Dalia Samhouri, PhD, MPH
Dr. Dalia Sanhouri is a public health professional with about two decades of experience in health emergency preparedness and response at the scientific, policy, managerial and academic levels.
Currently, she is the Regional Manager of Emergency Preparedness and International Health Regulations at the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Cairo, Egypt. Collaborating with many humanitarian and development partners, Dr. Samhouri is taking the lead role strategies with focus on all-hazard preparedness and disaster risk reduction, emergency care system, mass gatherings, One Health, points of entry and population movements, risk communication and community engagement and strengthening operational readiness for health emergencies. Dr. Samhouri received her PhD degree in Biomedical Science (Global Health) from the University of Geneva, Switzerland and a master’s degree of Public Health (Epidemiology/Biostatistics) from Tulane University in the United States.