Dr. Rafie A. Yakoob

Dr. Rafie A. Yakoob is Senior Consultant Gastroenterology in Hamad Medical Corporation-Qatar, Therapeutic Endoscopist and Assistant Clinical Professor in Weill Cornell Medical College -Qatar, with special interest in Inflammatory bowel disease, Endoscopic treatment of Obesity & Palliative Endotherapy for advanced upper & lower GI malignancies. He is ex-program director for Gastroenterology Fellowship in Hamad Medical corporation, Core member in IBD-MDT, Obesity-MDT, Upper GI tract malignancy MDT& Gastroenterology Guide lines team. He is having many publications as principle investigator or co-investigator and speaker in many local, regional and international conferences. He has important contributions in establishing good scientific relationship with other IBD centers in Europe like Oxford IBD center (UK), Leuven IBD center (Belgium) & AIG in Hyderabad / INDIA Center by arranging combined conferences once a year with each center and arranging for doctors' visits in both directions & recently combined research projects with these expert centers. He has a big role in establishing HMC-IBD center as a Center of excellence in the region along with other 7 centers all over the world in Canada & Europe in 2016. His achievement in Gastroenterology in Hamad Medical Corporation was rewarded by many Stars of Excellence from the corporation. He has good contribution in training a lot of junior gastroenterologist for different therapeutic endoscopic procedures.