Dr. Bart Haagmans
Dr. Bart Haagmans is a virologist working at the Viroscience department, Erasmus Medical Center. His research line focusses on the pathogenesis of viral infections and especially those viruses that emerge through zoonotic transmission, as a basis for (future) interventions and medical countermeasures. He is a recognized leader in the field of Coronaviruses. Studies on MERS led to a more detailed understanding of the biology of this emerging virus and led to novel intervention strategies to contain the outbreak.
Recently, he expanded his research to include SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Haagmans brings a strong track record of fundamental and applied research of MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, and the development of reagents and protocols for molecular and serological detection of these emerging viral pathogens. His research includes the characterization of viral variants and the serological response generated in the susceptible host species of many other viral infections of humans and animals.
Dr. Haagmans has more than 230 publications on different subjects in (clinical) virology, including identification and characterization of novel emerging viruses, transmission and pathogenesis of emerging viruses, and the development of vaccines. He is an expert consultant of WHO, FAO and OIE on coronaviruses. He is recognized for his unique ability to translate the fundamental aspects of pathogenesis of viral infections, with his focus on those viruses that emerge through zoonotic transmission posing a threat to public health, into options for interventions and medical countermeasures. Special emphasis was put also on developing protocols for diagnostic work with different viruses, including ebolavirus in western Africa, the existing biosafety laboratories currently operational at the Viroscience Department and the newly built animal biosafety lab. This is compulsory to perform research with these highly pathogenic viruses considering appropriate biosafety and biosecurity measures. He is PI on several Dutch and EU grants and is co-coordinating the IMI ZAPI project, focused on zoonotic anticipation and preparedness initiatives, and amongst others led to discovery of broadly cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies against beta coronaviruses.