The New Nursing and Midwifery Career Framework (NMCF)

As part of our journey toward delivering one of the best nursing services in the world, HMC is moving to a degree nursing workforce; meaning the baccalaureate in nursing (BSN*) will be the entry qualification for new nurses and midwives hired, and transferred or promoted. The Nursing and Midwifery Career Framework (NMCF) at HMC details required education, skills and competencies for various nursing and midwifery positions and provides a transparent set of role objectives, behaviors and skills for nurses and midwives at each stage of their professional development.

This Framework has been designed in accordance with international best practice and is an essential part of realizing the HMC Nursing Strategy vision of a world class nursing service with the right staff, educated to the right standards, in the right structure, giving the best care as part of the Academic Health System.

While there is a growing body of evidence that shows baccalaureate-prepared nurses have a deeper understanding of critical thinking, leadership, case management, and health promotion, and play an important role in the delivery of safe patient care, we do not discount the unique value diploma nurses bring to the practice setting. Through the NMCF we will encourage all of our nurses and midwives to embrace lifelong learning and to seek to advance their education.

A downloadable copy of the NMCF is posted below.

For additional information including a list of Frequently asked Questions, visit i-Tawasol

If you have any questions, please speak to your direct supervisor or contact

Ms. Alanoud Hamad Al-Marri
Executive Director of Nursing/Midwifery 
Workforce and Wellbeing

*BSN is being used as a collective term for a nursing-related degree.

The New Nursing and Midwifery Career Framework at HMC >>