflict,
disaster, etc. such as refugees and survivors of torture
The panel will explore the intricate landscape of rehabilitation provision and
access during natural disasters and conflicts. Delve into the challenges and
complexities associated with conducting research among vulnerable populations in
conflict and disaster areas, including refugees and survivors of torture. Gain
insights into the unique hurdles faced in these contexts and strategies for
effective engagement.
Breakout C7
Patients Involvement in the Development of National Clinical Practice Guidelines –
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Eman Radwan
Dr. Rasmeh Al Huneiti
Moderator: Dr. Eman Radwan
Level: All
Room: MR 239-241
Learning Objectives
- Describe the process of involvement of
giver in national clinical guidelines development
- Discuss challenges encountered in recruiting the
patients/care giver in the Guidelines development group
This session delves into integrating patient representatives into National
Guidelines (NCGs) development. Key steps involve identifying representatives,
pre-workshop meetings, and continuous support. Results show successful patient
involvement in NCGs, enriching guidelines and informational materials.
include cultural, linguistic, and health literacy barriers, demanding a
effort for more effective patient engagement in the development process.
Recommendations emphasize overcoming hurdles through focused efforts and
skill-building among healthcare professionals.
Breakout C8
“Turn on the Lights” - a live podcast recording
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Don Berwick
Dr. Kedar Mate
Dr. Ahmed Al Mohammed
Mr. Brendon Morris
Moderator: Dr. Kedar Mate
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 2
Learning Objectives
- Understand the importance of exploratory
about complex topics
- Explore some practical solutions to improve
systems and processes
Join us for a thought-provoking session as we explore the healthcare systems
the lens of IHI’s podcast series “Turn on the Lights”. Attendees will watch a
recording of the podcast and have the chance to engage in a discussion on a
range of
topics around improving health and health care delivery, highlighting successes
lessons learned. By demystifying health care problems, “Turn on the Lights”
hopes to
activate both the public and health care professionals to help us accelerate
that lead to improvements in health and health care worldwide.
Breakout C9-1
Leveraging wastewater-based epidemiology for monitoring the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in
Qatar Enhancing public health surveillance
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Mr. Khalid Mahmoud
Moderator: Mr. Akram Assaf
Level: All
Room: MR 104
Learning Objectives
- Learn what wastewater epidemiology is and why it's
important for public health
- Discover how wastewater epidemiology informs
health strategies for COVID-19
- Develop communication skills to share wastewater
findings with different stakeholders for better decision-making
Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE) has been shown to have excellent potential
early detection of the diseases outbreak and monitoring biomarkers of human
at the population level. SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in the wastewater networks
provides a
reliable and cost effective early warning system. This has been accepted by WHO
public health authorities as customized fit for purpose solution.
Breakout C9-2
Medical Hazardous Waste Generation: Safety and Health Challenges and Solutions in
Context of Qatar
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Mohammad Albeldawi
Mr. Abdulla Al-Mohannadi
Moderator: Mr. Akram Assaf
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- To Learn more about the evolving healthcare waste
management system in Qatar
- To emphasize the importance of a well-planned and
integrated approach
The management of biomedical waste in Qatar has gained increasing attention due
its environmental and public health implications. Aim: this study provides an
overview of the evolving healthcare waste management system in Qatar (Figure.1),
identifying the challenges emphasizing the importance of a well-planned and
solutions that is sustainable, resilient, effective, and efficient in minimizing
safety risk, health, and environmental impacts.
Breakout C10
Spotlight Session
When Innovation Meets Value: A Pursuit to Better Healthcare
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Ms. Dayana Daniel
Mr. Kenneth Logrono
Moderator: Ms. Khadija Al Shukaili
Level: All
Room: MR 105
Learning Objectives
- Emphasize the importance of cultivating a culture
of quality improvement and innovation for meaningful and sustainable change
in HGH
- Identify the positive effects of personalizing the
assessment of Aphasic Patients in Stroke Unit
- Assess the positive financial impact of using lean
tools through the innovative concept of “Leanomics” among kanbanized unit
- Apply the concept of improvement science in the
system-wide flow improvements in the ED
This spotlight session highlights the practical implementation of applied
improvement projects within Hamad General Hospital (HGH) that have made a
significant impact to better care, better health, and better value and cost.
This also explains the importance of cultivating a quality improvement culture
and realize when innovation meets value in daily works.
Breakout C11
Thinking Differently about Healthcare Quality: Lessons from Crisis Settings
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Mondher Letaief
Moderator: Dr. Ibrahim Fawzy
Level: All
Room: Exhibition Hall 2
Learning Objectives
- Adaptive Quality Strategies: Delegates will learn
different approaches to planning for quality, coordination and governance
within a crisis setting to support the delivery of improved service
provision and patient outcomes
- Dynamic Priority and Resource Management:
Delegates will explore approaches to prioritization, identification of
priority populations and conditions and resource allocation
- Building Capability: Delegates will learn about a
novel approach to building capability within their teams and organisations
to support the delivery of quality healthcare in crisis settings
An enlightening session where we explore insights drawn from crisis healthcare
settings, specifically Fragile, Conflict, and Vulnerable (FCV) environments.
Discover how thinking differently, inspired by FCV settings can significantly
redefine and enhance healthcare quality.
Plenary 4: Solving the
Workforce Crisis in Healthcare
Speakers: Prof. Mark Britnell
Moderator: Dr. Abdulla Al Ansari
Room: Al Mayasa
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With the world projected to be 18 million health workers short by 2030, Professor Mark
presents solutions from his work and travel to 81 countries over the past 15 years.
Learning Objectives
- Delegates will learn that this wicked problem requires complex
adaptive thinking, using all the assets in society
Level: All
Room: Exhibition Hall 1
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The authors of the posters will be presenting their quality
initiatives to all the participants. The presenters will be available for an interactive Q&A
Session wherein participants are able to ask questions and clarifications for further
Participants will also be able to watch pre recorded video and audio presentations from the
authors. Q&A session will be facilitated by on-duty poster team members by live chat
Learning Objectives
- Recognize different quality improvement initiatives from
HMC, its partners and the greater region
- Apply the change ideas learned from the poster presenters of
different QI initiatives
Speakers: Ms. Elizabeth Macgillivray
Room:Al Mayasa Theatre
View More
Review of learnings so far and opening comments.
Learning Objectives
Plenary 5: (r)evolutions
Speakers:Ms. Maureen Bisognano
Moderator: Mr. Nasser Al Naimi
Room:Al Mayasa Theatre
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Our healthy future will depend on the successful adoption of 4 (r)evolutions in health and
care that will build toward what might be a radically different health system in the future.
In this session, we will share 4 ideas for better health, from artificial intelligence to
kindness, operating systems to moving care into the home. These are the currents in the new
health and care system that will redefine our roles and reframe what’s possible for both
health and care.
Learning Objectives
- Explore four ideas for better health and how they will redefine health and care
Breakout Group D
Breakout D1
Building Reliable
Healthcare Processes
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Robert Lloyd
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: All
Room: MR 104
Learning Objectives
- Define reliability and its application to health
- List the steps required to develop reliable
- Provide a framework for how you can implement and
sustain reliable processes
Reliability is defined as failure free operation over
time. Yet many critics and customers of our healthcare delivery systems are
quick to point out that our systems are not reliable! Reliability does not
happen because you have created policies and guidelines stating that you will
have "zero harm" or excellent service. High Reliability Organizations (HRO)
result from a deliberate design aimed at reducing harm, inefficiency and
delivering consistent service. In this session reliable design principles will
be reviewed and participants will be challenged to evaluate how reliable their
processes are.
Breakout D2
Relationships eat
culture for breakfast
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Jeff Salvon-Harman
Moderator: Ms. Sumera Farhan
Level: Beginner
Room: MR 239-241
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the defining elements of Belonging,
Relationships, Culture, Strategy, and Sociotechnical Systems
- Contemplate the importance of fostering belonging
meaningful relationships in health care settings
- Ideate on strategies and tactics to strengthen
relationships and belonging among the health care workforce
Relationships among the health care workforce and with
patients are a cornerstone of workforce well-being. Workforce relationships
centering on a sense of belonging in the profession and in the organization
the pursuit of strategic goals. Culture may eat strategy for lunch, but
relationships eat culture for breakfast.
Breakout D3
A shift towards
health through embracing prevention in Hospitals
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Dominique Allwood
Moderator: Dr. Mosharraf Shamim
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 2
Learning Objectives
- Following this session, be able to describe
strategies within hospital environments to enhance overall health outcomes
community well-being
- Explore case studies and examples illustrating the
implementation of preventive measures in hospitals
- Develop insights and approaches to integrating
preventive approaches into existing healthcare frameworks, fostering a
of proactive care within hospital settings
Hospitals have typically focused on improving health through being a 'repair
However, improving health needs to go beyond tackling illness, and hospitals
have a
crucial role in focusing more on health promotion, the risk factor and causes of
health. Join this session to hear more about proactive and prevention measures
within hospital environments. Discover the key strategies and methodologies that
enhance overall health outcomes through examples, and gain a deeper
understanding of
how preventive approaches can be effectively implemented and integrated in
cultivating a culture of health within hospital settings.
Breakout D4
Amidst Multiple Barriers: Strategies for Resilient Progress
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Tshabalala
Moderator: Dr. Omar Ighbirieh
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 3
Learning Objectives
- Analyze the diverse barriers that can impede
sustaining improvement efforts
- Explore adaptive leadership strategies for
and navigating through multiple barriers to sustainability
- Implement data-driven decision-making processes to
inform and guide resilient improvement strategies
This session delves into the intricacies of sustaining
improvement initiatives when faced with multiple barriers in diverse contexts.
Participants will gain valuable insights into identifying, mitigating, and
navigating through various obstacles that may impede sustained progress. Through
real-world case studies and interactive discussions, the session will address
dynamic nature of challenges, encompassing financial constraints, organizational
resistance, and evolving external factors.
Key topics include adaptive leadership strategies, fostering a culture of
resilience, and leveraging data-driven decision-making to navigate
Attendees will leave equipped with practical and proven strategies from other
diverse regions that addressed multifaceted barriers and ensured the continued
success of improvement efforts. This session is essential for professionals
to understand strategies for sustaining improvement efforts in their
despite complex and evolving challenges.
Breakout D5
How to excel it in Qatar
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Prof. Mahmood Adil
Dr. Don Berwick
Level: All
Room: MR 215-217
Learning Objectives
- To understand the fundamentals of healthcare
innovation and its application in achieving quality, efficiency, access and
better health outcomes
- To gain insight into the utilization of all types
innovations (including technology) for enhancing the quality of healthcare
learning from other countries.
- To explore the science and art of effective
leadership, policies and skills for shaping healthcare innovation future in
Healthcare innovation drives progress, fosters better health outcomes (quality
safety), increases efficiency and expands access to care. It's a catalyst for
addressing current healthcare challenges and adapting to emerging health needs,
ultimately improving the overall health and well-being of patients and
worldwide. Many western countries (Switzerland, UK, USA) have led the way to
effective system of healthcare innovation at national and organisational levels
achieving the perceived benefits, in the recent years. This session will be
with a presentation highlighting why we need to excel in healthcare innovation,
now and why in Qatar. It will encompass the types of healthcare innovations with
examples, key success factors (learnings from other healthcare systems), main
elements of innovation ecosystem at national and organisational levels,
policy into practice by skilling staff and examining Qatar healthcare
system/organisations strengths and gaps to excel in
this field. On the back of the presentation, Panellist will be asked to share
experience and observations to excel healthcare innovations in their
and to support the national healthcare innovation eco-system in Qatar.
Breakout D6
process- A 6 steps guide to implementing changes
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Akhnuwkh Jones
Dr. Mahvesh Qureshi
Moderator: Dr. Suresh Kumar
Level: All
Room: MR 218-220
Learning Objectives
- Discuss tools and techniques for continuous
- Explain the Continuous improvement process as
of rapid learning and implementing changes
The session will describe with practical examples on
continuous improvement will lead to increased efficiency and productivity,
employee engagement and relationships, reduced waste, reduced cost, improved
customer satisfaction, reduced cycle time, Increased innovation, staying ahead
the competition and allowing agility and adaptation to change.
Breakout D7
Leading the Way to
Safer Healthcare: The Power of Leadership in Healthcare
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Moza Al Ishaq
Dr. Somia Elafki
Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey
Moderator: Ms. Ayat Khalifa
Level: All
Room: Exhibition Hall 2
Learning Objectives
- Understand the core principles of patient safety
- Learn how various leadership styles influence
patient safety
- Identify actionable strategies to enhance
leadership commitment and communication for safer care
- Gain inspiration from real-life success stories in
healthcare leadership
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, patient safety stands as a
paramount concern. Discover the critical role of leadership in fostering a
culture of safety and excellence in healthcare organizations. Join us for an
engaging and informative session that delves into the dynamic interplay between
leadership, patient safety culture, and improved outcomes.
This one-hour session will equip healthcare executives, managers, clinical
leaders, and aspiring healthcare professionals with essential insights and
strategies to become influential leaders in patient safety. Explore the
components of a robust patient safety culture, learn how different leadership
styles impact safety practices, and uncover the significance of leadership
commitment and transparent communication. Through real-world case studies and
interactive discussions, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of
leadership's impact on patient safety and the practical steps to implement
within your organization. Whether you're at the helm of a healthcare
institution, leading a clinical team, or just starting your healthcare journey,
this session will empower you to drive positive change and create a safer
environment for patients and staff.
Breakout D8
The path towards
high reliability
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Ms. Lais Junqueira
Ms. Marale Atechian
Moderator: Ms. Paula Ibanez
Level: All
Room: MR 236-238
Learning Objectives
- Understanding the Principles of HRO and impact on
- Key Findings of the pioneer report “Perspectives
on Zero Harm in the Middle East” report
- The Joint Commission enterprise’s High Reliability
Health Care Maturity Model, systems and structures that can advance an
organization’s high reliability journey
- The use of knowledge and technology to create
safer systems and advance high reliability
Elsevier and JCI have joined forces to accelerate the road towards Zero Harm in
the Middle East. The pioneer survey “Perspectives on Zero Harm in the Middle
East” conducted across the Middle East in 2023, explored the trends of patient
safety and healthcare in the region. In the pursuit of excellence, organizations
that manage safety hazards extremely well and do so consistently over long
periods are high reliability organizations (HROs). Well-known examples of high
reliability organizations include the nuclear power industry and commercial air
travel. HROs maintain levels of safety and quality that have not been achieved
in health care. High reliability health care refers to patient care that is
consistently excellent and safe over long periods across all services and
Breakout D9-1
Heart Hospital
Pharmacy Department: A Reflection on a Transforming Experience with Value
Program and a Call for National and International Pharmacy Experience
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Ms. Salma Ismail
Moderator: Ms. Naglaa Sallam
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 1
Learning Objectives
- To apply improvement science concepts, methods,
tools to bring about meaningful and sustainable changes in healthcare
- To develop the capability to manage unexpected
challenges while maintaining day-to-day operation
- To enhance the capacity for rapid, data-driven
decision-making to drive improvement initiatives
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) developed a framework for
high care value in 20081. The IHI innovation group invented the value management
approach, which was re-designed by Heart Hospital (HH), in collaboration with
and Hamad Healthcare Quality Institute (HHQI) with focus on improvement1. This
to the Value Improvement Program (VIP), aiming at improving the value at unit
which was piloted in 2018. Successful experience of the VIP has spread to all HH
Breakout D9-2
of Quality Methodologies for Performance Enhancement in High-Dependency
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Ms. Umaima Alraisi
Moderator: Ms. Naglaa Sallam
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- Understanding Quality Methodologies in Healthcare
- Developing Standardized Care Protocols in
High-Dependency Settings
- Application of Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle in
Quality Improvement
Optimizing cardiothoracic surgery outcomes in high-dependency settings requires
comprehensive strategy. At the National Heart Centre, patients move through
Surgery ICU, High Dependency, and pre- and post-operative wards. Challenges in
transition led to issues in patient safety, teamwork, and process optimization.
Leadership implemented a quality methodology approach, enhancing patient care in
high-dependency cardiothoracic unit. This quality improvement project aims to
establish standardized care protocols for a seamless transition from
high dependency to the ward.
Breakout D9-3
Goals' n' Empowerment in Heart Failure
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Mr. Sharin Varghese
Ms. Teena Michael
Ms. Mary Ruth
Moderator: Ms. Naglaa Sallam
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- To enable ≥90% of patients to set their personal
health goals in collaboration with the Health Care Team in HDU-B and C by
- To reduce heart failure readmission of patients
through their health goal in collaboration with the Health Care Team
- To increase the quality of life of heart failure
patients through their health goals in collaboration with the Health Care
Heart failure (HF), impacting over 64 million people globally, poses significant
challenges in healthcare due to its high morbidity and mortality rates. A key to
improving outcomes lies in patient empowerment through setting person-centered
health goals (1). This quality improvement project aimed to enable at least 90%
HF patients to collaboratively set health goals with their healthcare team by
September 2023 in High Dependency Units (HDU) B and C, Heart Hospital, Hamad
Cooperation, Doha, Qatar.
Breakout D10
A Hospital Journey to Excellence
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Sabah Al Kadhi
Ms. Muna Atrash
Mr. Amjad Al Khawaldeh
Mr. Omar Al Hasanat
Moderator: Dr. Almunzer Zakaria
Level: All
Room: MR 105
Learning Objectives
- The impact of the daily executive briefing on accelerating hospital
- Leverage Life QI platform to streamline processes and achieve outstanding
- Develop a collaborative data sharing platform, to visualize and analyze
data, promotes a coordinated action plan, improving health care
professionals’ understanding of OVA, enhance the quality of patient care
- Identify strategies for preventing and mitigating device-related HealthCare
Infections (HAIs) to reduce associated costs
Dr. Sabah, the CEO of Al Wakra Hospital, will emphasize the influential impact
of the daily executive briefing on expediting the hospital discharges and
eliminating unnecessary waiting. Meanwhile, Ms. Muna will be showcasing a
successful journey toward reduction in unnecessary bed days. AWH’s flow project
seamlessly integrates into Life QI web platform. Mr. Amjad will discuss the
benefits of employing technology in healthcare sitting, including how OVA
analytics may optimize operations, reduce wait times, and increase operational
efficiency where Mr. Omar will highlight the cost and importance of addressing
device related HAIs.
Breakout D11
The Future of
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Implications for Patients, Health and Care
Workers, and Wider Society
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Susu Zughaier
Prof. Asif Khan
Dr. Mohamad Saad
Moderator: Dr. Kedar Mate
Level: All
Room: Al Mayasa Theatre
Learning Objectives
- Understand the latest advancements in AI
technology and their potential impact on healthcare
- Explore the implications of AI for patients,
health and care workers, and wider society
Join us for an engaging panel discussion with local, national, and international
experts in the field of AI as they explore the future of artificial intelligence
in healthcare. Our panelists will discuss the latest advancements in AI
technology and how they could transform the patient experience and clinical
practice. They will also examine the implications of AI for patients, health and
care workers, and wider society. This session will provide attendees with a
unique opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field and gain insights
into the future of AI in healthcare.
Breakout Group E
Breakout E1
Trust to build
healthy health system
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Mr. Göran Hendriks
Moderator: Ms. Victoria Terry
Level: Intermediate
Room: Auditorium 2
Learning Objectives
- Understanding Healthcare as a system
- Identify quality methods and tools for improvement
- Discuss leadership and management principles
relevant to health care organizations
Building trust in a health and care system is an
ongoing process that requires collaboration and transparency among providers,
leaders, and the citizens in the community. When the citizens have confidence in
the system, they are more likely to seek care if needed, engage in preventive
measures, and adhere to treatment plans.
Breakout E2
Leading QI:
for Managers
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Robert Lloyd
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 1
Learning Objectives
- To provide an overview of the Model for
- To specify the differences between testing,
implementing and spreading a change
- To identify key concepts, methods and tools that
should be part of your QI toolkit
So, you can explain what the letters PDSA mean. Great!
are you able to successfully run multiple PDSA tests in one day, know when a
concept is ready for implementation, and then sustain the improvements? This
workshop will provide a refresher for those who are stalled and a jump start for
those who are new to the quality improvement journey. This session is built
the Model for Improvement (MFI) and will demonstrate how to link the three
related to aim, measurement, and change concepts to the sequence for success.
Breakout E3
healthcare perspectives – a panel discussion
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. Dominique Allwood
Prof. Mahmood Adil
Ms. Maureen Tshabalala
Dr. Amar Shah
Moderator: Dr. Omar Ismail
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 3
Learning Objectives
- Increased awareness of the challenges and
opportunities for delivering community health improvement
- Actionable insights to drive positive change and
enhance healthcare delivery in the community
In this session participants will hear diverse perspectives from a range of
leaders and practitioners, to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and
opportunities for delivering community health improvement. Through this panel
discussion, attendees will be equipped with actionable insights to drive
positive change and enhance healthcare delivery in the community.
Breakout E4
Hospitals - Hotel
concept in enhancing quality and patient safety
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers:Dr. Shwetha Akshaya
Moderator: Ms. Mariam Al-Yafeai
Level: All
Room: Exhibition Hall 2
Learning Objectives
- Understand the multifaceted challenges faced by
healthcare leaders in navigating regulatory compliance, healthcare
economics, and evolving clinical practices for effective healthcare
- Acquire skills in fostering collaboration among
diverse stakeholders, including healthcare providers, administrators,
government agencies, and patients, to drive successful healthcare
transformation initiatives
- Explore key elements and strategies involved in
adopting a "hospital as a hotel" concept, aiming to enhance the patient
experience by improving satisfaction, comfort, and overall well-being during
their hospital stay
It is an innovative approach to healthcare delivery
that integrates elements of hospitality with medical services to enhance the
patient experience and improve outcomes. This concept aims to provide a
supportive and comfortable environment for patients and their families during
medical treatment, offering amenities typically found in hotels alongside
high-quality healthcare services. Hospital hotels prioritize personalized care,
qualified staff, and seamless integration of medical facilities to ensure the
well-being and satisfaction of patients. By combining the expertise of
healthcare professionals with the comforts of hospitality, hospital hotels
strive to optimize the healing process and promote a holistic approach to
healthcare delivery. This abstract explores the key components and benefits of
the hospital hotel concept, highlighting its potential to revolutionize the way
healthcare is delivered and experienced by patients worldwide.
Breakout E5
Barriers and
Facilitators to QI participation among Healthcare Professionals: A Conceptual Model
Interdisciplinary Engagement
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Ms. Joanna Elizalde
Moderator: Dr. Raifeh Qaddoura
Level: All
Room: MR 215-217
Learning Objectives
- Explore the key components of the conceptual model
that highlight the factors influencing engagement in Quality Improvement
(QI) initiatives
- Formulate strategies aimed at increasing
healthcare professionals' participation in Quality Improvement (QI)
The engagement of healthcare professionals in QI is
influenced by a myriad of factors spanning organizational, individual, and
program-specific levels. Recognizing and addressing these barriers and
facilitators can pave the way for more effective and inclusive QI initiatives in
healthcare settings.
Breakout E6
An epitome of true collaboration, intensive care journey
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Saumya Boby
Dr. M. Sujith
Dr. Wael Khalaf
Dr. Gamal Al-Ameri
Moderator: Mr. Emad Mustafa
Level: All
Room: MR 218-220
Learning Objectives
- Understand the Strategic vision and meso system of
- Understand the path of implementation of the Road
to success, spread and sustain of the Nurse led protocolized electrolyte
replacement in SICU
- Understand the steps in the ladder of success of
the delirium project of SICU -Early Identification, management and the scale
up across HMC ICUs
- Understand the measures taken in efficient and successful resource
management by reducing cost of irrelevant investigations in SICU
An over view of SICU. Initiation and implementation of the protocol and the
successful spread across HMC-ICUs. Initiation and Implementation of the Delirium
- guideline, assessment tool and bundle to eliminate Delirium, Role of MDT team
in Delirium management and scale up across HMC-ICUs. Successful cessation of
irrelevant blood investigation in Level 2 patients of SICU – efficient resource
management and cost reduction.
Breakout E7
Getting quality
improvement published - top tips from editors
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Ashley McKimm
Moderator: Dr. Adeel Butt
Level: All
Room: MR 236-238
Learning Objectives
- Why publish quality improvement?
- How to make the biggest impact with your paper
- Overview of academic publishing and how to choose
a journal
- What do editors do and what do they look for
- Top tips from editors to maximise your chance of
- Where do authors normally go wrong and how to
avoid these
- Accepted for publication. What next?
- Q&A
Join this session to learn more about how to publish your quality improvement
work. Whether you're a beginner or regular author, hear advice about where to
publish your work, how to navigate the submission process and what you should
think about before writing your manuscript. We'll also be sharing top tips from
editors to maximise your chance of acceptance.
Breakout E8-1
and Competence of Front-Line Healthcare Providers to Manage Maternal Cardiac Arrest:
Quantitative Observational Study
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Mr. Mohamed Elsayed
Moderator: Ms. Asmaa Mohamed
Level: All
Room: MR 239-241
Learning Objectives
- Develop and refine standardized maternal
response pathways
- Enhance training programs for healthcare staff,
covering critical aspects of maternal resuscitation
- Establish robust data collection and analysis
processes through monitoring the relevant key performance indicators to
continually evaluate and enhance emergency response
Maternal Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a vital emergency
intervention aimed at reviving pregnant women experiencing cardiac or
arrest [1]. The early and appropriate application of multidisciplinary maternal
resuscitation has been associated with a reduction in maternal fatalities and
improved outcomes for both mothers and newborns [2]. Hamad International
Center not only provides formal resuscitation courses, such as Advanced Life
Obstetrics and Neonatal Resuscitation Program but also ensures the preparedness
frontline care providers to manage cardiac arrest events within Hamad Medical
Corporation facilities through routine mock drills and the monitoring of
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This study aimed to investigate the impact of
Multidisciplinary Maternal Resuscitation Training Program, including the
of a maternal resuscitation algorithm (Figure 1) to clarify the response
pathway, on
seven pertinent KPIs.
Breakout E8-2
Maternal Sepsis:
Excelling in Six Bundles Compliance
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Sufia Athar
Ms. Hanen Mrabet
Ms. Anuelsa Jacob
Moderator: Ms. Asmaa Mohamed
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- Understand the significance of maternal sepsis in
healthcare and its impact on maternal mortality
- Understand why early recognition and management
essential to improve patient outcomes and safety
- Understand how data collection and analysis play a
crucial role in informed decision-making and continuous improvement
Sepsis is a significant contributor to maternal mortality worldwide[Ref1], with
one-third of HMC deaths in 2016 attributed to sepsis. The Obstetrics and
team conducted a thorough data collection and analysis of pregnant women
with sepsis during pregnancy or within six weeks postpartum. The primary goal is
reduce maternal sepsis-related mortality and morbidity through a structured
approach[Ref2], aiming for a 100% compliance rate with the sepsis Golden Hour
Breakout E9
Engaging Others in
Quality Improvement
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Prof. John Boulton
Moderator: Mr. Rida Alkhdour
Level: All
Room: Al Mayasa Theatre
Learning Objectives
- Develop an understanding of how to effectively
engage with others
- Develop an understanding of how engagement evolves
over the lifecycle of a program of improvement
- Develop practical approaches that you can use in
your improvement work to effectively engage with others
Quality improvement is deeply rooted in the scientific method. However, for it
to be successful it requires the engagement of others. This is often
challenging. This practical session will describe mechanisms to effectively
engage with others, from ward to leadership.
Breakout E10
Empowering Excellence: The Integration of IHI Model of Improvement and Learning
Health System
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Sarah Al-Shaikhly
Ms. Khadija Mohammed
Moderator: Mr. Roderic Dayag
Level: All
Room: MR 105
Learning Objectives
- Showcase the VIP project's impact on staff
empowerment, capacity-building, and fostering a culture of continuous
- Illustrate ongoing evaluation efforts within VIP,
emphasizing systematic assessment using IHI Knowledge Domains and providing
evidence of learning progress
- Present a comprehensive overview of the VIP
evaluation process, highlighting its significance in ensuring a well-rounded
understanding of quality improvement tools and achieving key project
- Detail the VIP project's strategy for proactive
identification of gaps in system processes, emphasizing its role in driving
continuous improvement and enhancing organizational effectiveness.
Additionally, implement an early screening program for hearing loss, raise
awareness about hearing health, and reduce the financial burden through
proactive intervention
The Value Improvement Program (VIP) at ACC focuses on enhancing healthcare
service value through data-driven decision-making and interdisciplinary
collaboration. VIP projects contribute to improved patient care, operational
efficiency, cost savings, and staff engagement. The Audiology and Balance Unit
at the Ambulatory Care Center addresses workplace noise-induced hearing loss,
collaborating on national programs. Launched in 2023, their initiative targets
high-noise departments, revealing 30% untreated hearing loss. The comprehensive
approach includes early screening and awareness to reduce Noise Induced Hearing
Loss effectively.
Breakout E11
Pre-hospital Patient Experience: An Integrative Approach Using Epidemiology, Quality
Improvement, and Artificial Intelligence Computing Techniques
Session Track: Person-Centered Care
Speakers: Dr. James Laughton
Mr. Hassan Farhat
Moderator: Ms. Renan El Tous
Level: All
Room: MR 104
Learning Objectives
- Explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be
used to analyse information collected from patients who refused
transportation by ambulance after calling 999
- Consider other areas where AI could be used in
Quality improvement projects
This study's novel approach of combining QI tools with AI computing techniques
provided a deep understanding of the patients’ experiences in a pre-hospital
context and built for robust QI interventions. The finding can be sustained by
developing automated patient feedback based on this study’s outcome explored
using QI and AI.
Global Health Resilience: Navigating Crisis with Quality Improvement and
Patient Safety
Title: Global Health Resilience:
Navigating Crisis with Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
Speakers: Dr. Mondher Letaief
Dr. Mohamad Alabiad
Dr. Abdul Salam Al-Qahtani
Prof. Aftab Umar
Moderator: Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey
Level: All
Room: Al Mayasa
View More
Learning Objectives
- Understanding Crisis Challenges: Participants will gain a
deeper understanding of the unique challenges in providing healthcare during crises
and conflicts
- Insights from different panelists: Attendees will learn
from the experiences and strategies of all engaged parties in handling health
crises, with focus on QI and PS
- Emergency Response Techniques: To acquire skills and
knowledge in resilient emergency response techniques and crisis management in
- Policy Development Skills: Participants will learn how to
develop and implement policies that ensure efficient healthcare delivery during
- Networking and Collaboration: Attendees will have the
opportunity to network with peers and experts, fostering collaborations for future
crisis response initiatives
The session addresses healthcare challenges during crises and conflicts, exploring effective
strategies and emphasizing the importance of quality improvement and patient safety. It
promotes collaborative efforts between international and local organizations such as WHO,
Qatar Red Crescent, HMC, academia and others in crisis response. Panel members are expected
to share best practices in managing healthcare needs in conflict zones and emergencies, with
a focus on quality improvement and patient safety. Discussions will also center on building
resilient healthcare systems capable of withstanding and adapting to crisis situations,
alongside developing coordinated approaches for policy-making and aid distribution in
conflict-affected areas.
Breakout Group F
Breakout F1
Age-Friendly Culture: experiences and lessons from local champions
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Kedar Mate
Dr. Hanadi Al Hamad
Moderator: Dr. Reham Negmeldin
Level: All
Room: Al Mayasa Theatre
Learning Objectives
- Understand the principles behind age friendly care
and how it has been implemented across different systems
- Describe benefits of becoming an Age-Friendly
In this panel discussion moderated by Dr Kedar Mate and
Dr Dr. Hanadi Al Hamad , teams that implemented Age-Friendly Culture in their
services will share their journey and discuss opportunities, challenges and
lessons learned.
Breakout F2
multiple leadership challenges
Session Track: Leadership and Innovation in Healthcare
Speakers: Dr. Don Berwick
Moderator: Ms. Victoria Terry
Level: Intermediate
Room: Auditorium 2
Learning Objectives
- Explain the nature of the expanding portfolio of
tasks that senior leaders are facing
- Identify management systems and strategies that
leaders can use to better manage this enormous portfolio of tasks
Demands on senior leaders are enormous nowadays. Beyond
their usual duties simply to operate complex organizations, leaders now face a
long list of important social problems and needed changes that they must deal
with. Examples include advancing equity, mitigating climate change, adjusting to
new payment models, addressing workforce morale and staff shortages, pandemic
preparedness, and more. This session will explore how leaders can best manage
this expanding portfolio.
Breakout F3
wellbeing in LMIC: South Africa’s #Staffcare project – lessons learned
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Ms. Maureen Tshabalala
Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey
Moderator: Ms. Clara Rodriguez
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 1
Learning Objectives
- Understand the various strategies developed
through South Africa’s #StaffCare Project for promoting healthcare team
- Analyze the key lessons learned from the
#StaffCare Project, with a focus on effective virtual network utilization
and the role of pre-existing local networks
- Develop strategies for sustaining and scaling
workforce well-being initiatives, including securing leadership mandates and
fostering external partnerships
This session explores the transformative #StaffCare
Partnership Initiative, born out of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, where the
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) collaborated with the Western Cape
Department of Health to prioritize the physical and emotional well-being of
healthcare staff.
This session delves into the innovative health system learning intervention in
response to an evident need to help leaders and managers support and protect an
already stretched and vulnerable workforce. Learn how this initiative expanded
beyond the Western Cape, to support healthcare workers in other provinces.
Discover key lessons learned from this project, including the importance of
pre-existing local networks, and maximizing virtual platforms. Gain insights
into sustaining the momentum, securing leadership mandates, and leveraging
external partnerships for enduring impact. Join us to explore the transformative
journey of #StaffCare and extract valuable lessons applicable to workforce
well-being initiatives in diverse global contexts.
Breakout F4
Using the dosing
approach to build capacity and capability
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Dr. Robert Lloyd
Moderator: Ms. Selina Stephen
Level: All
Room: MR 215-217
Learning Objectives
- To describe the IHI dosing strategy and related
implementation tactics
- To provide examples and case studies of how the
approach has been successfully applied in different sizes and types of
- To offer guidance on how the dosing approach can
applied to your organization
Patients on the same medication do not all receive the same dose. Why then
should we
expect that the same dose of the science of improvement will be appropriate for
individuals within an organization? This session will explain IHI’s dosing
and how it can be used to build capacity and capability for improvement. Dosing
strategies will be offered, and case studies will be used to demonstrate how the
dosing approach can be applied successfully in different sizes and types of
Breakout F5
Clinical Simulation
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Mr. Amr Metwally
Mr. Ali Baig
Mr. Mohamed Amer
Moderator: Dr. Firas Haddad
Level: All
Room: Auditorium 3
Learning Objectives
- Analyze the impact of simulation and technology on
healthcare education, evaluating its potential to enhance the skills and
competencies of healthcare professionals, with a focus on patient safety
- Explore best practices from the Middle East and
global regions, showcasing effective strategies for elevating healthcare
education, training quality, and safety
Examine the role of simulation and technology in healthcare education and how it
can improve the skills and competencies of healthcare professionals while
ensuring patient safety.
Share best practices from within the Middle East and from other regions that
have successfully improved healthcare education and training quality and safety.
Breakout F6
Improvement under
roof: A Glimpse into the Urology Department's Quality experience
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Khalid Al Rumaihi
Dr. Arafa
Dr. Majzoub
Moderator: Mr. Yasser Hammad
Level: All
Room: MR 218-220
Learning Objectives
- Gain insight into the various quality improvement
initiatives undertaken by the urology department, including their
and impact on patient care
- Explore a patient-centered care delivery and
the role of home healthcare services in urology and their benefits for
particularly in addressing the needs of fragile urology populations
- Explore the concept of multidisciplinary care in
context of the pelvic pain clinic and managing patients with Renal Carcinoma
with Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Thrombosis. Understand the collaborative
involved in managing critical and chronic cases and how this approach
patient outcomes
- Examine how the urology department adapted to the
challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically in the context of
sustaining urgent consultations
- Gain insights into the patient safety measures
integrated into urology improvement initiatives. Identify strategies to
risks and enhance the safety of urology patients
- Emphasize the significance of ongoing quality
improvement efforts in healthcare. Understand the iterative nature of these
initiatives and their contribution to enhancing patient experiences and
- Encourage participants to engage in knowledge
and discussions with healthcare experts, fostering collaborative learning
the exchange of best practices in quality improvement and patient safety
The session not only showcases these remarkable initiatives but also serves as a
platform for knowledge exchange and inspiration. It highlights the department's
dedication to patient-centered care, continuous improvement, and the pursuit of
excellence in urology services. As we explore these accomplishments, we uncover
valuable insights that can shape the future of healthcare improvement and
Breakout F7
Procedural Sedation
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Infants: Safety and Efficacy of Using Buccal Midazolam
under Neonatologist Supervision
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Dr. Naveed Durrani
Moderator: Dr. Sanoj Ali
Level: All
Room: MR 236-238
Learning Objectives
- Learn about Procedural Sedation in NICU
- Novel use of Buccal Midazolam for safety of
sedation in neonates
Procedural sedation with buccal midazolam under neonatologist supervision is
efficient, and effective in babies undergoing MRI in this single-center study.
Larger studies may be warranted to assess the suitability of this modality for
Breakout F8-1
Post Restraint
Multi-Disciplinary Team Review: A Mental Health leadership initiative to minimize
restrictive practices in Mental Health Services
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Mr. Ananth Nazarene
Moderator: Ms. Fadia Hasan
Level: All
Room: MR 239-241
Learning Objectives
- The learners will be able to understand the Post
Restraint MDT initiative
- The learners will be able to appreciate the
initiatives of Post restraint MDT review to minimize the restrictive
in Mental Health Services, Qatar
Breakout F8-2
Learning Conversations Model for Clinical Reasoning Skills Optimization in
Simulated Learning Environments: A Mixed Methods Comparative Study
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Mr. Emad Almomani
Moderator: Ms. Fadia Hasan
Level: All
Learning Objectives
- Explore how to effectively facilitate
reflective learning conversations as a debriefing method
- Describe the strategies to be used during the
post-simulation reflective learning conversations to optimize learners’
reasoning, judgment, and decision-making skills
- Describe the development and validation of a RLC
in consideration of different influencing and contributing factors to
clinical reasoning while attending group-based RLC
Simulation-based education effectively immerses healthcare professionals in
scenarios that mimic clinical situations, mitigate patient safety risks, and
practice with focused learning opportunities (1). Debriefing is an essential
part of
a simulation, and Reflective Learning Conversations RLC is a form of simulation
debriefing that incorporates empathic, active, and reflective discussions shared
between a small group of participants. The RLC is facilitated by a
facilitator to enhance clinical reasoning skills, hence, improving patients’
outcomes (2). The impact of group-based RLC on clinical reasoning levels
with contributing factors of scenario complexity; learners’ experiences;
backgrounds; and competence levels in a multicultural learning environment has
been previously investigated (3). This describes the development and validation
of a
simulation RLC model in consideration of different influencing and contributing
factors to optimize clinical reasoning while attending group-based RLC.
Breakout F9
High Reliability
Session Track: Applied Improvement
Speakers: Prof. John Boulton
Moderator: Dr. Mohamed Mahmah
Level: All
Room: MR 104
Learning Objectives
- Able to define a High Reliability Organisation
- Describe the five underlying principles that High
Reliability Organisations possess
- Understand how to apply some of the principles to
delegate’s area of work
High reliability organisations work in environments that have potential for
large-scale risk and harm, but manage to balance effectiveness, efficiency and
safety over long periods of time. Increasingly hospital systems are seeking to
understand the principles of high reliability in order to improve patient
safety. This practical session will define the principles of High Reliability
Organisations and examine how they could be applied to health care, with example
case studies.
Breakout F10
Navigating Through Challenges: Little Steps, Big Impact
Session Track: Quality & Safety
Speakers: Ms. Betty Jaison
Ms. Basema Al Houri
Mr. Mohammad Al Kuwari
Mr. Manasik Hassan
Moderator: Mr. Zenat Kanfosh
Level: All
Room: MR 105
Learning Objectives
- Apply the quality improvement methodologies within
the Pediatrics Emergency department. Focus on value improvement initiatives.
Analyze successful projects. Identify, measure, and enhance value in
healthcare delivery
- Describe the strategies employed by the Pediatrics
department to improve access to care in the OPD. Explore innovative
approaches to streamline processes, reduce waiting times, and ultimately
enhance the overall patient experience in outpatient settings
- Explore the quality improvement initiatives
implemented within the inpatient services of the Pediatrics department.
Analyze successful projects. Apply practical insights to enhance the quality
of care, patient safety, and overall satisfaction in inpatient settings,
contributing to continuous improvement efforts
In a one hour session the pediatrics department, role models how a meso-system
in HMC utilize quality improvement focusing on three core objectives. First,
explore the principles of value improvement, gaining insights into their
application within pediatric care and the identification of measurable
improvements. Shift your focus to outpatient settings, understanding strategies
employed to enhance access to care and elevate the overall patient experience.
Finally, examine best practices in quality improvement within inpatient
services, emphasizing patient safety and satisfaction. This comprehensive
session provides practical insights into successful projects, contributing to a
deeper understanding of optimizing healthcare delivery and patient-centered
Breakout F11
Preventive Medicine Model – International Best Practice & Progress in Qatar
Session Track: Population Health
Speakers: Dr. Noora Al Kaabi
Prof. Mahmood Adil
Moderator: Dr. Mohammed Al Kuwari
Level: All
Room: Exhibition Hall 2
Learning Objectives
- Understand the evolution of hospitals from
exclusive medical care providers to health-promoting institutions,
emphasizing preventive medicine models – using UK as a international example
- Comprehend the key components of Qatar's
Hospital-Based Preventive Medicine Model, including prevention services,
rehabilitation, environmental health, occupational medicine, and lifestyle
- Evaluate the Health Risk Reduction Program's
impact on health parameters, recognizing its effectiveness in promoting
positive lifestyle changes and reducing disease-related morbidity
Hospitals, traditionally focused on medical care, shifted towards health
promotion a decade ago with WHO's initiative. In Qatar, a Hospital-Based
Preventive Medicine Model was adopted, expanding services to cover prevention,
rehabilitation, environmental health, occupational medicine, and lifestyle
medicine. Prioritizing prevention services to reduce mortality factors,
physicians find these services effective and cost-efficient. Qatar's Health Risk
Reduction Program, initiated in 2022, demonstrated positive health parameter
improvements in a sample of seventy-three patients, emphasizing the potential of
preventive medicine for long-term health benefits. Further evaluation and
expansion of the program are recommended.
Poster Awards
Dr. Abdullatif Al Khal
Prof. Abdul Badi Abou Samra
Mr. Nasser Al Naimi
Moderator: Dr. Khawla Ahmed
Al Mayasa Theatre
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Learning Objectives
- Recognize best practices and presentations of QI projects
- Celebrate the best achieving teams in healthcare systems
In this session the speaker will show case the best practices of
quality improvement and patient safety and acknowledge the well presented posters form best
performing teams.
Plenary 6: Finding Your
Speakers:Mr. Jason Caldwell
Moderator: Prof. Abdul Badi Abou Samra
Al Mayasa Theatre
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As a speaker with over 13 years experience, Jason draws from the hard-earned perspective
he's learned leading teams through grueling endurance challenges. He touches on themes of
high-performance team leadership, team dynamics, risk assessment and mitigation, while using
his record breaking Atlantic row attempt, amongst others, as a backdrop to illustrate his
points. Jason is also passionate about emotion-driven leadership, as explored in his book
“Navigating the Impossible”, and the power of understanding and leveraging your "why" as
teams take on challenges.
Learning Objectives
- Overcoming Adversity and Change
- Leveraging Human Emotion
- Answering the Question “Why”
- Commitment
- Being Strategically Malleable
- Empowerment
Closing Remarks
Prof. Abdul Badi Abou
Al Mayasa Theatre
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Learning Objectives
- Understand the key outcomes, learnings and take-aways from
conference to inform our work in quality and safety in 2024.
Hear from the Forum chairpersons as they recap key learnings and outcomes from the