It is recommended that women begin regular annual breast cancer screening at the age of 45. Hamad Medical Corporation offers a breast cancer screening clinic at Women’s Hospital, operated by a team of specialists from the National Center for Cancer Care and Research.

To book an appointment please call: 4439 8994

The clinic is open from Sunday to Thursday, 8am to 2pm.

Breast cancer screening is for women without any signs or symptoms of cancer and involves a mammogram (a low dose x-ray exam of your breasts).

If you have symptoms you are worried about, please book an appointment as soon as possible with your primary care doctor, regardless of your age, to see if you need a referral to see a specialist.

Changes to look for in your breasts include:
  • A change in size or shape which is not normal for you
  • Redness or a rash on the skin and/or around the nipple
  • Discharge from one or both of your nipples
  • A lump or thickening that feels different from the rest of the breast tissue
  • A change in skin texture such as puckering or dimpling (like orange peel)
  • If your nipple becomes inverted (pulled in) or changes position or shape
  • A lump or pain in the underarm/armpit
Remember: If you find any changes to your breasts that are not normal to you, you should make an appointment with your doctor, even if you have been recently screened.

A small number of breast cancer cases do run in the family. If you know that you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, do let your doctor know.