• 12/24/2023
    ​Doha, 24 December 2023: An Interventional team from Hamad Medical Corporation’s (HMC) Heart Hospital performed a transcatheter aortic valve replacement and Complex PCI procedures while delegates at an at GULF-PCR conference observed via live transmission.

    Dr. Mohammed Ahmad A H Al-Hijji, Interventional Consultant Cardiologist, who led the interventional team, said: “The cath lab team is proud to be able to deliver this live transmission to attendees at the GULF-PCR conference in Dubai. The cardiac cath lab services we provide at Heart Hospital are delivered on par with the highest international standards and the live transmission presented a great opportunity to share our knowledge and practices to help educate fellow healthcare professionals.”

    Cardiac cath lab team members included Dr. Mohammed Al Hijji, Dr. Salem Abujala, Dr. AbdulRehman Arabi, Dr. Hakam Alzaeem, Dr. Cheikh Ahmed Maaly, Dr. Samy Hanoura, Dr. Ahmed Salem, Manoj Almeida, Mohamadisak Mulla, Rajkumar Anandan, Praveen Putta, Abid Khan, Suhas Karale, Ali Al Hawamdah, Jini Stevan, Jaisy Thomas, Divya Joy, Dave Sinson and Nicolai Amoroso. 
    The trans catheter aortic valve replacement procedure involves replacing an aortic valve that is narrowed and doesn't open fully. The procedure is minimally invasive, meaning it uses small incisions and does not require major open-heart surgery. This procedure has become a routine part of patient care at Heart Hospital, boosting treatment outcomes for patients. 

    Dr. Nidal Asaad, Chief Executive Officer and Medical Director of the Heart Hospital said: “The GULF-PCR conference is one of the largest interventional cardiology conferences in the MENA region. The live transmission provided a wonderful platform for our cath lab team to showcase their expertise and the high-quality care that is delivered to our patients every day at the Heart Hospital.”