Dr. Palmira Caparrotti
Dr Palmira Caparrotti is a Radiation Oncologist, working at the National Center for Cancer Care and Research, in Doha (Qatar) as a Consultant, with a strong interest in breast cancer. She received her MD from the Sacred Heart Catholic University in Rome and her Specialist degree from La Sapienza University in the Italian capital, gaining her experience at the Umberto I Teaching Hospital. She has later worked at the San Giovanni Calibita Hospital in the heart of historic Rome, collaborating with national experts in the treatment of Breast, and Head and Neck cancers. Dr Caparrotti has actively worked in clinical and research areas, winning several prestigious grants from the Fatebenefratelli Research Association. Based in Doha since 2014, she is a core member of the breast multidisciplinary team and has actively participated in the implementation of national guidelines for the management of breast cancer.