Pharm D, Ph D,
Alpes-Maritimes Fire & Rescue Services - FRANCE
From 1995 to 2011, Dr. Denis Josse has overseen leading and mentoring CBRN research activities, mostly at the French Army Biomedical Research Institute (Toxicology), in the fields of protection, decontamination, diagnosis & treatments (bioscavengers).
Since 2012, he has been managing the Pharmaceutical Services of the Alpes-Maritimes (France) Fire & Rescue Services. He is also in charge of advising the Command on toxicological & CBRN risks management and contribute to the education and training of our CBRN responders, more specifically in the Health Services, from the local up to the national level.
Recently (since 2015), he has been involved in the organization of the international Conference “CBRNE Research and Innovation” (5th edition at Lille-FR, 3-6 May 2022).